
Traqueurs de requins

Traqueurs de requins

Ce film vous transporte jusqu'en Australie, sur la grande barrière de corail. C'est l'un des plus spectaculaires mondes sous-marins de la planète. Biologiste marin spécialiste des requins, Richard Fitzpatrick a passé sa vie entière à étudier cet animal incompris. Il réalise ici une étude scientifique inédite et surprenante sur les requins..

Nataly Fish

The Last Trackers of the Outback

The Last Trackers of the Outback

For millenniums, Aborigines used tracking to survive. Their ancient skills now help police capture murderers and save people's lives. Will modern technology replace an art based on the intimate bond between man and nature?

Nataly Fish

Sky Trackers

Sky Trackers

NASA's Tidbinbilla Tracking station in Australia prepares for the re-entry of a decaying satellite containing a dangerous biological experiment. It is decided to bring it down near the station, for which job Dr Tony Masters has been brought in to assist Dr Spencer. At the same time, and unknown to her, Dr Spencer's daughter Ali has been using her c..

Nataly Fish

Dino Dan: Dino Trackers / Ready? Set? Dino!

Dino Dan: Dino Trackers / Ready? Set? Dino!

Follow the adventures of paleontologist-in-training Dan Henderson as he imagines dinosaurs into the real world! In this special double feature, join Dan as he races a T-Rex and a Spinosaurus to see who's a faster carnivore, makes dancing in gym class fun using different dinosaur movements, and learns all about teamwork from his dinosaur pals. Dan u..

Nataly Fish

Mark Knopfler: Tracker - A Documentary

Mark Knopfler: Tracker - A Documentary

For all fans who like this album “Tracker”, down below is short 23 minutes documentary video. In this documentary, Mark talks about the mysterious craft of song-writing as well as his inspiration drawn from literature and the close creative collaboration with his band. When he talks about the songs from the album, he also made a short acoustic ..

Nataly Fish

Night Trackers

Night Trackers

A woman and a small-town sheriff investigate a laboratory whose toxic waste might be causing genetic mutations in the local fauna.

Nataly Fish

Asteroid Trackers

Asteroid Trackers

The asteroid believed to have wiped out dinosaurs 65 million years ago was rare but hardly unique. This compelling special delves into various facets of asteroid research around the globe revealing how experts are pushing the boundaries of technology to protect us from 250-ton behemoths like Apophis, an asteroid that could come dangerously come clo..

Nataly Fish

Deadly Trackers

Deadly Trackers

Jeff sets out to murder each one of the five outlaws who robbed, raped and killed his poor sister. He lays a fragment of her poncho on each of his victims' dead bodies as a mark of his revenge in a gripping, exciting tale.

Nataly Fish

The Two in Tracksuits

The Two in Tracksuits

Un fils quitte son travail et est persuadé par son père de partir pour un chalet dans les montagnes reculées. Ensemble, ils parviennent à passer leurs journées en portant de vieux maillots laissés par une grand-mère décédée. L'été suivant, les deux quittent à nouveau la chaleur étouffante de Tokyo, comme s'ils s'échappaient vers le c..

Nataly Fish

Ghost Tracks (Ghost World 2)

Ghost Tracks (Ghost World 2)

Un vagabondage sur des voies abandonnées à la poursuite d’un train non encore passé ou depuis longtemps disparu.

Nataly Fish

Dirty Handz 2 : Back On Tracks

Dirty Handz 2 : Back On Tracks

Cette suite rassemble davantage de crew : 13ers, 156, BASF, CLM (Contrôle Le Métro), FMK, GT (Grim Team), MX, PME, SDK (Stealing Dealing Killing), TMA (Train Mon Ami) de Liège, T?C (The Unknown Crew) et les suédois du WUFC (Writers United Fuckin' Crazy) de Stockholm. L'action se déroulant toujours à Paris, elle est considérée comme un clas..

Nataly Fish

Tracking satyrs

Tracking satyrs

L'histoire, inspirée du mythe d'Apollon perdant son troupeau de vaches et de son accord avec un groupe de satyres pour l'aider à les retrouver, est une mise à jour du drame satirique Ichneutae de Sophocle, sous la forme d'un docu-fiction.

Nataly Fish

Kamal: The Tracker

Kamal: The Tracker

Directed by Ido Sela.

Nataly Fish

Twister 2 - Extreme tornade

Twister 2 - Extreme tornade

Le général Roberts et son équipe sont les concepteurs du Storm, un appareil capable de contrôler les fluctuations météorologiques. Afin de perfectionner le système, Ron Young, un jeune météorologue, par ailleurs concepteur de logiciels axés sur les mécanismes atmosphériques, est appelé en renfort. Après son intervention, Storm, équip..

Nataly Fish

Blood Seekers

Blood Seekers

2032 – After a large part of the female population was wiped out by a deadly virus five years ago, the government tries to stabilize the population with the help of surviving women. In order to achieve that, Jim and Cole have to track down and extradite surviving women. During a routine checkup, the two Blood Agents meet Mel Arcan, a disguised p..

Nataly Fish

Bush Shrink

Bush Shrink

In an unstable African country, US psychiatrist Martin Cypher teams up with a street-smart poacher to save his patient and her uncle Kingsley, who runs a diamond mine, from some rebels led by white mercenaries, who took them for ransom.

Nataly Fish

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