
Entretien avec un manipulateur narcissique

Entretien avec un manipulateur narcissique

Kenzie Stone est une journaliste traumatisée par le suicide de sa jeune sœur, Maddie, un an plus tôt. Lorsque sa meilleure amie et patronne à DTVC, la chaîne de télévision qui l’emploie, lui présente son nouveau petit ami, le docteur Jasper Preston, un psychiatre de renom, elle décide de l’interviewer pour une émission qui présente d..

Nataly Fish

Le clan des manipulatrices

Le clan des manipulatrices

Audrey rentre à l'université, mais pas dans les conditions qu'elle aurait souhaité : elle vit chez sa mère. Elle renconctre Cali, qui lui propose de rejoindre son groupe d'amies, La communauté. Mais ce n'est pas un groupe inoffensif…

Nataly Fish



Manipulations is a video inspired by the famous game of logic Rubik’s cube. It is a succession of close-ups of varying intensity showing a pair of hands manipulating a cube with colored faces, to a soundtrack of a regular and insistent beat, the clicking of the cubes combining at times with strident acoustic distortions. As the resolution of the ..

Nataly Fish

three manipulations

three manipulations

I'm wearing the uniform of our time

Nataly Fish



“I think being in the lesbian community means being in a very tiny room with the same five people, four of whom you absolutely despise.”

Nataly Fish

Herzsofort.Setzung II (autogene Manipulationen)

Herzsofort.Setzung II (autogene Manipulationen)

The ECG of metempsychosis (from the genes to the zodiac). Electrographics of the 4th Dimension.

Nataly Fish



L’organisation terroriste, Le CAMU (Comité Anti-Mondialisation Unifié), menace le territoire français alors que les candidats à la future élection présidentielle se précisent. Si le gouvernement ne verse pas la rançon demandée, des bombes programmées à l’avance, exploseront sur l’ensemble du réseau ferroviaire. Malgré l’ampleur..

Nataly Fish

Some Manipulations

Some Manipulations

A four-screen within one frame film, shot in un-slit regular 8mm, in four sections of four performance / happening / destruction art events presented in 1967 at the Judson Gallery below Washington Square in New York City. SOME MANIPULATIONS captures the confrontational light pieces of Jean Toche, an avant garde musical performance by Nam June Paik ..

Nataly Fish



Entre Paris et Gènes, des jeunes gens, membres d'une brigade antiterroriste, sont chargés par leur chef, le commissaire saint-Blanca, d'infiltrer une organisation terroriste : la brigade de propagande armée ; inspiré de faits réels, ce téléfilm dénonce aussi bien les méthodes des terroristes que celles de Saint-Blanca, flic sans scrupules ..

Nataly Fish

Nazis: Monsters of Manipulation

Nazis: Monsters of Manipulation

There can be very few people who have not heard the term, Nazi. And yet there are very few who can pinpoint the actual meaning. Yes, it brings to mind terrible atrocities and evil looking characters from war films. We all know that it is a word with evil connotations. Their symbol, the swastika, is banned from public display in almost all parts of ..

Nataly Fish

Early Color TV Manipulations

Early Color TV Manipulations

Marked by a playful, irreverent sense of improvisation and experimentation, these experiments with image manipulation and synthesis form a link between Paik's performance and sculptural works of the 1950s and early 1960s and the celebrated video works and installations of his later years.

Nataly Fish

A Manipulation of the Mouth

A Manipulation of the Mouth

Not all is what it seems.

Nataly Fish

A Manipulated Man

A Manipulated Man

If there is a fixed number of words that a person speaks within his/her lifetime, and if that number is controlled from somewhere by someone, then it would probably be like the story in this film.

Nataly Fish

Memory: Manipulated Murder

Memory: Manipulated Murder

It's not true that I remember my husband's disappearance and the strange events that happened. Soo-yeon is consulted by psychiatrist Jeong-woo after her husband Yeong-min disappears, and Jeong-woo visits the site and advice Soo-yeon whose memories are confused to visit the place where she first met her husband. Soo-yeon suddenly changes her attitud..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Break the Power of the Manipulators

Break the Power of the Manipulators

Documentary by Helke Sander, in collaboration with Harun Farocki (among others), about the campaign of the West German New Left against the publishing house Springer, particularly its control and manipulation of the news.

Nataly Fish

Manipulated by Fingers

Manipulated by Fingers

Narrates the bizarre experiences of two young men on a quest.

Nataly Fish

Brainwashed - Le sexisme au cinéma

Brainwashed - Le sexisme au cinéma

Analysant avec rigueur plus de 175 extraits de films, la réalisatrice Nina Menkes montre qu'un sexisme systémique guide la représentation des femmes au cinéma. Le septième art, "langage commun de la culture du viol" ?

Nataly Fish

Tous les gouvernements mentent

Tous les gouvernements mentent

Isador Feinstein Stone, alias "I. F." ou "Izzy" Stone (1907-1989) est l’une des figures les plus glorieuses du journalisme américain. Farouchement indépendant et engagé à gauche, il a battu en brèche durant des décennies la propagande politique, les abus du Maccartisme, la ségrégation raciale, la guerre du Vietnam et la collusion avec l�..

Nataly Fish

The Pickup Game

The Pickup Game

Generating over a billion dollars a year, the pickup industry is shocking, secretive and—to put it politely—scummy. Built upon myths and manipulation, expensive workshops and training videos push an agenda that women are biologically attracted to alpha males. If men can learn techniques to overcome their shyness and become socially dominant, th..

Nataly Fish

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