


A l'automne 1942, une unité d'agents russes menée par le commandant Sedovest déployée en Ukraine. Des rumeurs portent à croire qu'Hitler a érigé son nouveau QG dans le bunker Werewolf, au nord du pays. L'Armée Rouge exige alors que l'équipe de Sedovse rende sur place pour anéantir l'ennemi. En sous-effectif et en manque de munitions, ils ..

Nataly Fish

Le Bunker de la dernière rafale

Le Bunker de la dernière rafale

Un équipage militaire, cloîtré dans un bunker à une époque indéterminée, vit dans une ambiance de tension perpétuelle et de démence, aux aguets d'un ennemi supposé et invisible.

Nataly Fish

100 ans d'Adolf Hitler - Les Dernières heures dans le bunker du Führer

100 ans d'Adolf Hitler - Les Dernières heures dans le bunker du Führer

On 30 April 1945, dictator Adolf Hitler, his wife Eva Braun, and prominent members of the Third Reich live out their final hour in the Führerbunker.

Nataly Fish

Bunker or Tales I Heard When the World Fell

Bunker or Tales I Heard When the World Fell

In a world polluted by atomic radiation, five survivors find shelter in an underground bunker. The sudden discovery of a rare and miraculous medicine will become a source of quarrel within the group.

Nataly Fish

Bunker Paradise

Bunker Paradise

Sympathique et fauché, Mimmo rêve d'être riche et célèbre, mais pour l'instant il est chauffeur de taxi. Un soir, il rencontre John Deveau, un homme riche et pervers et sa bande qui l'entraînent dans un monde de luxueuses fêtes entre nantis. Sous le charme et se croyant arrivé, Mimmo pense alors que ce milieu veut de lui. En réalité, il t..

Nataly Fish

À la guerre comme à la guerre

À la guerre comme à la guerre

Lors de la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis, deux camps, anglais et américain, se battent. Sam, un anglais, découvre que le fortin ennemi n'abrite que Bugs. Sam, voulant l'impressionner avec une fanfare, se fait tirer dessus à coups de canon. Après plusieurs changements de camp dus à de nombreuses charges, Sam finit par rentrer dans un c..

Nataly Fish

Los Bunkers: Dog's Life

Los Bunkers: Dog's Life

The story of the Chilean band Los Bunkers, from start in Concepción to the first tour in Mexico.

Nataly Fish

The Bunker

The Bunker

A fictional war-torn valor story of heroism, set in the uncharted lands of "The Ho Bo Woods" in southern Vietnam in 1965. Following a bogus ghost hunt for a missing Special Forces unit led by a man they call Ranger, Private Johannes Schenke (Han) attempts to save an alleged nVa (North Vietnamese Army) operative, along with his comrades who have bee..

Nataly Fish

La Fille du Bunker

La Fille du Bunker

Javier lives by the golf course, among the musical trees, the dune tunnel, and the phone cemetery.

Nataly Fish

Los Bunkers: SCL

Los Bunkers: SCL

SCL is a concert - film by the Chilean group Los Bunkers. This contains the audiovisual record of the concert held at the Movistar Arena on August 2, 2013 for the release of their seventh album La Velocidad de la Luz.

Nataly Fish

Bunker Boy

Bunker Boy

Third episode of the anthology series 'Jaago Bahey', set during the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. A war-torn nation. Two men from the opposite end of the spectrum meet in a bunker. One a Bengali boy and the other a Baluch soldier. One a hunter; other a prey. Both want to survive.

Nataly Fish

Barrage and Bunker

Barrage and Bunker

Barrage and Bunker is an essay film about the (narrative) space imagined by fiction films. Reflections and associations about movement in space are the basis of every kind of story-telling. The film is sometimes referred to as part of Bitomsky's Cinema Trilogy. Sequences from over 20 movies are quoted and commented on by a team of three "researcher..

Nataly Fish

Los Bunkers: Live in Concert

Los Bunkers: Live in Concert

Los Bunkers document their live show on this DVD, following the success of "Vida de Perros" (A Dog's Life), their US debut on Nacional Records. They're one of the leading forces of indie rock from South America and have since built a solid US following. "Live" captures them at their finest - at a sold out show.

Nataly Fish

Los Bunkers: A documentary by Sonar

Los Bunkers: A documentary by Sonar

The routine and intimacy of Los Bunkers in their life in Mexico is recorded in this documentary about the rock band from Concepción.

Nataly Fish

Bunker of the Dead

Bunker of the Dead

After Using the instructions found in an old Jewish diary, Markus and Thomas hope to gain access to a WW II underground military base formerly codenamed: Cerusit. It was used by the Nazis as a secret research institute and is shrouded in rumors to this day about the lost gold of the Third Reich. The entrance to the cave system, however, lies right..

Nataly Fish

The Bunker

The Bunker

When mysterious alien ships appear in the sky, a scientist is sealed in an underground bunker and must create a bio-weapon to stop the unknown visitors, but paranoia and isolation cause her to question the true intention of her mission.

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth Shoaf: The Girl in a Bunker

Elizabeth Shoaf: The Girl in a Bunker

A docu-special, which recounts the terrifying true story in Elizabeth Shoaf's own words. Featuring news footage and interviews with first-hand accounts from Shoaf, her parents and police officials, the special takes viewers through Shoaf's journey to a new beginning.

Nataly Fish

Bunker Burger

Bunker Burger

The members of an underground, post-apocalyptic bunker invite a psychologist from the radioactive and chaotic surface to audition for a place to live among them.

Nataly Fish

Bunker Hill

Bunker Hill

Peter Salem, a former Wall Street executive recently released from prison, returns to his ex-wife and children in the small town of Bunker Hill, Kansas. Soon after he arrives, the town's electricity and power are shut off, and there is no way to communicate with authorities outside of town. The town's militant past is reawakened and forces coalesce..

Nataly Fish

Der Bunker - eine todsichere Falle
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