
Nino (Une adolescence imaginaire de Nino Ferrer)

Nino (Une adolescence imaginaire de Nino Ferrer)

Nino a 16 ans, les vacances commencent et son cœur balance entre Natacha, une très belle fille, comédienne au théâtre comme dans la vie, et la délicieuse Nathalie qu’il connait depuis toujours. Celle-ci refuse que « l’homme de sa vie » s’éloigne d’elle aussi inexorablement que son enfance…

Nataly Fish

a letter to adolescence

a letter to adolescence

quarantine thoughts

Nataly Fish

L'adolescence de l'art

L'adolescence de l'art

TV Movie by Mac'o

Nataly Fish

Dating and Sex Behaviour: Adolescence 1967

Dating and Sex Behaviour: Adolescence 1967

A mockumentary that redefines 1960s values.

Nataly Fish

Lost Adolescence

Lost Adolescence

After two cousins connect with each other closer than they've ever had before, their next night together turns into a time of realization when one of them disappears into a world of psychedelic wonders and the other tries to find them in the midst of psychological stress.

Nataly Fish

Solitude d'adolescence

Solitude d'adolescence

Une errance à travers la campagne, en quête d'élévation profondément ancrée a même la terre, nous convie à d’étranges et secrètes envolées mélancoliques. Nous invite à traverser cette terre perdue de l'enfance de l'art, temps immémoriaux suintant la nostalgie de l'âge d’or, dégoulinant de l’abandon d'une gloire tragique, perdu..

Nataly Fish

Discipline During Adolescence

Discipline During Adolescence

Tells story of an adolescent who returns home late at night and neglects his school work. Pictures alternate methods of discipline being tried by his parents without success. Attempts to determine how much discipline is good for adolescents. Shows the results of both too little and too much parental control.

Nataly Fish

Meaning Of Adolescence

Meaning Of Adolescence

An overview of the social, emotional, mental and physical changes which occur in the adolescent with suggestions on how adults can help.

Nataly Fish

Meeting the Needs of Adolescence

Meeting the Needs of Adolescence

Meeting the Needs of Adolescence deals with a brother and an older sister, each a distinctive personality. Janet and Tom's parents accept each child--they recognize Janet's need for independence and support her early experiences with boys, and they respect Tom's efforts to think things through in his own way. Teachers viewing the film will note the..

Nataly Fish

Social-Sex Attitudes in Adolescence

Social-Sex Attitudes in Adolescence

An educational film from 1953 to encourage parents talk to their children about adolescence.

Nataly Fish

On m'a volé mon adolescence

On m'a volé mon adolescence

Dans les années 1960, deux jeunes filles se retrouvent livrées à elles-mêmes dans le pavillon familial déserté par leurs parents.

Nataly Fish



Olga is a seventh-grader who has a brilliant gift - she writes a beautiful poems...

Nataly Fish



A young man from America falls in love with a girl who already has a boyfriend.

Nataly Fish

Bad adolescence

Bad adolescence

How a bad company can ruin a teenager?

Nataly Fish

Varying Adolescence

Varying Adolescence

Also goes by the title "我们的从前," and the English translated title "The Way We Were." The film follows the lives of four friend in high school. Qin Wei comes to Beijing with his father to study during his third year in high school; he secretly likes his class leader, Yun Yun, but he dares not express himself too explicitly, and instead spen..

Nataly Fish



Parent apathy to sexual education leads to various troubles for the young cast.

Nataly Fish

Adolescence Part II

Adolescence Part II

A story of unhappy youths and the perils of lack of sex education.

Nataly Fish



At dawn, the mother blesses her son bidding him farewell. He is accompanied by his father. Together they go to the station. There, his girlfriend is waiting for him. She does not only see him off, but is going to leave with him. The father does not let her go. They stay, and the boy goes to where a new life awaits him, without the father’s watchf..

Nataly Fish

Puberty, Adolescence, the Difficult Age

Puberty, Adolescence, the Difficult Age

A group of adolescents from the same school, although of different social classes, intervene between them. Oscar falls in love with Sandra until Diego seduces her and makes her pregnant...

Nataly Fish



Pendant l'été 1939, Marie, âgée de treize ans, part avec ses parents rendre visite à sa grand-mère dans une petite ville près d'Avignon. Marie découvre sa féminité et se prend de passion pour un jeune médecin juif qui lui préfère Eva, sa mère.

Nataly Fish

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