
Let's Meet Yesterday

Let's Meet Yesterday

Deux personnes décident de se lancer dans l'aventure d'être ensemble. Pendant ce qui semble un minuscule moment, leurs vies sont totalement synchronisées. Peu après, la communication commence à s'effondrer.

Nataly Fish

Little House: Look Back to Yesterday

Little House: Look Back to Yesterday

Albert Quinn Ingalls wants to be a doctor. But soon he discovers that he is fatally ill. He decides to spend the rest of his life in Walnut Grove. Meanwhile children from school are preparing for their traditional climbing of the mountain.

Nataly Fish

Quand l'esprit vient aux femmes

Quand l'esprit vient aux femmes

Billie Dawn, ancienne danseuse de cabaret, est aujourd'hui fiancée à Harry Brock, un millionnaire aux affaires douteuses. Profitant de la stupidité de sa compagne, il la rend responsable de toutes ses magouilles… et par la même occasion indispensable ! Malheureusement pour lui, la stupidité de Billie et son manque total d'éducation devienne..

Nataly Fish

Hier, aujourd'hui et demain

Hier, aujourd'hui et demain

Trois villes, trois récits sur le couple, la sexualité et le pouvoir. A Naples, Adelina vend des cigarettes au marché noir car son mari est au chômage. Mais elle se fait arrêter par la police... A Milan, Anna, une riche femme, s'ennuie et parle de s'enfuir avec son amant, un écrivain. Jusqu'au jour où il a un accident avec la voiture de cell..

Nataly Fish

Only Yesterday

Only Yesterday

On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.

Nataly Fish

Section d'assaut sur le Sittang

Section d'assaut sur le Sittang

En 1942, alors qu’ils ont la retraite coupée par l’avance des Japonais, le capitaine Langford et ses troupes britanniques exténuées parviennent à prendre dans la jungle birmane un village tenu par l’ennemi.

Nataly Fish

Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You

Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You

Takatoshi Minamiyama majors in art at an university in Kyoto. On the train to the school, he sees Emi Fukuju and falls in love with her at first sight. Gathering up all his courage, he speaks to her. They begin to date and enjoy happy days together, but Emi reveals her secret to him.

Nataly Fish

Say Hello to Yesterday

Say Hello to Yesterday

Approaching middle-age and stuck in an unfulfilled marriage, a suburban British housewife allows herself a sexual fling with a brash young hunk she meets on a commuter train.

Nataly Fish

The Road to Yesterday

The Road to Yesterday

Malena's apparent frigidity toward her husband Kenneth is a result of injustice done in an earlier incarnation when he was a knight and she was a gypsy headed for burning at the stake. This becomes evident when their unconscious minds travel back from a train wreck in the American plains to Elizabethan England.

Nataly Fish

Leave Yesterday Behind

Leave Yesterday Behind

A happy-go-lucky veterinary student, paralyzed for life in a college polo meet, finds love with a young woman who leaves her fiancée to help him overcome his handicap.

Nataly Fish

The Hero Cop: Yesterday and Today

The Hero Cop: Yesterday and Today

Behind the scenes look at 'Magnum Force'.

Nataly Fish

The Man from Yesterday

The Man from Yesterday

A psychic goes to the home of a woman who wants him to contact her dead fiancée, even though she has already remarried. Later, she ends up murdered! Soon the psychic points the finger at her jealous husband.

Nataly Fish

See You Yesterday

See You Yesterday

Two Brooklyn teenage prodigies, C.J. Walker and Sebastian Thomas, build make-shift time machines to save C.J.'s brother, Calvin, from being wrongfully killed by a police officer.

Nataly Fish

The Yesterday Machine

The Yesterday Machine

A Nazi scientist invents a time machine enabling him to go back to alter the events of WWII.

Nataly Fish

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

It’s a story of people and their secrets that tear them apart...The movie follows a surprising decision that each family member will make in the aftermath of a tragedy… life changing decisions that will either lead them to a future lasting happiness, or one full of despair.

Nataly Fish

Emicida: AmarElo - Hier et maintenant

Emicida: AmarElo - Hier et maintenant

Le rappeur et activiste Emicida célèbre le riche héritage de la culture noire brésilienne entre plusieurs scènes de concert au Theatro Municipal de São Paulo.

Nataly Fish

Chasing Yesterday

Chasing Yesterday

An elderly bachelor, feeling nostalgic for his youth, seeks out his late sweetheart's teenage daughter, now an orphan forced to attend a strict boarding school.

Nataly Fish

Chester, Yesterday’s Horse

Chester, Yesterday’s Horse

It's about the faith of a fourteen-year-old boy in the family Belgian draft horse named Chester who was used at the local logging company. Chester was retired when modern equipment became available for the logging industry. His owner, Ben Kincaid, was injured in an accident and his son, Silver, tried to earn the money the family needed by entering ..

Nataly Fish

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday and Today

A compilation of early-day silent films that serves as a glimpse back to the formative days of the movie industry as a salute to Hollywood's Golden Year, so proclaimed by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce as 1953.

Nataly Fish

Apocalypse Yesterday

Apocalypse Yesterday

The temperature of the Sun is rising mercilessly. In a few hours, the Earth and its inhabitants will disappear in the fires of hell. But there are those who will survive, flying in spaceships to another galaxy. Among these lucky ones are Bodia and his boyfriend Max. At least, that's what Bodia thinks. Max has completely different plans. He dumps Bo..

Nataly Fish

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