
Martin Margiela: In His Own Words

Martin Margiela: In His Own Words

In 2008, after a show celebrating the 20th anniversary of his fashion house, Maison Margiela, visionary designer Martin Margiela left the fashion world for good. Throughout his career, the Belgian designer remained anonymous, refusing interviews and never being photographed, leading some to call him the fashion world’s answer to Banksy. Now, more..

Nataly Fish

Charles III : Portrait d’un roi controversé

Charles III : Portrait d’un roi controversé

Le 6 mai 2023, Charles Windsor sera couronné roi d'Angleterre au cours d'une cérémonie regardée par des milliards de personnes à travers le monde. Cet événement historique marquera également l'entrée de la monarchie britannique dans un nouveau chapitre, mais quel genre de roi sera Charles III ? Ce film documentaire tente de répondre à ce..

Nataly Fish

Any Last Words?

Any Last Words?

Inspired by the life of Bat Masterson. After a violent war has broken out between the Cowboys and Native Americans, Bat finds himself lying on the ground, badly wounded, after a heroic showdown. Shot and on the brink of death he is visited by Mobius. As Mobius consoles him they revisit Bat's choices and how they have defined his life. He'll be left..

Nataly Fish

Louder Than Words

Louder Than Words

After the unexpected death of their daughter, a couple work to build a state of the art children's hospital where families are welcomed into the healing process.

Nataly Fish

Nos mots comme des bulles

Nos mots comme des bulles

Un garçon timide qui s'exprime par haïkus et une fille pétillante mais complexée se rencontrent par une journée ensoleillée et partagent un été aussi bref que magique.

Nataly Fish

Petits meurtres sur le campus : Scénario fatal

Petits meurtres sur le campus : Scénario fatal

Lors du festival du roman policier organisé à l'université, Graham est invité à présenter son nouvel opus des enquêtes d'Atticus Keller. Il rencontre à cette occasion son nouvel éditeur, avec qui il a uniquement échangé par mails. Rick Fitch, le grand rival de Graham, sera également présent. Mais un meurtre va bouleverser le dérouleme..

Nataly Fish

Killing Words

Killing Words

A mild-mannered psychopath plays mind-games with a woman he has tied to a chair in his basement.

Nataly Fish

David McCullough: Painting with Words

David McCullough: Painting with Words

Author/historian David McCullough welcomes viewers into his public and private world in this film. Produced by Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman--who adapted McCullough's 'John Adams' for the 7-part HBO miniseries--this documentary paints an affectionate, first-person portrait of the two-time Pulitzer Prize winner as he gives a speech and even visits his..

Nataly Fish

Last Words

Last Words

En 2085, la Terre n’est plus qu’un immense désert. Les derniers survivants se rejoignent à Athènes, appelés par un ultime espoir... Et si l’Humanité parvenait à trouver la plénitude alors même que tout s’écroule et qu’elle est condamnée ? L’histoire étonnante de la fin du monde, vécue de manière tendre et joyeuse, par les c..

Nataly Fish

Words of the Titanic

Words of the Titanic

Readings from the diaries, accounts and letters of its passengers and crew tell the story of the Titanic, which sank 100 years ago today on its maiden voyage. The cast includes Richard E Grant, Roger Allam, Anna Madeley, James Wilby and Claudie Blakley, alongside relatives of those who were on board. Charles Dance narrates.

Nataly Fish

In Other Words

In Other Words

A message in a whirling newspaper seems to reunite a man and a woman

Nataly Fish

Ma Vie est une Chanson

Ma Vie est une Chanson

Encomium to Larry Hart (1895-1943), seen through the fictive eyes of his song-writing partner, Richard Rodgers (1902-1979): from their first meeting, through lean years and their breakthrough, to their successes on Broadway, London, and Hollywood. We see the fruits of Hart and Rodgers' collaboration - elaborately staged numbers from their plays, ch..

Nataly Fish

Louder Than Words

Louder Than Words

Jill and Michael Stark are both deaf, as are their two children. Stuck between two cultures and wanting the best future for their children, they make the controversial choice for both of their children to undergo surgery for cochlear implants. They are part of only a handful of deaf parents in the US to choose implants for their children. After thi..

Nataly Fish

Three Words to Forever

Three Words to Forever

Three generations of a family get together for the 25th anniversary of Rick and Cristy while their daughter Tin appears clueless that her parents no longer sleep on the same bed.

Nataly Fish

Only Two Words

Only Two Words

This film is based on Holes and Bone, two poems by American poet, lesbian and cult figure of the New York poetry scene Eileen Myles. The film is an exchange between two queer sensibilities and a dialogue between two women who have emigrated.

Nataly Fish

The Place of No Words

The Place of No Words

Un jeune garçon affronte les complexités d'un monde adulte avec son père.

Nataly Fish

The 44th President: In His Own Words

The 44th President: In His Own Words

Comprised of two interviews with President Barack Obama conducted both before and after the 2016 Presidential election, The 44th President: In His Own Words is the President’s first-hand account of his time in office–his successes, his failures, his unfinished business–and what he hopes will be his legacy. Including additional interviews with..

Nataly Fish

The Words That Built America

The Words That Built America

In recognition of the 4th of July, several celebrities and politicians of differing ideologies join to read the historic documents which laid the foundation for the United States of America.

Nataly Fish

Words! Words! Words!

Words! Words! Words!

A poetic short about the satisfaction in unrequited love.

Nataly Fish

Aida Rodriguez: Fighting Words

Aida Rodriguez: Fighting Words

For her first hourlong stand-up special, comedian/actress/producer Aida Rodriguez takes the stage in the Bronx to tackle the issues of the day – not just because they’re ripped from the headlines, but because they’re in the pages of her personal life story. With her grounded and unapologetic point of view, Rodriguez gets candid about being wo..

Nataly Fish

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