
Chasseurs d'icebergs

Chasseurs d'icebergs

Hunting for the most expensive water in the world Each spring, a race against time begins in Terre Neuve. "Iceberg hunters" assault the chunks of ice released from Greenland. Their objective? Detach large blocks of ice, capture them and load them aboard their boats in order to resell the water at a high price. Water from this area is known as the ..

Nataly Fish

L'or blanc de Hallstatt : un trésor de la Préhistoire

L'or blanc de Hallstatt : un trésor de la Préhistoire

Inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, le village de Hallstatt, en Autriche, possède une des plus vieilles mines de sel du monde, exploitée depuis plus de 7000 ans. Cette matière précieuse lui apporta richesse et renommée. Et, comme de nombreux objets y sont encore conservés, elle permet aussi aux chercheurs d’importantes découvertes..

Nataly Fish

Golden Ivory

Golden Ivory

Set amid the magnificent scenery of the Kenyan bush, this safari adventure from 1954 depicts the many dangers faced by a group of British settlers in East Africa during the last decade of the nineteenth century.

Nataly Fish

Baijin Long

Baijin Long

A wealthy man's son, who has a sinecure as a hotel owner, poses as a bellhop to win the affections of a woman guest with whom he has fallen madly in love, but who seeks a common man who is earning his own way. This first Cantonese-language talkie was based on a successful 1930 stage musical written by and starring Xue JueXian (Sit KokSin), the pl..

Nataly Fish

Baijin long

Baijin long

The first Cantonese talkie. It was produced in Shanghai (Tianyi Studio) and was based on a Cantonese opera play. DUPLICATE RECORD: See BAIJIN LONG

Nataly Fish

The Platinum Dragon (Part 2)

The Platinum Dragon (Part 2)

Hong Kong romance.

Nataly Fish

White Powder and Neon Lights

White Powder and Neon Lights

This is the first 16mm Cantonese film in full colour, shot on 1940s state-of-the-art Technicolor film stock. Opera star Man-ha (Leung Bik-yuk) enjoys tremendous popularity during her performances in San Francisco, but drowns herself in the vices and temptations of the big city. Increasingly, she fails to show up for performances, almost causing the..

Nataly Fish

The Monkey King Conquers the Demon

The Monkey King Conquers the Demon

In the heart of wild mountains, a dreadful devil, disguised as a pretty young woman, tries to seize Xuan Zang to devour him. The holy monk is an easy prey because, naive and good, he is easily misled by appearances. But fortunately he is accompanied by the Monkey King, who is clairvoyant.

Nataly Fish

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