
Frontline: The Search for Truth in Wartime

Frontline: The Search for Truth in Wartime

“What is the role of the media in wartime? Is it simply to record or is it to explain, and from whose point of view – the military, the politicians or the victims?”

Nataly Fish

Romance du front

Romance du front

En 1944, Sacha, soldat russe, tombe amoureux d'une jeune femme. Il la retrouve quelques annees plus tard usee et desabusee. Patiemment, Sacha va tenter de la faire renaitre a la vie.

Nataly Fish

V for Victory: A Wartime Musical

V for Victory: A Wartime Musical

V for Victory is a British musical exploring the lives of a group of friends in the resistance against the German occupation of Jersey during World War II.

Nataly Fish

Lviv - A Hospital in Wartime

Lviv - A Hospital in Wartime

In March 2022, the war between Ukraine and Russia is raging. While Russian troops are at the gates of Kyiv, this documentary films events in a paediatric hospital in Lviv treating the victims of the conflict. A powerful portrait of a doctor’s daily life in wartime.

Nataly Fish

The Wartime Lovers

The Wartime Lovers

Hong Kong movie

Nataly Fish

Wartime Children

Wartime Children

During the war, children, along with adults, worked in the fields and factories, shouldering household chores on their fragile shoulders. Many of them died from disease and lack of food. There was a severe famine, people were swollen from malnutrition, and in order not to die, they ate grass cakes and porridge with sawdust. "Everything for the fron..

Nataly Fish

Cop Game

Cop Game

In the final days of the Vietnam War, someone is killing the officers of the elite Cobra Force. Two undercover M.P.'s are assigned to the case. The trail leads from the streets of Saigon to the war zone.

Nataly Fish

The Alarmist

The Alarmist

Young Tommy Hudler decides to become a security systems salesman, and is an instant success. Everything seems to be going great until he discovers there's more to this business and his boss Heinrich than he previously suspected.

Nataly Fish

A War Time Romance

A War Time Romance

Among the many beautiful and exciting romances that saw birth, blossomed and grew, during the dark and foreboding days of our great Civil War period, was that of Arthur Deming, the young Confederate officer, and his Southern sweetheart, Alice Munroe.

Nataly Fish

Movie in Action

Movie in Action

A movie crew is shooting in Thailand when some military guys kidnap the female star. The crew decide to fight back to get the movie star while shooting their movie.

Nataly Fish

Les Témoignages des enfants palestiniens – À L’HEURE DE LA GUERRE

Les Témoignages des enfants palestiniens – À L’HEURE DE LA GUERRE

Des enfants expriment leur vécu de la guerre et de la diaspora à travers des dessins et des témoignages.

Nataly Fish

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