


A man returns to his country only to find a society where citizens police each other with their mobile phones and where there is more freedom inside prison rather than outside it.

Nataly Fish



This project was born from research that seeks to explore the materiality generated by digital photography from textures and details that are not visible to the human eye.

Nataly Fish



The Artist feels ambivalent about how it has all turned out, how what we see relates to what they had intended. We see: a beautiful mountain landscape and a man moving through it. He is playing the role of The Artist's future son investigating their death. More images follow, and The Artist tries to explain them, but is unsure of their relation to ..

Nataly Fish



Except for some additional ambience, the entire sound track of this film has been taken (without permission) from: Ernesto Che Guevara, the Bolivian Journal. A film by Richard Dindo. The images were found in the desert landscape from Death Valley south to, and crossing, the Mexican border.

Nataly Fish



Six old friends hire a smuggler in order to leave the country illegally, taking advantage of the moonlight to easily cross the border. When the smuggler goes back on his word, they take extreme measures and must then make their escape. But who are they running away from and to what destination? These are the questions they struggle to find an answ..

Nataly Fish



In this surreal drama about self-acceptance, an aspirational sunny California blond wakes up from a coma in Uganda; and no, nothing is as it seems.

Nataly Fish



19-year-old teenager who struggles to balance college, work, and social world in order to realize his dream of buying a house with a mortgage system

Nataly Fish



A 16mm black and white film shot after the artist moved to a basic apartment building in a suburb of Bombay, Utopia has also been used in the two-channel installation of the same name, wherein the artist projected this film adjacent to Dream Houses, a 8mm color stop-motion animation that reflects the artist's engagement with the idealism and hope t..

Nataly Fish



A man tries to escape in a virtual reality of his own creation. Engineer meets his own Creation.

Nataly Fish

Corée du Nord : Le Prix de la liberté

Corée du Nord : Le Prix de la liberté

Filmées en caméra embarquée, les tentatives de fuite de Coréens du Nord au péril de leur vie. Un documentaire saisissant qui raconte les rêves de liberté d’une population soumise au joug mortifère de la dynastie Kim.

Nataly Fish

Atoll K

Atoll K

Outre la fortune que le fisc et des requins de la finance se disputent, Laurel et Hardy ont hérité d'une île. Accompagnés d'Antoine, un apatride qui revendique son statut, les deux compères s'en vont prendre possession de leur bien...

Nataly Fish

Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Sky Utopia

Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Sky Utopia

Doraemon, Nobita and his friends go to find Utopia, a perfect land in the sky where everyone lives with happiness, using an airship having a time warp function.

Nataly Fish

Prochain arrêt : Utopia

Prochain arrêt : Utopia

Lors de la fermeture de l'usine grecque de matériaux de construction, Vio.Me, à Thessalonique, 70 employés courent le risque de ne plus jamais trouver de travail. Ils décident alors d’occuper l’usine et de la faire fonctionner eux-mêmes. Sur les ruines de l’économie la plus ravagée d’Europe, une utopie égalitaire est en train de na�..

Nataly Fish

David Byrne's American Utopia

David Byrne's American Utopia

Spike Lee filme le brillant spectacle de Broadway de l'ancien chanteur des Talking Heads basé sur son dernier album et sa dernière tournée du même nom. Profondément réfléchi et follement exubérant, le concert théâtral American Utopia de David Byrne a illuminé Broadway l'an dernier avec son mélange de rythme et d'idées caractéristiques..

Nataly Fish

Seven Days in Utopia

Seven Days in Utopia

Après un début désastreux sur le circuit pro, un jeune golfeur se retrouve bloqué à Utopia, Texas. Il est accueilli par un propriétaire de ranch excentrique...

Nataly Fish

En route vers l'Alaska

En route vers l'Alaska

Duke & Chester sur un bateau à Skagway, en Alaska, trouver une carte pour une mine d'or secrète, qui avait été volé par des voyous, McGurk et Sperry. Pendant ce temps, Sal Van Hoyden est en Alaska pour essayer de récupérer ses pères carte. Elle tombe avec Ace Larson, qui veut voler la mine d'or pour lui-même. Duke & Chester, McGurk & Sperr..

Nataly Fish

Utopia and Barbarism

Utopia and Barbarism

The world post-World War II and its transformations; the utopias that were created and the barbarity that have marked it. The dismantling of the dreaming generation of 1968 and the creation of new prospects in a globalized world.

Nataly Fish

Word and Utopia

Word and Utopia

The story of Father Antonio Vieira, a 17th-century Portuguese priest who lived in Brazil and worked for better treatment of the Indians and to abolish slavery.

Nataly Fish

Vivre l'utopie

Vivre l'utopie

Documentaire de Juan Gamero, F. Rios, Mariona Roca, Mitzi Kotnik, sur l'Espagne libertaire de 1936 dans lequel une trentaine d'anciens militants anarchistes témoignent de l'application concrète de l'anarchisme par plusieurs millions de personnes en Catalogne et en Aragon.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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