
The Turn of the Screw - I Teatri di Reggio Emilia

The Turn of the Screw - I Teatri di Reggio Emilia

In a remote country house, the newly-appointed governess arrives to take charge of the orphaned Flora and Miles. She must fight to protect them from strange and menacing spirits. But are these apparitions real, or the product of her troubled imagination? And what terrible evil occurred before her arrival?

Nataly Fish

Les Innocents

Les Innocents

A la fin du XIXe siècle, Miss Giddens, une jeune institutrice, est chargée d'éduquer Flora et Miles, deux enfants, dans un vieux manoir. Elle découvre bientôt que ces derniers sont tourmentés par les fantômes de deux personnes décédées quelque temps auparavant.....

Nataly Fish

The Haunting of Helen Walker

The Haunting of Helen Walker

TV remake of the Henry James' classic tale "Turn of the Screw", with changes in location and character names. A live in nanny discovers two children haunted by the spirits and deeds of their former care givers.

Nataly Fish

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