


On a late night subway ride two young women exchange glances.

Nataly Fish



Everybody has a story.

Nataly Fish



François Cremer is a truck driver who gets out of prison after having served a sentence of several months for a traffic of which he has always proclaimed himself innocent. He soon realizes that he is being followed and threatened by former acquaintances. Alone against all, he has no other recourse than to ask for help to a radio hostess, who had o..

Nataly Fish



On the road to England, Arya, a young Afghan boy, crosses Europe's borders with other exiles. Near Italy he is separated from the group and sent by smugglers towards Paris. In Paris, in a small "transit" room, Arya meets Khorshid, a young girl who has lost her family on the road and who now lives victim to the desires of the smugglers.

Nataly Fish



Documentary shots of New York are altered by camera movements, angles and framing. This builds up a new fictitious urban space, whose visual familiarity stems from the history of film. The theme of Transit revolves around the collective visual ideas and notions of the urban environment.

Nataly Fish



Stuck in a lonely and unforgiving city, a Bus Canvasser waits for an opportunity to migrate to create a better future for his family. Migrating means making sacrifices, but sometimes the reasons to stay outweigh the reasons to leave.

Nataly Fish



Much of Transit depicts the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, the most powerful ever recorded in Japan. The ensuing tsunami waves caused widespread flooding and the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. An anti-nuclear demonstration shows the anger and frustration that followed the disaster, while the destructive power of n..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Après qu'un graffeur ait perdu son frère et son complice aux mains d'un justicier tueur, il jure d'abandonner le graffiti pour toujours. Cela dure jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontre son meilleur ami, un tag-banger qui cherche à se faire un nom.

Nataly Fish



Tobias is getting bullied at school. All the while, his subconscious tries to help him obtain stability. A hallucination of a friend is created to achieve this social nourishment, Tobias so desperately needs.

Nataly Fish



Ce film raconte l'histoire du quartier où j'ai grandi et auquel on a jamais voulu donner un nom, une cité de transit construite sur un terrain vague pour reloger les habitants des bidonvilles de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine. Un récit documentaire raconté par les immigrés eux-mêmes.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Geisha, Thalia and Tommy are three Dominicans who live on the edge of a very constricting male and female binary in the ultra-conservative Dominican Republic. Within the social dynamics, their reality as transgender is often emphasized, which is why, they advocate for social inclusion all Dominican trans* people. An ode to Trans activists in the ci..

Nataly Fish



Time winds backward through a series of vignettes, tracing through the fate of a reckless baroness and two men who fight to possess her.

Nataly Fish

Transit Palace

Transit Palace

Tanya, jeune et naïve, quitte Moscou avec son fils Artiom de 10 ans et très dégourdi, pour rejoindre son fiancé qui vit à Londres. Il n'est pas là pour les accueillir à l'aéroport, et injoignable au téléphone. Ils se retrouvent, avec un statut de réfugiés, transférés dans une station balnéaire déserte sans passeports, sans argent, ..

Nataly Fish

Transit à la Havane

Transit à la Havane

Figure de proue de la communauté LGBT de Cuba, Mariela Castro, nièce de Fidel Castro, s'est battue pour rendre accessibles aux personnes transgenres les opérations de réassignation sexuelle. Loin des clichés, ce long métrage documentaire explore le destin de trois femmes trans, dans un pays où les préjugés sont encore vivaces.

Nataly Fish

Revue Starlight ―The LIVE― #2 Transition

Revue Starlight ―The LIVE― #2 Transition

After the events of Revue Starlight ―The LIVE― #1 revival, Seiran General Arts Institute challenges Seisho Music Academy to a revue with the right to perform the play "Starlight" at stakes. Who will win this Cultural Exchange Program?

Nataly Fish



It articulates the essence of one's internal exile through the portrait of a Jewish-German refugee who arrived in Israel on the eve of World War II, started a family – but has nevertheless, yet to feel at home in his new country. He remains connected to Berlin with every fiber of his being; the city’s culture, its essence, and as far as he’s ..

Nataly Fish

Conte: Transitioning Politics

Conte: Transitioning Politics

An extraordinary tale of resilience unfolds against the backdrop of intense political rivalry and media scrutiny. Joanne Conte, the indomitable child of Italian immigrants, weathers the storm of public vilification as her past is unceremoniously plastered across the front pages of Colorado papers and on The Maury Povich Show. Yet, this assault on h..

Nataly Fish



Reconstitutions fictives sur les premières années en Belgique des parents du réalisateur, des immigrants juifs de Pologne et des scènes tournées dans le Bruxelles moderne dans ce long métrage expérimental elliptique.

Nataly Fish

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