
Wolz – Life and Transfiguration of a German Anarchist

Wolz – Life and Transfiguration of a German Anarchist

Soldier Ignaz Wolz returns from WWI with an immeasurable hatred of capitalist war profiteers. He decides to start his own revolution, but tries to stay away from the organized class struggle. He steals from the rich men and divides the wealth among the poor. One day, Wolz is arrested and sentenced to life in prison; seven years later he is released..

Nataly Fish

The  Transfiguration

The Transfiguration

He is young and handsome and lives in Germany. Sometimes he is a she. He is honest with his mother. She understands him and accepts him. He has no father. He has an uncle in Bulgaria who knows only a part of his nephew – the masculine one. It’s time for the whole truth.

Nataly Fish



Nadya and Misha had lived peacefully in neighboring apartments for 27 years, but then an unpleasant smell appeared in the house.

Nataly Fish

Transfiguration of Life

Transfiguration of Life

Nataly Fish

Exit II: Transfigured Night

Exit II: Transfigured Night

Plachinger and Kirchhoff, the heroes of Franz Novotny's 1980 comedy "Exit - Do Not Panic" meet by chance after ten years and spend a night together in which they attempt to be as they were in the old days: anarchistic and orgiastic.

Nataly Fish

Transfigured Night

Transfigured Night

A deserted, anonymous city: a boy on the threshold of adulthood meanders aimlessly through a never-ending night, always in search of new chance encounters, sex, true love, purpose. Above him, the universe sparkles picturesquely until it fades together with his ideals and the inevitable dawn comes. A film about the existentialist questions that ev..

Nataly Fish

Transfigured Morning

Transfigured Morning

At the end of the 19th century, a period dominated by oligarchies and the Church, young Camilla is forced to marry a wealthy farmer to rescue her family's social position. But on her wedding night, her husband discovers that she is not a virgin. Furious, he keeps her prisoner in his house, watched over by her laidmaid, and allowed to receive visit..

Nataly Fish

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