
Caminos de tierra

Caminos de tierra

Nataly Fish

Emanuelle - A Woman from a Hot Country

Emanuelle - A Woman from a Hot Country

A man and a woman hitch a ride in the dark and swap their sad tales of failed relationships.

Nataly Fish

Between Lands

Between Lands

A long time ago, Ana Laura, Gustavo, and Jesús crossed the border in search of a better opportunity. They worked hard, built a family, and made a life in the United States. Day by day, years after their arbitrary deportations to Mexico, they deal with the grief of being separated from their families. As time goes by, the shattered existence of eve..

Nataly Fish

La chevauchée des outlaws

La chevauchée des outlaws

This Western is set in the Mexican valley of Sonora not that far south of the state of Arizona. It's just after the American Civil War, and a former Confederate officer, Mike Summers has taken refuge in a small town in the valley. He has married and is hoping to live in peace the rest of his life. Instead, he and his wife and the rest of the town a..

Nataly Fish

Justice League : Crisis on Infinite Earths Partie 2

Justice League : Crisis on Infinite Earths Partie 2

Une armée infinie de DÉMONS DE L’OMBRE cherchant à tout prix à en finir avec les réalités déferle dans notre monde et sur toutes les Terres parallèles ! L’équipe la plus puissante de métahumains jamais réunie est la seule à pouvoir les affronter. Cependant, même la force combinée de Superman, de Batman, de Wonder Woman, de Green L..

Nataly Fish

Hombre Y Tierra

Hombre Y Tierra

Mauro Bosque was an adventurer, a survivalist, but most of all, he was a dreamer. Mauro spent his days exploring some of the most dangerous places in the world and sharing those adventures on his Internet reality show, HOMBRE Y TIERRA. In January of 2005 he sought out to explore the dense forests of Belize to search for a series of legendary caves ..

Nataly Fish

Tierra de Patagones: Six Months in Patagonia

Tierra de Patagones: Six Months in Patagonia

The 'Gauchos del Mar' brothers pursue their goal of surfing at the Isla de los Estados. They wander the Patagonia for six months, sharing their experiences with the locals, getting to know their ways. They face hard weather conditions before getting to Ushuaia and later they sail through the Beagle Channel and the Strait of Le Maire on their way ..

Nataly Fish

I'm Cris from Tierra Bomba

I'm Cris from Tierra Bomba

Cristian, an Afro-Colombian millennial from the Caribbean island of Tierra Bomba, must decide whether to continue acting or drop all his masks, and overcome his own fear to live his identity freely. Josephine, the director, follows Cristian for seven years across different countries during this quest for freedom.

Nataly Fish

The Ona People: Life and Death in Tierra del Fuego

The Ona People: Life and Death in Tierra del Fuego

Documents the life of the last generation of Selk'nam's. Their way of life, economy, rituals, chants, traditions, and their slow extinction after the colonization...

Nataly Fish

Tierra del fuego

Tierra del fuego

The film is based on the novel (of the same name) by the Chilean writer Francisco Coloane, and on the chronicles of the Romanian engineer Julius Popper, a nationalized Argentine and one of the principle actors in the genocide of the Selk'nam, one of the indigenous peoples who inhabited the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago.

Nataly Fish

La terre et l'ombre

La terre et l'ombre

Alfonso est un vieux paysan qui revient au pays pour se porter au chevet de son fils malade. Il retrouve son ancienne maison, où vivent encore celle qui fut sa femme, sa belle-fille et son petit-fils. Il découvre un paysage apocalyptique. Le foyer est cerné par d'immenses plantations de cannes à sucre dont l’exploitation provoque une pluie de..

Nataly Fish

Así es mi tierra

Así es mi tierra

With revolutionary Mexico as a backdrop, a successful local rancher returns triumphant from the war to the praise of townsfolk, and "El General" is ready to take a wife. However the senorita of choice already has fallen for a secret admirer, and a boyhood rival who is threatened by the General's popularity in turn plots against his life.

Nataly Fish

Rioja, Land of the Thousand Wines

Rioja, Land of the Thousand Wines

By telling the human stories behind the entire value chain that gives life to the Spanish wine with the greatest international projection, ‘Rioja, Land of the Thousand Wines’ portrays a currently blooming wine region underpinned by the talent and the work of the new generations of winemakers that operate side by side with the region’s histori..

Nataly Fish



A Garrison, cité-dortoir pour les flics de New York, le shérif Heflin est un dépressif obèse que personne ne respecte. La loi du silence de la profession lui impose un jour de masquer une bavure mortelle, mais l'insistance de l'incorruptible enquêteur Tilden va l'obliger à faire un choix…

Nataly Fish

Broken Land

Broken Land

Manuela retourne chez elle, dans un village colombien rural et violent, pour renouer les liens familiaux avec sa mère et son oncle Darío. Après la mort par noyade de son fils aîné, la décision de sa mère sur la manière d'enterrer le garçon déterminera le sort de tous.

Nataly Fish

Rebellion, Shouts the Grain in the Furrow When Cracking the Earth To Receive the Sun's Rays

Rebellion, Shouts the Grain in the Furrow When Cracking the Earth To Receive the Sun's Rays

Commander Antonio organized two armed groups and was betrayed, tortured and imprisoned in a maximum security prison, where he took his case and defended himself.

Nataly Fish

Adventure at the Center of the Earth

Adventure at the Center of the Earth

Lors d’une expédition dans des cavernes, une femme survit à un accident, et raconte une histoire terrifiante. Une créature inhumaine aurait tué son mari. Convaincu que la survivante raconte la vérité, le professeur Diaz est également persuadé que des animaux préhistoriques vivent toujours sous la surface de la Terre. Celui-ci met en plac..

Nataly Fish

Land of Men

Land of Men

On his family's farm, Gilberto keeps weapons to support the revolutionaries. When his father find out, he runs out from the hacienda to join them.

Nataly Fish

Last Sunsets on Earth

Last Sunsets on Earth

In Lisbon, from the height of the Torel viewpoint, the city expands as far as the eye can see making it the perfect place to think and remember. Through encounters with the people that inhabit the viewpoint in different ways, Daniela proposes a reflection on belonging to a new city, crafting a journey to her family memories. She imagines her mother..

Nataly Fish

earth altars

earth altars

sofía returns to the site of her kidnapping. Amid the darkness and silence, her hands search underground for traces of a buried memory. Others replicate this chimerical gesture. The earth is an immutable witness that refuses to forget.

Nataly Fish

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