
The Visitor

The Visitor

Georgia and Olivia are in love. When it's time to meet Olivia's religious family, Georgia discovers that Olivia's world is filled with silent rules that threaten to pull them apart.

Nataly Fish

The Night Visitors

The Night Visitors

The Night Visitors is a movie about moths. In large and small fragments, looking both inward and out, through a critical lens that is by turns social and personal, the film closely examines these underknown creatures. While The Night Visitors is interested in moths as organisms, with fascinating life histories, staggering biodiversity, and a functi..

Nataly Fish

The Visitor Part 2

The Visitor Part 2

The Visitor and Red sit together and have a talk about life.

Nataly Fish

Les visiteurs

Les visiteurs

Après deux ans de prison pour le viol et le meurtre d'une jeune vietnamienne, Tony et Mike, deux anciens soldats du Vietnam, sont libérés. Leur unique but est de retrouver Bill Schmidt, également soldat au Vietnam, qui les a dénoncés pour ce crime.

Nataly Fish

AIMEE: The Visitor

AIMEE: The Visitor

Scott Keyes is a brilliant but misanthropic computer hacker who generally prefers porn to living women and computers to human beings. But Keyes’ life is about to be turned upside-down. Thanks to some code-breaking by his partners Hunter and Gazelle, Keyes is finally able to unlock AIMEE, an incredibly advanced Artificial Intelligence program that..

Nataly Fish

The Night Visitor

The Night Visitor

Salem est interné dans un asile psychiatrique ! Il n'y a aucune raison à cela car il est absolument normal, mais c'est son beau-frère, Anton, un médecin de campagne qui l'a fait enfermer en apportant des preuves de sa folie, fabriquées de toute pièce. Salem rumine sa vengeance et au bout de deux ans de recherche, il parvient à trouver un moy..

Nataly Fish

Les Couloirs du temps : Les Visiteurs II

Les Couloirs du temps : Les Visiteurs II

Un coup de théâtre interrompt les préparatifs du mariage de Godefroy de Montmirail et de Frénégonde de Pouille. On vient de dérober au duc, le père de Frénégonde, la dentelette de Sainte-Rolande, relique sacrée qui assure fécondité aux femmes de la famille de Pouille ainsi que tous ses bijoux. Ce sont Jacquouille et Ginette qui ont fait..

Nataly Fish

Les Visiteurs : La Révolution

Les Visiteurs : La Révolution

Bloqués dans les couloirs du temps, Godefroy de Montmirail et son fidèle serviteur Jacquouille sont projetés dans une époque de profonds bouleversements politiques et sociaux : la Révolution Française... Plus précisément, La Terreur, période de grands dangers pendant laquelle les descendants de Jacquouille La Fripouille, révolutionnaires ..

Nataly Fish

Les Visiteurs

Les Visiteurs

Parce qu'il lui a sauvé la vie lors d'une échauffourée avec les Anglais, le roi de France Louis VI fait du chevalier Godefroy de Papincourt le nouveau comte de Montmirail et lui accorde en justes noces la riche Frénégonde. Cependant, abusé par le sortilège d'une sorcière, Godefroy tue son futur beau-père, qu'il avait pris pour un ours. Sou..

Nataly Fish

The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The Visitors from Outer Space

The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The Visitors from Outer Space

A family of aliens kidnaps the Hamburglar, and it's up to Ronald and the gang to save him!

Nataly Fish

The Thanksgiving Visitor

The Thanksgiving Visitor

Adaptation of Truman Capote's short story. A sequel, from the same filmmakers, to the critically acclaimed A Christmas Memory (1966).

Nataly Fish

The Night Visitor 2: Heather's Story

The Night Visitor 2: Heather's Story

The sequel to Jennifer Blanc's cult hit 2013 film "The Night Visitor". Directed by that film's star Brianne Davis, The Night Visitor 2:HEATHER'S STORY runs parallel to the original Night Visitor, telling the story of Heather, a special young girl, who must protect her family and the planet from the same other-earthly being. The sequel delves deeper..

Nataly Fish

The Third Visitor

The Third Visitor

Suave supercilious Carling (Karel Stepanek) receives several callers to his isolated house, all of whom hold a grudge against him. Next morning a corpse is found, and later identified as his by one of the visitors.

Nataly Fish

The Visitors

The Visitors

Best-selling author Whitley Strieber revisits the site of his traumatic alien encounter for the first time in several decades.

Nataly Fish

Pahuna: The Little Visitors

Pahuna: The Little Visitors

Three Nepalese children rely on each other for survival after they become separated from their parents while entering India.

Nataly Fish

Visitors of the Night

Visitors of the Night

Judith notices some very creepy things are happening around town. She and the town's sheriff make a chilling discovery, the town's teens are disappearing. When they reappear they are suffering from amnesia. Judith is even more troubled when her daughter, Katie, is missing. When she returns and begins acting strangely, it becomes evident alien power..

Nataly Fish

Le Visiteur du futur

Le Visiteur du futur

2555. Dans un futur dévasté, l’apocalypse menace la Terre. Le dernier espoir repose sur un homme capable de voyager dans le temps. Sa mission : retourner dans le passé et changer le cours des événements. Mais la Brigade Temporelle, une police du temps, le traque à chaque époque. Débute alors une course contre la montre pour le Visiteur du..

Nataly Fish

Shockers:  The Visitor

Shockers: The Visitor

Four 20-somethings are coasting through life in a fashionable part of London. A misunderstanding leads to the introduction of a stranger into their home, who starts to take control...

Nataly Fish

Amahl and the Night Visitors

Amahl and the Night Visitors

The historic, original, live airing of what would become an annual Christmas tradition throughout the 1950s, this opera tells the story of Amahl, a crippled shepherd boy, and his destitute mother, who provide temporary shelter to three men who are following a star to the newly-born Christ child.

Nataly Fish

The Visitors

The Visitors

A teenager discovers a more intelligent force at play while trying to solve the missing disappearance of his best friend.

Nataly Fish

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