
The Night Visitors

The Night Visitors

The Night Visitors is a movie about moths. In large and small fragments, looking both inward and out, through a critical lens that is by turns social and personal, the film closely examines these underknown creatures. While The Night Visitors is interested in moths as organisms, with fascinating life histories, staggering biodiversity, and a functi..

Nataly Fish

The Last Visit

The Last Visit

My 5-year journey from bereavement to the last goodbye, through an exploration of "existence" and "life", from different perspectives and stages of the mind.

Nataly Fish

Winnie l'ourson rend visite

Winnie l'ourson rend visite

C'était le deuxième de la série russe Winnie l'ourson. Dans celle-ci, Winnie et Porcinet rendent visite à Lapin pour un repas au miel.

Nataly Fish

The visitor

The visitor

A young girl receives the visit of a man who affirms he is “the death”. While pointing her with a gun, he proposes her a condition for the one he would forgive her life: that she give him a reason for the one she must keep living.

Nataly Fish

Cibrâil : Un amour secret

Cibrâil : Un amour secret

Cibrâil, un jeune policier, a une existence heureuse avec son amie galeriste à Berlin. En surface, tout est parfait, l’argent n'est pas un problème. D’origine turque, Cibrâil est bien intégré dans la société. Mais qu’est ce qui cause les insomnies du jeune policier ? Un jour, le cousin de sa petite amie qui vit à Rome vient habiter c..

Nataly Fish

Les Soucoupes Volantes Attaquent

Les Soucoupes Volantes Attaquent

Pendant les années 50 les apparitions d'objets volants non identifés se multiplient à travers le monde. Un jour, alors qu'ils circulent en voiture pour se rendre à la base ou ils travaillent sur un projet de lancement de fusées d'observation, le docteur Russel A.Marvin et sa jeune épouse Carol sont survolés à leur tour par une soucoupe vola..

Nataly Fish

The Night Visitor

The Night Visitor

Elisa, a lonely and shy librarian, moves to live in a downtown building, without knowing the killing of a young student took place there some time ago. A strange feeling taking over her will cause a drastic personality change while also leading her to unveil the secret behind the murder.

Nataly Fish

Les Visiteurs du soir

Les Visiteurs du soir

En ce mois de mai 1485, Satan dépêche sur Terre deux diablotins pour semer désordre et désespoir. L'un d'eux tombe amoureux de celle a qui il n'aurait du apporter que tourments et déraison. Satan se voit contraint d'intervenir.

Nataly Fish

The Visitation

The Visitation

La petite ville tranquille d'Antioch est le théâtre de curieux miracles depuis l'arrivée d'un mystérieux étranger, Brandon. Les habitants sont bientôt divisés au sujet de cet homme très charismatique et certains se demandent s'il est un véritable messie, un faux prophète ou l'envoyé du diable. L'ancien pasteur d'Antioch, Travis, qui a pe..

Nataly Fish

Elegy to the Visitor from the Revolution

Elegy to the Visitor from the Revolution

Deliberately structured and less beholden to its narrative, the film is told in three parts, with each part pertaining to each of the three visits of the time-travelling visitor from when the country was fighting for independence from Spain.

Nataly Fish

Le Plombier

Le Plombier

Un plombier se présente au domicile d'un couple d'universitaires, sans avoir été appelé. Il persuade l'épouse que sa salle de bains a besoin de réparations.

Nataly Fish

The Visitor

The Visitor

Certain that "the right man" is crucial to her escaping the confines of the Italian village where she lives, Pina places an ad in the newspaper. She gets a response from Adolfo, who agrees to travel from his residence in Rome to visit her. As flashbacks shed light on both their pasts, suspense builds about how they will relate to one another.

Nataly Fish

The Boneyard

The Boneyard

Un vieux policier arrive à convaincre une voyante avec laquelle il a précédemment travaillé de l'aider dans sa dernière affaire. Trois corps d'enfants ont été retrouvés et le croque-mort qui les a signalés a raconté une histoire délirante à base de goule et de malédiction familiale. Le policier, son adjoint et la voyante se rendent do..

Nataly Fish

Astro Boy: Mighty Atom – Visitor of 100,000 Light Years, IGZA

Astro Boy: Mighty Atom – Visitor of 100,000 Light Years, IGZA

The interplanetary spacecraft Galileo II carries Atom and his friends to Titan, a satellite of Saturn. However, what awaits them when they arrive there is an attack from an unknown entity. What appears is a mechanical life form called "Igza" that wants to destroy humans. The battle between Atom and Igza unfolds in the far reaches of space.

Nataly Fish



Marga, who’s in the middle of a marital crisis with her husband Daniel, decides to spend a few days alone in her old, family home. Once there, she starts to sense some strange and terrifying phenomena happening around her: an invisible entity seems to know a lot about her, among other things, that she’s having an affair with Carlos, an old frie..

Nataly Fish



When Daniel is possessed by a strange being it tries to bring back from the other world the rest of its companions in the bodies of Ana, Daniel’s wife, and Sebastian, their six year old son. Ana watches in horror as her family is transformed and sees her own possession, and tries to stop the process that seems to be irreversible.

Nataly Fish

La prisonnière de Bordeaux

La prisonnière de Bordeaux

Alma, seule dans sa belle maison de ville, et Mina, jeune mère des cités d’une autre ville, organisent leur vie autour des visites qu’elles font en prison à leurs deux compagnons. Dans le sas des parloirs, les deux femmes se rencontrent et s’engagent dans une improbable amitié…

Nataly Fish

Fatal Visit

Fatal Visit

The story tells of Yanny (Charlene Choi), who leaves Hong Kong to escape a love affair gone bad. She goes to San Jose to visit Ling (Sammi Cheng), an old friend she hasn't seen in years. It seems like Ling and her husband Tang (Tong Dawei) lead an ideal, carefree existence. But during the short span of five days, Yanny uncovers the truth hidden beh..

Nataly Fish

Bobik Visiting Barbos

Bobik Visiting Barbos

Two dogs, one stray the other well-off, become friends.

Nataly Fish

Visit of a President

Visit of a President

A little boy, craving for his father's attention, imagines a made-up "Mr. President" who looks just like his father but is caring and attentive.

Nataly Fish

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