
La folie des vaillants

La folie des vaillants

A symbolist portrait of two gypsies in love, this captivating film finds Dulac deconstructing onscreen gender roles and striving to achieve her idea of cinema as a “visual symphony,” emphasizing rhythmic editing over acting to achieve a “cinema of suggestion.”

Nataly Fish

Valiantly Towards the Waves

Valiantly Towards the Waves

A silent film

Nataly Fish

Cœurs vaillants

Cœurs vaillants

L’odyssée de 6 enfants juifs cachés pendant la guerre, partis trouver refuge là où personne ne pense à aller les chercher... dans le château et le parc du domaine de Chambord, au milieu des œuvres d’art cachées du Louvre. À cœur vaillant rien d’impossible...

Nataly Fish

Horus, prince du soleil

Horus, prince du soleil

Dans une nature hostile où les loups attaquent toujours l'homme, Horus, un adolescent plein de vie et de courage, retire une épée de l'épaule d'un démon de pierre, plantée là comme une écharde : c'est l'épée du soleil. Parti à la recherche de ses origines, il s’arrête au village de Frep où il tue tout seul un brochet qui affamait le ..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

A Valiant Villian

A Valiant Villian

A rural magistracy encounters three scourges that threaten destruction to the entire village: a fierce tiger, a demonic dragon and a criminal convict fugitive who turns out to be the only hope for salvation to defeat the other two evils.

Nataly Fish

The King's Tailor

The King's Tailor

A tailor aides his king, who is threatened by a giant and a swarm of bees.

Nataly Fish

Age of Valiant

Age of Valiant

At the forefront of most of Hong Kong's demonstrations, 'frontliners' (aka 'the valiant', yung mo in Cantonese) are the black-clad, masked, often armed youth willing to use violence against the HK government and its heavily-armed police force. Willis Ho's remarkably revealing doc approaches from the inside, giving them voices and offering understan..

Nataly Fish

Alley of Valiants

Alley of Valiants

Ali and Hassan are two intimate friends but when a woman Aghdas is intervening in between everything is change.

Nataly Fish



Feature documentary on the antics of North American Latvian youth in the 1980s, during the last years of the Cold War – from chaining themselves to the Russian Embassy, to organizing an entire cruise ship treading the Soviet border in the Baltic Sea – generating headlines when few could even find Latvia on a map. The main hero is Juris Bļodni..

Nataly Fish

Brennus, Enemy of Rome

Brennus, Enemy of Rome

AKA: Brennus, Enemy of Rome, AKA: Battle of the Valiant A 1963 film about the sack of Rome in 387 BC

Nataly Fish

Charge!! Men's Private School

Charge!! Men's Private School

Otokojuku, a private school for juvenile delinquents that were previously expelled from normal schools. At this school, Japanese chivalry is taught through the feudal and military fundamentals. Similar to an action film, the classes are overwhelmed by violence. Only those who survive it become true men. (Animenfo)

Nataly Fish

The 7 Tyrants of Jiangnan

The 7 Tyrants of Jiangnan

A child learns martial arts in order to become a Kung Fu warrior. Features the Seven Little Fortunes, and is the debut film of Jackie Chan.

Nataly Fish

Lady Yakuza 6 - Le retour d'Oryu

Lady Yakuza 6 - Le retour d'Oryu

Oryu la pivoine rouge traverse le japon d'une maison de jeu à l'autre à la recherche de Okimi, une orpheline aveugle qu'elle s'est juré d'aider quelques années auparavant mais dont elle a perdu la trace. Elle la retrouve enfin dans les rues de tokyo, opérant comme pickpocket autour d'un théatre géré par un clan yakuza. Un vieux chef honorab..

Nataly Fish

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