
Un spécialiste

Un spécialiste

Le 11 avril 1961, s’ouvre à Jérusalem le procès du nazi Adolf Eichmann. Capturé un an plus tôt en Argentine, l’homme qui organisa les déportations vers les camps de la mort est présenté en Israël comme l’un des concepteurs de la solution finale. Lui explique, pendant les six mois d’audience, qu’il n’a été qu’un rouage de l..

Nataly Fish



Un agent du FBI poursuit un groupe de braqueurs de banque qui cède ses gains à des oeuvres de charité. Au cours de son enquête, il découvre une nouvelle piste qu'un des propriétaires de banque lui a caché.

Nataly Fish

Very Bad Team

Very Bad Team

Le célèbre pirate informatique Drew Reynolds est capturé par la C.I.A et se voir poposer un marché : soir il travaille pour leur compte, soit il passe le reste de sa vie en prison. Drew accepte à condition qu'il puisse former sa propre équipe. Il réunit alors un groupe de "Throwaways".

Nataly Fish

L'Ultime Cascade

L'Ultime Cascade

Un tueur à gages, envoyé pour tuer un vétéran de Hollywood cascadeur, tombe amoureux de la fille de la cible et décide de devenir un cascadeur-homme lui-même.

Nataly Fish

Young Specialist

Young Specialist

Sang-woo is suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, because he is worn out from Ji-eun's strong sexual desires. Then, one day, Ji-eun sends him to a treatment center and the specialist is no other than his ex-girlfriend, Hye-ran. They bicker about past things, but in the end agree to start treatment. Hye-ran manages to bring ..

Nataly Fish

Agent très spécial 44

Agent très spécial 44

Mark, agent des Services Secrets, réussit a infiltrer un reseau de terroristes grâce à deux membres influents...

Nataly Fish

The Godfather's Friend

The Godfather's Friend

Richard Harrison is the Mob hit man who finds friendships can get you into trouble when he meets an old buddy who turns out to be part of an opposing family!

Nataly Fish

Specialist 3

Specialist 3

Shu Kubota is killed by someone with a baseball bat. A metal bat and an old toy are found at the crime scene. Detective Yoshito (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) with the special investigation unit goes to the crime scene to investigate. There, Detective Yoshito realizes that he made the old toy about 10 years ago when he worked at the public relations divsion ..

Nataly Fish

Specialist 2

Specialist 2

A mysterious code written with letters and numbers is found on a street in Kyoto. Yoshito Takuma (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) and Chinami Anekoji (Kaho Minami) begin to investigate. They discover that something happened at the place where the code was found on stickers and they also discover a dead body. A man known as "Writer" is suspected of being the cul..

Nataly Fish



Kusanagi plays a police detective who gets framed for a crime he didn't commit and had to spend the last 10 years in prison. However, he regains his job as a police officer and makes use of his specialized knowledge on criminal psychology to solve difficult cases.

Nataly Fish

Candido Perez, Specialist in Women
Specialist 4

Specialist 4

Yoshito (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) becomes famous in Kyoto because of his ability to solve cases. The special investigation unit receives a request to investigate a case revolving around the kidnapping of a costumed performer. He plays a non-official character of the Arashiyama area, located on the western outskirts of Kyoto. Nobody takes the kidnapping c..

Nataly Fish

A Man of Confidence: Ralf Otterpohl, Water Specialist

A Man of Confidence: Ralf Otterpohl, Water Specialist

Documentary short by Romuald Karmakar.

Nataly Fish

Young Specialist

Young Specialist

Nataly Fish

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