
Le Savant, l'Imposteur et Staline : Comment nourrir le peuple

Le Savant, l'Imposteur et Staline : Comment nourrir le peuple

Pour éviter les famines qui ont touché l'URSS et causé des millions de morts, le pouvoir soviétique a rapidement cherché à améliorer les rendements agricoles. Le botaniste visionnaire Nikolaï Vavilov prend la tête de la recherche jusqu'à la prise du pouvoir par Staline, qui favorise Trofim Lyssenko. Ce dernier, agronome ambitieux, préten..

Nataly Fish

The Scientist Jiang Zhuying

The Scientist Jiang Zhuying

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Scientist in the Bank

Scientist in the Bank

A boy in search of Thailand's greatest scientist is astounded once he learns the answer.

Nataly Fish

Comrade Virus: Scientists about the Coronavirus

Comrade Virus: Scientists about the Coronavirus

A film that answers basic questions about the coronavirus. Scientists shared their opinions on how and why such viruses occur, how dangerous the speed of 2019-nCoV spread is, how quickly you can create a vaccine for it, and what is the probability of a virus leak from a medical laboratory.

Nataly Fish

The Secret of a Submarine Scientist

The Secret of a Submarine Scientist

Far beneath the sea, a scientist and his assistant find a strange object. The assistant is very curious, and the scientist tries to answer his many questions.

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The Evil Scientist

The Evil Scientist

Hong Kong horror movie from 1936.

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Superman : Le Scientifique Fou

Superman : Le Scientifique Fou

Après que le Daily Planet ait reçu une lettre d'un savant fou menaçant de semer la destruction avec son rayon Electrothanasia, Lois Lane part dans l'espoir d'obtenir plus d'informations pour un reportage.

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Neil Stryker and The Tyrant of Time

Neil Stryker and The Tyrant of Time

In a madcap future era, the world's greatest secret agent, Neil Stryker, struggles to rescue his young son from the clutches of his infamous former mentor.

Nataly Fish

Homesick Scientists

Homesick Scientists

Four field researchers want to go home. Unfortunately, one of them apparently lost his mind. Since the return is not possible, as long as they remain in this state, ignited a controversy about what to do with him. Where do they come back and what was the object of their research, now becomes a much more important question.

Nataly Fish

If Dad is a Scientist

If Dad is a Scientist

The dad of the plasticine family sets up experiments right at home. And all the household members suddenly exchange their bodies: children, grandmother. But mom absolutely doesn't like it. She makes Daddy return everything as it was.

Nataly Fish

De Aracaju a Harvard

De Aracaju a Harvard

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City of Scientists

City of Scientists

Young scientists are highly appreciated outside Russia. Western universities are hunting for them, seducing them with big money and good conditions. In this film, scientists will tell you why and for what they stay, what they dream about and what they think about the world around them.

Nataly Fish

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