
Fascination Steps

Fascination Steps

The story of a woman, Julie, who works for the US military and tries to submit some top secret documents to her reporter friend.

Nataly Fish

Nouvelle Zélande, embarquement pour un voyage inédit

Nouvelle Zélande, embarquement pour un voyage inédit

Située au beau milieu du Pacifique sud, à environ 5 000 km au nord du pôle Sud, la Nouvelle-Zélande est composée de deux îles. Sur terre, par les eaux et par les airs, ce voyage propose d'en explorer les splendeurs. La découverte commence par l'île du Sud, avec la visite du parc national de Fiordland, jusqu'au bras de mer des Marlborough So..

Nataly Fish

Fascinating Musical Band

Fascinating Musical Band

Longgang Village establishes a farmers' band to bring culture and entertainment into their lives.

Nataly Fish



The wife of a hypnotist lives in a state of uncertainty over whether she's with her husband out of love or if she's been a victim of his influence.

Nataly Fish

Fascinating Doll's House

Fascinating Doll's House

Short experimental film about family and childhood. Features intertitles and a soundtrack of music and effects.

Nataly Fish

Fascination Amazon 3D

Fascination Amazon 3D

After fascination coral reef now follows fascination Amazon, an exciting, turned in the best Real 3D journey into one of the most interesting corners of the globe. The Amazon is next to the Nile, the longest river in the world. It measures approximately 6448 meters and shares with his two source rivers Maranon and Ucayali almost the entire northern..

Nataly Fish

Naturally Fascinating

Naturally Fascinating

Nataly Fish

Fascination Coral Reef

Fascination Coral Reef

Nataly Fish

Fascination Africa 3D

Fascination Africa 3D

No continent hosts as many different environments and landscapes as Africa. From wide savannahs, resting gently on vast desert dunes, to dense rainforest, bordering the equator. See how many tribes, such as the Massai in the savannah, have kept their traditional way of life to this day and watch how animals have had to adapt their behaviors in orde..

Nataly Fish

Hitler et Paris, histoire d'une fascination

Hitler et Paris, histoire d'une fascination

23 juin 1940 : au lendemain de la défaite de la France contre l’Allemagne nazie, Hitler effectue une visite éclair à Paris. Architecte raté, il a toujours rêvé de découvrir cette ville en tant que simple touriste. Ses visites à l'Opéra, au Concorde, aux Champs-Élysées et au Trocadéro l'émerveillent et l'impressionnent. Il appelle m�..

Nataly Fish

Fascinating Nature

Fascinating Nature

Nataly Fish

Fascinating Nature 2

Fascinating Nature 2

The warm rays of the sun bathe the blue planet in light and color. The variations of the glistening white of the icy deserts, the lush green of the plants, the warm yellow and red of the earth, the playful colorfulness of flowers and animals, the deep blue of the water and the sky transform our world into an endless frenzy of fantasy.

Nataly Fish

Fascinating Nature 3

Fascinating Nature 3

The final third part of the Fascinating Nature Trilogy provides the discovery of the Seven Seasons. Since we have not only four, but really seven archetypes of climatic seasons on our planet.

Nataly Fish

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