
Mind Games - La Grande Expérience

Mind Games - La Grande Expérience

Le sport peut-il aiguiser l'esprit, même le plus brillant? Lors d'une expérience inédite, quatre des meilleurs joueurs mondiaux d'eSport, d'échecs, de mah-jong et de jeux de mémoire ont mis cette hypothèse à l'épreuve.

Nataly Fish

The Possession Experiment

The Possession Experiment

Brandon a toujours été attiré par le surnaturel. Lorsqu’on lui demande de choisir un sujet d’étude pour ses cours de théologie, il décide d’explorer le sombre univers des exorcismes. Il fait équipe avec un camarade de classe, et tous deux sont amenés à enquêter sur un homicide-suicide multiple, qui finalement s’avère…

Nataly Fish

La Brèche

La Brèche

Dans son immense laboratoire ultra moderne, le Docteur McLean mène dans le plus grand secret une expérience qui défie l'entendement. Grâce à de puissants ordinateurs en réseau connectés à une petite fille autiste dotée de pouvoirs surnaturels et à un jeune homme à l'agonie, il touche au but : communiquer avec les morts, se brancher direc..

Nataly Fish

The Soviet Sleep Experiment

The Soviet Sleep Experiment

Russian researchers in the late 1940s keep five people awake for fifteen days using an experimental stimulant. Based on the popular internet horror story (Creepypasta) “The Russian Sleep Experiment”.

Nataly Fish

The St. Francisville Experiment

The St. Francisville Experiment

Four non-actors, with no script, lock themselves in a haunted Louisiana plantation home overnight to film what takes places. The Lalaurie plantation, site of grisly murders, comes alive before their camera lens and they experience a night more terrifying and incredible than they imagined.

Nataly Fish

The Emeryville Experiments

The Emeryville Experiments

When their car crashes, 4 college kids seek help in Emeryville - a dilapidated village. New comers discover that place was once a ground for clinical experiments gone awry and plot an escape. They find themselves hunted by crazies.

Nataly Fish

The Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment

The Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment

This film was produced in 1969 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the United States Atomic Energy Commission to inform the public regarding the history, technology, and milestones of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Molten Salt Reactor Experiment was designed to assess the viability of liquid fuel reactor..

Nataly Fish

The Blackout Experiments

The Blackout Experiments

You arrive at a secret location at a precise time, prompted by a mysterious email. You must follow the instructions closely. Once inside, disturbing visions begin. Unspeakable acts befall you—often frightening, sometimes sensual, possibly painful—each stimulating your deepest fears. And when it's over, you are changed, abandoned, and left wonde..

Nataly Fish

The Experiment: Who's Watching You?

The Experiment: Who's Watching You?

Mary's life is disintegrating, she's on the verge of losing everything and desperately needs income to survive. Driven to extremes she responds to an add in the paper and embarks on a series of home based drug tests that go horribly wrong. What follows is a world of drug induced madness and surreal sensuality as Mary falls prey to the underground w..

Nataly Fish

Guitar Legends EXPO '92 at Sevilla - The Experimental Night

Guitar Legends EXPO '92 at Sevilla - The Experimental Night

Guitar Legends était un concert organisé en cinq nuits; De 15 à 19 Octobre 1991, à Séville, en Espagne. Le concert a été l'un des principaux divertissement qui a introduit l'Expo '92 à Séville, organisé l'année suivante. L'événement a été suivi par certains des guitaristes les plus célèbres et talentueux dans le monde. Des image..

Nataly Fish

The Sleep Experiment

The Sleep Experiment

Two detectives begin an investigation into a disastrous secret military experiment where five prisoners were kept awake for thirty days in a sealed gas chamber.

Nataly Fish

The Junk Food Experiment

The Junk Food Experiment

Celebrity test subjects try junk food overeating in a intresting experiment

Nataly Fish

The Rainbow Experiment

The Rainbow Experiment

Things spiral out of control in a high school in Manhattan when a terrible accident involving a science experiment injures a kid for life.

Nataly Fish



Afin d'étudier scientifiquement le comportement humain, le professeur Thon enferme vingt volontaires, des hommes ordinaires, dans un univers carcéral. Huit d'entre eux sont désignés pour être les "gardiens", les douze autres étant les "prisonniers". La règle est simple : comme dans une vraie prison, les détenus doivent obéir aux gardiens q..

Nataly Fish

The P.I. Experiment

The P.I. Experiment

Adam and Charlie Flint are two young, hip, film-maker brothers who decide to make a docudrama web-series about a real-life private investigations company, but the only company that will agree to be the victims of their constant amateur following and bad "in your face" shooting style is "The Investigation Mill", a struggling business of misfit, dege..

Nataly Fish

Dr. Delirium and the Edgewood Experiments

Dr. Delirium and the Edgewood Experiments

From 1955 to 1975, the US Army used its own soldiers as human guinea pigs in research involving powerful, mind-altering drugs. Told through exclusive footage and first-hand accounts, this is the true story of one of the darkest chapters in US history.

Nataly Fish

The Afterlife Investigations: The Scole Experiments

The Afterlife Investigations: The Scole Experiments

The aim of the Scole Experimental Group was to produce not just one tangible object but such a huge number and variety that scientists would have to sit up and take notice. In fact, it was not long before a variety of senior scientists, including some very experienced researchers into the unknown, became interested in the phenomena being produced. ..

Nataly Fish

ParaSense: The Naked Experiments

ParaSense: The Naked Experiments

Investigators, Ross Allison (ghost hunter) and Chad Goodwin (scientist) come together to see if they can prove physical touch from a ghostly presence.

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Sontaran Experiment

Doctor Who: The Sontaran Experiment

Sontaran Field Major Styre is conducting experiments on the survivors of future Earth in preparation of a full-scale Sontaran invasion of the planet. Can the Doctor defeat Styre and save the world?

Nataly Fish

The Great Experiment

The Great Experiment

John Morning, rich, without family, dreams of things that might have been. He discovers a poverty-stricken woman who is fatally injured, takes her to her home in the slum district, where she dies, and John Morning assumes charge of the woman's daughter of fourteen, Ritta. He determines to try his "great experiment," and Ritta is unaware of whom her..

Nataly Fish

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