
The Bravest Escort Group

The Bravest Escort Group

The story follows a band of courageous bodyguards headed by Yang Liu An, and tasked by General Ma Bao with escorting his daughter Chen Yuanyuan, concubine to the recently deceased Ming emperor Wu Sangui, and her son, the last hope of the Ming Dynasty, to safety. En route, they must fend off the attacks of enemy general Hala, as well as Ma Bao’s t..

Nataly Fish

The Escort

The Escort

Christina is the organizer of contemporary art exhibitions, but in fact she organizes entertainment for rich clients in the most exotic places. Dozens of elite girls from all over the world work for it. Once in the past, Christina also worked as a hostess at such parties, but, being very ambitious, a few years ago she completely changed her image a..

Nataly Fish

The Bravest Escort Group II: Howling Wind


In this melodramatic French Canadian comedy-drama, a sexy male escort sashays into the living room and life of a gay man and proves to be the catalyst for turmoil. Until Steve showed up to strip as a birthday present, the life of lovers Jean-Marc and Phillipe had settled into a comfortable but passionless rut. Jean-Marc is alone at the time and has..

Nataly Fish

The Eight Escorts

The Eight Escorts

In Wuiyng County a violent jewel thief is harming the business of local merchants. As they nervously await the delivery of a shipment, they hire an experienced martial arts expert to protect it, who in turn hand-picks a team of seven other fighters to take on the thieves.

Nataly Fish

The Singing Escort

The Singing Escort

The sex appeal factor shoots skyhigh here with Ting playing Susan, a young woman hiding from her father by being a nightclub singer in Japan. Pop singer Chao Ke-jen (the handsome Lin Chong) gets permission from his boss to visit Japan – but only on condition he finds the boss’s daughter. Boy finds girl, boy falls in love. But will Daddy approve..

Nataly Fish

Escorting the Cradle of František Palacký from Hodslavice to the Prague Exhibition Grounds

Escorting the Cradle of František Palacký from Hodslavice to the Prague Exhibition Grounds

In front of a pavilion at the Fairground in Prague have yeomanry a parade of horse riders in folk costumes. In the front there are a lady wearing a white hat with feathers, man and wife holding hands. Follows the procession of little queens (little girls in folk costumes). The queen is under a canopy. The exhibition visitors are watching the proces..

Nataly Fish

Hitman & Bodyguard

Hitman & Bodyguard

Un redoutable tueur à gages est contraint de témoigner contre son ancien employeur devant la Cour internationale de justice de La Haye. Interpol est alors chargée de l’escorter jusqu’aux Pays-Bas et engage le meilleur garde du corps du métier pour mener à bien cette mission. Mais c’était sans savoir que depuis des années, les deux homm..

Nataly Fish



Kat Ellis, new-yorkaise de trente ans et responsable auprès d'une compagnie aérienne, doit se rendre à Londres pour le mariage d'Amy, sa jeune sœur. Mais elle n'a nullement envie d'y arriver comme célibataire et d'y voir son ancien fiancé qui sera témoin au mariage. Elle décide d'engager un escort-boy pour l'accompagner en tant que fiancé.

Nataly Fish

Hitman & Bodyguard 2

Hitman & Bodyguard 2

Michael Bryce, le célèbre garde du corps, a besoin de repos. Il décide d’entamer un " voyage spirituel " en Italie, loin des armes et de la violence. C’est à Capri que Sonia, la femme de Darius Kincaid, vient le chercher pour qu’il l’aide à libérer son mari des griffes de Carlo, un caïd mafieux. Michael accepte – à condition de ne..

Nataly Fish

Personne ne peut me juger

Personne ne peut me juger

Criblée de dettes après le décès brutal de son mari, une veuve fortunée essaie de conserver la garde de son fils et se résout à pratiquer le plus vieux métier du monde.

Nataly Fish

The Walker

The Walker

Un gigolo est pris au piège d'une manipulation lorsqu'il découvre le cadavre de l'amant d'une femme mariée.

Nataly Fish

Dans les griffes d'un mythomane

Dans les griffes d'un mythomane

Jeune veuve et maman d'un petit garçon, Diane se donne à fond dans son travail. Très appréciée par Garrett, son patron, elle est néanmoins en compétition avec le redoutable Kyle pour un poste d’associée au sein de la société. Garrett organise une journée de dégustation de vins chez lui avec tous ses collaborateurs. Consciente que cett..

Nataly Fish

Matching Escort

Matching Escort

A prince wants to marry a common girl, but is forbidden from doing so. When the girl's parents are brutally murdered, she's taken in by the Silver Fox, and taught the ways of killer kung-fu techniques, which she masters completely. When she finds out that the prince's life is now threatened by the same warlord who killed her parents, it's time to t..

Nataly Fish

Black Widow Escort

Black Widow Escort

After the events of The Escort (1997), a psychiatrist becomes obsessed with inmate Suzanne, who survived being shot, and traumatized Debra, the object of Suzanne's deadly obsession.

Nataly Fish

Amateur Night

Amateur Night

Un chômeur accepte de devenir chauffeur pour prostituées, mais sa vie va basculer en une nuit.

Nataly Fish

Jumpin' at the Bedside

Jumpin' at the Bedside

The head of a big engineering firm is a workaholic who neglects his pretty young wife - leading to her joining an "escort" service as a means of sexual relief. All is well, until the escort service is hired to entertain the engineering firm's clients at a swingers' party.

Nataly Fish

La double vie de Veronica

La double vie de Veronica

Après s’être séparée d’un mari violent, Connie revient s’installer à Honolulu avec leur fille adolescente, Christine. Pour subvenir à leurs besoins, Connie travaille comme serveuse le jour et la nuit, elle devient Veronica auprès de différents hommes. Le retour de Jason, son ex-mari, et l’arrivée d’une ancienne connaissance vont ..

Nataly Fish

Escort Bar Oppa

Escort Bar Oppa

The head and players of Z Escort Bar, where only the real players gather. In front of these guys, ground shattering, hot female guests came to visit. Choi Si-won who is said to be one of the top 20 self-proclaimed business leaders will make a deal with the young woman in charge of public affairs. Meanwhile, the ace, No-il, meets Jeong Yu-ri who onl..

Nataly Fish



So-yeon and Min-guk, married for 10 years. They don't have much sex, but that doesn't mean they don't love each other. So, I am receiving counseling and treatment. Min-guk doesn't kiss So-yeon... Min-guk, whose libido has fallen because of So-yeon, who says that the situation becomes ambiguous while trying to kiss, and ends up laughing, accidentall..

Nataly Fish

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