
The Drowning Goat

The Drowning Goat

Luca arrives by plane to visit his dad and his new family in Sweden. Luca is eager to make a good impression but the visit does not go as planned. A stressful incident releases underlying tensions.

Nataly Fish

Drowning Echo

Drowning Echo

During a visit to friends, Sara begins having visions and is attacked by an unearthly creature in her friend’s swimming pool; she soon discovers that anyone who comes into contact with the water is in danger and she is driven to confront the mystical and malevolent creature lurking in the depths

Nataly Fish

Boudu sauvé des eaux

Boudu sauvé des eaux

Boudu, clochard parisien, se jette à la Seine. Repêché par un libraire aux idées libérales, il sème l'anarchie dans la famille.

Nataly Fish

Drowning in Holy Water

Drowning in Holy Water

Rona and Hamed are two young Afghans who are in love with each other. Searching for a better life, they have decided to immigrate to Europe but they have to make a big decision to make it happen, a decision that relates to their religion and beliefs.

Nataly Fish

Drowning Fish

Drowning Fish

When corporate executives are blackmailed into public displays of nudity on the busy streets of Shinjuku, the big guns are called out to locate "Oboreru Sakana". The "big guns" are a misfit duo of ethically questionable characters who must infiltrate a gay nightclub and "fit in" while they search for clues. What ensues is both hilarious and action-..

Nataly Fish

How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer

How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer

There are still water spirits among us. One group lives in Prague, led by Mr. Wassermann, who is using his wife's family as a servants. All they need is their old house near the river. But the house is to be demolished. They have to stop it. And the only way is to drown Dr. Mrácek, who is responsible for the demolition. But he falls in love with W..

Nataly Fish

Dans l'enfer d'une secte

Dans l'enfer d'une secte

Heather découvre que sa fille adolescente, Ally, a disparu. Elle se rend immédiatement à la police. Celle-ci trouve les affaires d'Ally au bord d'une rivière près d'une petite ville à quelques heures de là et présume qu'elle s'est noyée, mais Heather refuse d'accepter leur explication. Déterminée à prouver que sa fille est vivante, Heat..

Nataly Fish

Drowning Ghost

Drowning Ghost

Hundred years ago, three students at the Hellestads Boarding School were brutally slaughtered, the murderer drowned himself in a lake nearby and his body was never found. The story has become a legend for generations of students as well as a yearly festivity. Sara, a student, is writting an essay based on the legend and uncovers new facts from the ..

Nataly Fish

A Muse Never Drowns

A Muse Never Drowns

A member of the high school art club called Sakuko falls into the sea while sketching a boat. Witnessing the incident, Saibara creates a painting titled "Drowning Sakuko" and wins an award at a contest, leading the painting to be displayed at school. Moreover, Saibara takes the liberty of announcing that she will paint Sakuko for her next piece dur..

Nataly Fish



Dowoo runs an old motel – adjacent to a lake with thousands of Korean War victims at its bottom – as well as caring for his mother who has dementia. One wintry day she disappears without a trace. In her stead, a cute little dog appears. Everyone helps kind-hearted, somewhat shy Dowoo search for her. However, when his mother isn’t found, rumou..

Nataly Fish



A plane crashes in the Pacific Ocean six minutes after takeoff, and is flooded after an explosion during evacuation. A dozen survivors sink in a sealed part of the aircraft as it perches precariously on an undersea cliff 200 feet below the surface. Among them is an engineer and his 11-year old daughter.

Nataly Fish

Libye : retour en enfer - Quand l'Europe ferme ses portes

Libye : retour en enfer - Quand l'Europe ferme ses portes

Alors qu'en 2017, l'Union européenne a décidé de transférer à la Libye la responsabilité des sauvetages dans ses eaux territoriales, en dépit des maintes preuves des traitements inhumains subis par les migrants dans le pays, l'action des bateaux humanitaires est aussi de plus en plus entravée par les Etats, dont l'Italie.

Nataly Fish



Aura, a remote accountant with a monotonous routine, has her usual life interrupted one night due to an unexpected and unfamiliar leak. While trying to survive in her surroundings, Aura discovers that in the water exists a comforting escape from her mundane life, but at the same time, it condemns her.

Nataly Fish

May Night, or the Drowned Maiden

May Night, or the Drowned Maiden

The son of an obstinate mayor cannot get his father's consent to wed the beautiful Hanna. He receives unexpected assistance from evil, mysterious forces – Satan, witches, and rusalki – who work together to bring the couple happiness, bringing mayhem and celebration.

Nataly Fish

Sur les traces de ma soeur

Sur les traces de ma soeur

Après la disparition en mer de sa jeune soeur, l'aînée revient dans sa ville natale pour comprendre ce qu'il a bien pu se passer. Il s'avère que l'accident n'en serait pas un.

Nataly Fish

Drowned In Young Wine

Drowned In Young Wine

Tristany and Agnes arrive at a rural house with an enigmatic purpose. Away from their daily lives, they enter into intimate conversations and reflections, hiding their own secrets. As dusk gives way to darkness, it seems that their hidden goals might take shape, changing the dynamics and bringing to the surface mysteries that could affect their rel..

Nataly Fish

Waiting to Drown

Waiting to Drown

In our daydreams, we always dream about who we can be and what we can do. Chak is always living between his dream state – where he is admired and can get any girl he wants – and the reality – where he is constantly teased by his sexually frustrated, foul-mouthed friends. One day, Chak's dream becomes reality when he finds the acceptance of a ..

Nataly Fish

Drowned Heart

Drowned Heart

To conclude his investigation, Inspector Medi meets with Souad, last assistant of the painter Kamal to get her testimony on the past events. With details and emotions, she recounts the tragic destiny of the people she knew. Human being are sometimes the instruments of their own death.

Nataly Fish

Et si le soleil plongeait dans l'océan de nues

Et si le soleil plongeait dans l'océan de nues

Au Liban, sur le chantier du front de mer, Raed, agent de sécurité, doit empêcher les promeneurs d'accéder en bord de mer. Mais alors que l'horizon est bouché chaque jour d’avantage par le chantier, Raed fait des rencontres singulières. Rêves ou incarnations de ses désirs ?

Nataly Fish

Ici on noie les Algériens

Ici on noie les Algériens

A l’appel du Front de Libération Nationale (F.L.N.), des milliers d’Algériens venus de Paris et de toute la région parisienne, défilent, le 17 octobre 1961, contre le couvre-feu qui leur est imposé. Cette manifestation pacifique sera très sévèrement réprimée par les forces de l’ordre. 50 ans après, la cinéaste met en lumière une..

Nataly Fish

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