
Black Panthers

Black Panthers

Seventeen-year-old Martina has a paralyzing fear of heights, which prevents her from fulfilling her father’s wish that they perform a tightrope act together. As she is quite taken with the black panthers in the circus, as well as their trainer Dittrich, she decides to be an animal trainer instead.

Nataly Fish

Black Panther SWAT Team

Black Panther SWAT Team

The violent explosion broke the tranquility of the bank. A group of gunmen drove with stolen money and the police who heard the news chased on the highway. There was a fierce exchange of fire, and the car overturned and caught fire. The remaining gangsters abandoned their cars and fled frantically. The elite SWAT team who received the warning - the..

Nataly Fish

Black Panther Bitch M

Black Panther Bitch M

An assassin trained as a ninja carries the code name M. Hayami is a yakuza boss and a divorced father who is not allowed to come near his young daughter Mutsumi from his ex-wife Kazuko. In the big port city of Yokohama, M targets Hayami, who has angered the president of his group.

Nataly Fish

Black Panther and Polar Bear

Black Panther and Polar Bear

Nataly Fish

Black Panther

Black Panther

Hong Kong movie

Nataly Fish

Les chattes sauvages

Les chattes sauvages

Voulant se venger d'un gang de rue après une attaque de viol, quatre jeunes filles se réunissent, suivent des cours de kung-fu, apprennent à tirer, forment un gang appelé les Black Alley Cats et recherchent le gang qui les a attaquées.

Nataly Fish

All Power to the People!

All Power to the People!

Using government documents, archive footage and direct interviews with activists and former FBI/CIA officers, All Power to the People documents the history of race relations and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States during the 1960s and 70s. Covering the history of slavery, civil-rights activists, political assassinations and exploring the..

Nataly Fish

Der schwarze Panther

Der schwarze Panther

Animated movie by Bruno Sukrow.

Nataly Fish

Passin' It On

Passin' It On

Examines the troubling case of Black Panther leader Dhoruba Bin Wahad (Richard Moore), released after 19 years in prison, when his conviction for allegedly shooting two New York City police officers was overturned on the basis of prosecutorial misconduct.

Nataly Fish

Off the Pig (Newsreel #19)

Off the Pig (Newsreel #19)

A compelling document of the Black Panther Party leadership in 1967. This film contains a prison interview with Minister of Defense Huey P. Newton as well as an interview with Minister of Information Eldridge Cleaver, footage of the aftermath of the police assault against the Los Angeles Chapter headquarters, demonstrations to free Huey at Hutton M..

Nataly Fish

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