
Veduta del porto di Napoli da un battello
Le Voci del Porto

Le Voci del Porto

Nataly Fish

Cidade Porto

Cidade Porto

Nataly Fish

Dhekrayet Porto Farina - L’Enfant du Lazaret

Dhekrayet Porto Farina - L’Enfant du Lazaret

Adaptation du roman éponyme, L’enfant du Lazaret revient sur l’enfance de Claude, fils du gardien en chef du bagne de Porto Farina

Nataly Fish

De um porto a outro

De um porto a outro

Nataly Fish

Tidal Time

Tidal Time

After a boat accident where he puts his son Flavio’s life at risk, fisherman Capudemazza decides to never go fishing again. Ten years later a discovery about his son awakens a feeling in him that had been buried.

Nataly Fish

Sério Fernandes - The Master of Oporto’s School

Sério Fernandes - The Master of Oporto’s School

Forty years ago, Sério Fernandes was a television advertising director and owner of one of the most successful advertising companies in Portugal. That's when he decides to leave everything to focus on his own movies. Nowadays, Sério Fernandes is known as the master of Oporto’s school.

Nataly Fish

Porto Marghera gli ultimi fuochi

Porto Marghera gli ultimi fuochi

This remarcable film describes the struggles in the petrochemical complex of Porto Marghera between 1955 and 2004 - from the point of view of some militant workers. Together with students and intellectuals they formed a group that was active under different names between the early 1960 and the 1980ies. They fought against the bosses, but also agai..

Nataly Fish

O Porto, Escola de Artistas

O Porto, Escola de Artistas

Nataly Fish

Porto Marghera, il lavoro contro la vita
Outono em Porto Alegre

Outono em Porto Alegre

Four different love stories in Porto Alegre.

Nataly Fish

Invicta FC 23: Porto vs. Niedźwiedź

Invicta FC 23: Porto vs. Niedźwiedź

Invicta FC 23: Porto vs. Niedźwiedź was the third women's mixed martial event held by Invicta FC in 2017 and is scheduled to be headlined by a flyweight bout between Vanessa Porto and Agnieszka Niedźwiedź

Nataly Fish

Porto Alegre, Meu Canto no Mundo

Porto Alegre, Meu Canto no Mundo

Fiction and documentary are mixed in an exciting story told by Luis Fernando Veríssimo, among others. An unprecedented Porto Alegre is born through aerial images, films, photos and fiction.

Nataly Fish

Mosaic do Porto

Mosaic do Porto

Nataly Fish

The Harbor

The Harbor

Valongo's quay - Empress quay - Rio de Janeiro port - Porto Maravilha (wonder port): layers of a city haunted by progress. One port on top of the other.

Nataly Fish

Toponímia - As Memórias do Porto

Toponímia - As Memórias do Porto

"Toponymy - As Memórias do Porto" is a journey in a slow, but panoramic train to the past. This film intends to leave a legacy of ancient customs and crafts that began to fall into disuse in the "Cidade Invicta" and to document the collective memory of Porto, represented here by Alfredo, an imaginary and dreamlike character, and an ageless guide.

Nataly Fish

SPC 25 Anos Ao Vivo em Porto Alegre
O Último Porto : Além das Pontes

O Último Porto : Além das Pontes

The film intends to substantiate into images and sounds the feeling of an underground analogy, no doubt partly subjective, based on Portuguese and Turkish topography and culture, while also calling upon the silent continuity of Muslim culture within Portuguese culture. By triggering encounters between members of the two cultures, one reveals what w..

Nataly Fish

Música à moda do Porto

Música à moda do Porto

Documentary about music of Porto, featuring a Capicua interview.

Nataly Fish

A Bruxa de Portobello

A Bruxa de Portobello

Nataly Fish

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