
American Force: The Brave Platoon

American Force: The Brave Platoon

The Brave Platoon like the jungle best. Its darkness, its savage justice - Supreme commandos of The American Force, Randy Nolan, Billy 'The Kid' Lee and Edward 'Duke'Robertson, are The Brave Platoon. Their gun-blazing mission is to track down a KGB officer who has been supplying arms and training to rebel factions. Their true enemy may be the unscr..

Nataly Fish

La section Anderson

La section Anderson

Pierre Schoendoerffer, vétéran de la guerre d'Indochine, accompagne une section de soldats américains durant les combats au Vietnam en 1966.

Nataly Fish

Platoon Commander Guan

Platoon Commander Guan

A platoon commander gets the order to destroy the enemy's command center within three hours. However, the headquarter is located in an overcrowded orphanage.

Nataly Fish

Last Platoon

Last Platoon

After ex-cop and highly decorated war hero Chet Costa's Vietnamese girlfriend disappears, he accepts a risky mission: he shall blow up a bridge at the Vietnamese border to close the Vietcong's line of communication. He's given a group of prisoners to accompany him. Already on the way there their helicopter is shot down; a march through the wilderne..

Nataly Fish

Leprechaun 4 : Destination cosmos

Leprechaun 4 : Destination cosmos

Sur une planète d’une galaxie lointaine, un lutin assoiffé de pouvoir, kidnappe une belle princesse étrangère afin de l'épouser pour son titre royal et son or et de gouverner l’univers. Tandis qu’il échafaude ses plans démentiels, il ne tient pas compte d’un peloton de marines venus de la Terre pour sauver la princesse et déjouer se..

Nataly Fish

Final Reprisal

Final Reprisal

Sergeant David Callahan leads a task force of U.S. Marines on a failed mission. Five years later, working as an adviser to Thai Special Forces, he is forced to return to the Vietnamese P.O.W. camp he escaped years before, to fight a deadly duel.

Nataly Fish

Black Commando

Black Commando

The Moorish general Othello is manipulated into thinking that his new wife Desdemona has been carrying on an affair with his lieutenant Michael Cassio when in reality it is all part of the scheme of a bitter ensign named Iago.

Nataly Fish

My Lai Four: Soldati senza onore

My Lai Four: Soldati senza onore

My Lai Four, a movie about the My Lai massacre in Vietnam. Here s the blurb: Freely adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Seymour Hersh, this film recounts the story of a platoon of American soldiers led by Second Lieutenant Wm. Calley. Falling into an ambush, they come under enemy fire and in the disastrous fight that ensues, two young s..

Nataly Fish

Action Is Not Missing

Action Is Not Missing

The members of the group are sent to Vietnam. The war between North and South is still in full swing.

Nataly Fish

Dog Tags

Dog Tags

POW's rescued from tiger cages in Vietnam are brought into a secret mission by an Army Captain. However when the group finds a cache of gold, greed sets in and the mission goes awry.

Nataly Fish

The Shooters

The Shooters

A group of misfit U.S. Army soldiers are chosen to represent their base at the annual war games competition where they are not expected to win.

Nataly Fish

The Stick

The Stick

A squad (stick) of South African soldiers is sent into the bush to track down some rebel fighters when things take a supernatural turn.

Nataly Fish

The Expendables

The Expendables

Captain Baronski, assigned a squad of misfit soldiers, trains them into a fighting powerhouse "The Expendables." Breaking every rule, they must risk their lives crossing into Cambodia to save the American hostages.

Nataly Fish

Escape to Nowhere

Escape to Nowhere

A Special Forces unit is sent to Cambodia on a rescue mission.

Nataly Fish

The Ukrainians: Battle for Donetsk Airport

The Ukrainians: Battle for Donetsk Airport

Documentary about specific phases of the battle for the Donetsk airport and about the hero-fighters of the Ukrainian Volunteer corps in Pisky. The film presents the war in extreme focus – adrenaline, humor, pain, anguish, and courage are tightly packed into 82 minutes of screen time. It shows scenes of the battle, evacuation of the wounded, the c..

Nataly Fish

War City: Die to Win

War City: Die to Win

The life and death of Hong Kong gangsters.

Nataly Fish

Straight Into Darkness

Straight Into Darkness

The movie encompasses several different elements-the perils of war, a touch of macabre, sadness and redemption.

Nataly Fish

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