
Sa Piling ng mga Sugapa

Sa Piling ng mga Sugapa

Nataly Fish

Kau Pilih Siapa?

Kau Pilih Siapa?

The residents of a village are in a dilemma because they have to make a choice for the candidate to be their village head, which puts them up to crazy antics and behaviours. The return is a question mark. Is it a sought after rank or responsibility? Who is the best candidate to replace the people's representative?

Nataly Fish

This Is a Filipino

This Is a Filipino

This is a Monumental Epic in the History of Filipino Movies.

Nataly Fish

Captain America : Civil War

Captain America : Civil War

Steve Rogers est désormais à la tête des Avengers, dont la mission est de protéger l’humanité. À la suite d’une de leurs interventions qui a causé d’importants dégâts collatéraux, le gouvernement décide de mettre en place un organisme de commandement et de supervision. Cette nouvelle donne provoque une scission au sein de l’équi..

Nataly Fish

Manila... A Filipino Film

Manila... A Filipino Film

Making-of documentary about Lino Brocka's 1975 film "Manila in the Claws of Light," featuring interviews and behind-the-scenes footage.

Nataly Fish

Le Pilier de la Solitude

Le Pilier de la Solitude

Le célèbre alpiniste suisse Michel Vaucher joue ici le rôle de Walter Bonatti lors de l'ascension historique du pilier sud-ouest des Drus (le Pilier Bonatti), dans le massif du Mont Blanc en 1955. Un mur vertical de 800 mètres que Bonatti a affronté seul pendant six jours avec seulement trois jours provisions. La faim, la soif, le décourageme..

Nataly Fish

Pilibail Yamunakka

Pilibail Yamunakka

Pilibail Yamunakka is an Tulu language film directed by K Sooraj Shetty, starring Purav Ambar, Sonal Monteiro, Naveen D Padil in lead roles. The movie has been produced by Rohan Shetty under the banner of Lakumi Cine Creations. Audio launch of this film was held on 19 June 2016. The movie released on 9 December 2016. film successfully completed..

Nataly Fish

Sa piling Ng Mga Belyas

Sa piling Ng Mga Belyas

In a demolished nightclub, Tata (Gil), the owner, shares a sentimental conversation with his nephew Marty (Fernandez), a reporter. Tata talks about the club's heydeys, it's famous clients and especially it's dancehall girls-belyas.

Nataly Fish

Pilipinas: What Do You Think of the Philippines Mr. Janetzko?

Pilipinas: What Do You Think of the Philippines Mr. Janetzko?

An optically printed abstract film taken from the outtakes of an action flick mixed with noise, news broadcasts and hardcore music resulting into a raw collage powerfully evoking Filipino politics and culture.

Nataly Fish

Buhay Pilipino

Buhay Pilipino

Nataly Fish

Through Diligence and Progress Towards Achievement
Sa Piling ng Iba

Sa Piling ng Iba

When their paths cross each other, Bessie and Philip never looked back and turned that chance encounter into a deep romantic relationship. Nothing looks wrong except that Philip is married and Bessie is engaged to Rolf. Will their relationship last?

Nataly Fish

Pasaka par pili

Pasaka par pili

Two travellers are making their way to the Palace in hopes to find meaning of life. Do they know that this road is life-long?

Nataly Fish

Pila. Pili. Pilipinas.

Pila. Pili. Pilipinas.

A short documentary film that invites you to look into the importance of our individual choices based on the social, political, and economic conditions of our society. It will highlight our dream as a nation to move forward by exercising our fundamental freedoms through elections and suffrage.

Nataly Fish

Mabuhay Ang Pilipinas

Mabuhay Ang Pilipinas

A promise of love broken by the promise of a good life.

Nataly Fish

Pilipino Kostum No Touch!

Pilipino Kostum No Touch!

Upon the advice of his heart, Arturo searches for the girl with whom he should settle down.

Nataly Fish

Pili Ka Moʻo

Pili Ka Moʻo

The Fukumitsu ‘Ohana (family) of Hakipu’u are Native Hawaiian taro farmers and keepers of this generational practice. While much of O’ahu has become urbanized, Hakipu’u remains a kīpuka (oasis) of traditional knowledge where great chiefs once resided and their bones still remain.

Nataly Fish

Gilas Pilipinas Vs. Argentina Fiba World Cup

Gilas Pilipinas Vs. Argentina Fiba World Cup

The Philippines men’s basketball team played hard against Argentina in FIBA World Cup group play last Monday, September 1, 2014 but ultimately fell short. Gilas lost 85-81. The key moment came with less than a minute left Gilas had the ball and was down just 2 points, and head coach Vincent Reyes had called timeout. But the drawn up play seemed ..

Nataly Fish

Menantu Pilihan Bapak

Menantu Pilihan Bapak

Nataly Fish

Orang Pilihan

Orang Pilihan

This story tells of a husband and wife who in their daily lives are always bothered by invisible creatures. The reason they were disturbed was because one day Bram (HUSBAND) found a pendant necklace near the village (where he worked). The pendant is the source of the terror and disturbances experienced by Bram and Anna (Bram's wife). The pendant co..

Nataly Fish

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