
Pedro Had a Horse

Pedro Had a Horse

While Pedro Américo denies having fabricated fake news, Paulo Setubal reveals the Emperor’s innermost secrets.

Nataly Fish

Pedro's Adventures

Pedro's Adventures

An accident-prone pizza delivery boy struggles to make it to his destination on time.

Nataly Fish

Pedro Diabo Loves Rosa Meia Noite

Pedro Diabo Loves Rosa Meia Noite

Unhappy with what he'd got from life, Pedro Diabo becomes a dread outlaw, whom the police is looking for. In his life of crime, he has the love and support of a strange woman, Rosa Meia-Noite, chorus girl who likes to wear rich costumes in Carnival Balls.

Nataly Fish

Pedro and Pablo

Pedro and Pablo

In the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, the work of two young priests.

Nataly Fish

Peter Knife

Peter Knife

Based on the international hit song, Pedro Navaja (Peter the Knife) is the story of the coolest, street smart hustler ever to walk the streets of Mexico City. The police are after him, his rivals are after him, and all the while the most beautiful women of Mexico are in the cup of his hand. - Written by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment

Nataly Fish

All Blossoms Again: Pedro Costa, Director

All Blossoms Again: Pedro Costa, Director

With this movie, Aurélien Gerbault invites us to know the portuguese filmmaker Pedro Costa and to witness the process of shooting of his movie Colossal Youth (2006). The nature of Costa's cinema is revealed to us: the criation of an intimate space in the hardness of reality.

Nataly Fish

Just Pedro

Just Pedro

Pedro is a young agricultural worker who gets caught in the middle of a fight between two families, kills a man and escapes to the capital. He can't find work,resorts to begging, but keeps his mountaineer pride. He starts a new life with a prostitute who is nice to him, but nothing works. He returns home, and alone, and now he finds life there is s..

Nataly Fish

From Coal to Waste - The Return to São Pedro da Cova

From Coal to Waste - The Return to São Pedro da Cova

40 years later, Rui Simões returns to São Pedro da Cova to exhibit the photographs he took during the directing of São Pedro da Cova's films. From this reencounter a new message to the centralised powers: now it's toxic waste that is threatening people's health. 40 years later. From coal to waste, the fight goes on.

Nataly Fish

Our Uncle Pedro

Our Uncle Pedro

After moving from São Paulo to an isolated house in the countryside, Pedro starts witnessing extraterrestrial events in between visits from his sister and nephews.

Nataly Fish

Chico Xavier - From Pedro Leopoldo to Uberaba

Chico Xavier - From Pedro Leopoldo to Uberaba

Four movies about the Brazilian spiritist medium, Chico Xavier (1910-2002): "The Medium Emmanuel" (1951), "A Light Shines in the Horizon" (1955), "Chico Xavier - From Pedro Leopoldo to Uberaba" (1983) and "The Great Spiritist Medium" (2007). Be moved by the greatness and humility of the medium of Emmanuel, Andé Luiz, Humberto de Campos and other S..

Nataly Fish

Pedro Feels Like Dancing

Pedro Feels Like Dancing

After taking the wrong bus, the repressed Pedro gets lost in the city and has his cell phone stolen. The course of his day changes when he meets another guy. Into the night, he experiences new sensations and discovers more about himself.

Nataly Fish

The seven deaths of Pedro. The boy who collected cow skulls.

The seven deaths of Pedro. The boy who collected cow skulls.

A boy who believes that there are only seven ways to die.

Nataly Fish

Vagabundo - Ney Matogrosso Pedro Luis e a Parede

Vagabundo - Ney Matogrosso Pedro Luis e a Parede

This incredible partnership brings the stamped voices of Ney Matogrosso and Pedro Luis, in addition to percussion of "A Parede" (The Wall). "Vagabundo" mix semi-unreleased songs of Rio's underground scene with already established songs like "A ordem é samba" (The order is samba) by Jackson do Pandeiro and "Disritmia" (Dysrhythmia).

Nataly Fish

Don Pedro the Cruel

Don Pedro the Cruel

The bastard brothers Fadrique, Enrique and Tello de Trastámara conspire against King Pedro I, who orders Fadrique to be assassinated and who, in turn, dies at the hands of Enrique in the presence of Bertrán Duglesclín.

Nataly Fish

Father Pedro and the Revolt of the Children

Father Pedro and the Revolt of the Children

The dedicated priest Pedro arrives in the city of Serinhaém, ready to reopen the church, closed by the feared local bandit, Rodrigo Napu, and tries to reestablish the Catholic faith of the population, oppressed by the domination of the evildoer.

Nataly Fish

Gracie and Pedro: Pets to the Rescue

Gracie and Pedro: Pets to the Rescue

Gracie and Pedro are family pets with nothing in common. Gracie is a snobby, purebred pooch who considers herself "Best in Show", while Pedro is a brazen, rescue cat, preferring his dinner fresh from the trash. After the family undertakes a big move, Gracie and Pedro’s brawling destroys the airport baggage carousel, leaving the pets lost and stra..

Nataly Fish

In Bed with the Pedros

In Bed with the Pedros

Jide and Hauwa Pedro accidentally run over a teenage girl while having a lover’s spat on their way from an event. Jide refuses Hauwa's request of taking the girl to a hospital having thought of the doom that awaits his political career and family name.

Nataly Fish

La vida de Pedro Infante

La vida de Pedro Infante

Nataly Fish

Opération Peter Pan - L'exode des enfants cubains

Opération Peter Pan - L'exode des enfants cubains

Entre 1960 et 1962, 14 000 enfants sont exfiltrés de Cuba. Un mouvement de panique attisé par une sombre rumeur pousse les parents à envoyer massivement leurs enfants aux Etats-Unis pour les sauver du péril communiste. Cette rumeur, largement relayée par le réseau de l'Eglise catholique, affirme que Fidel Castro a l'intention de «nationalise..

Nataly Fish

Pedro e Inácio

Pedro e Inácio

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