
No problems

No problems

Portrait of a generation of modern young people. Each of them is asked only one question: "What do you care about most of all? What do you worry about?".

Nataly Fish

No Problem 2

No Problem 2

Kimura wins a trip to Hong Kong, but once he arrives, he is mistaken as a hitman and is assigned to kill Yumiko, the female successor to the Ota Group conglomerate. When Kimura falls for his target instead, he must learn kung-fu from a local (Yuen) to fight off the yakuza assassin "Invincible" assigned to finish the job.

Nataly Fish

Y'a pas d'malaise

Y'a pas d'malaise

Clinging to the middle of the mountain like so many spiders, a dozen filmmakers and mountain guides busy themselves above the abyss to film Christophe Profit's ascent of Le Dru. Little by little, the director finds himself dreaming of the tranquil seaside holidays he might have had, like so many other nice people.

Nataly Fish

No Problems in Summer

No Problems in Summer

Kati, a fragile, sixteen-year-old teenager and Sándor, a twenty-two-year-old young man get married defying their parents' and friends' objections. They spend their wedding night in a bunk-house, and then, trusting the strength of their love, they move in a boathouse on the Roman beach of the Danube.

Nataly Fish

Théatre de Sang

Théatre de Sang

Un célèbre critique de théâtre est assassiné sauvagement par des mendiants, dont le prince n'est autre que Lionheart, un tragédien laissé pour mort deux ans plus tôt. Celui-ci est bien décidé à se venger de ceux qui l'ont humilié, et fait preuve d'une imagination débordante pour les supprimer. Il s'inspire du programme de sa dernière ..

Nataly Fish

Man Trouble

Man Trouble

Effrayée par le saccage de son appartement, une chanteuse lyrique décide d'adopter un chien de garde. Elle fait appel à un dresseur professionnel qui n'est pas insensible au charme et à la fortune de sa cliente.

Nataly Fish

The Edge of Seventeen

The Edge of Seventeen

Nadine et Krista découvrent le monde merveilleux du lycée. Mais leur belle amitié est mise à mal lorsque la première apprend que la seconde sort avec son grand frère...

Nataly Fish

Un petit problème

Un petit problème

Ils s'aiment, mais elle déteste les enfants. Alors, quand sa fille de 9 ans propose de se faire passer pour sa petite sœur, il n'a aucune raison d'hésiter. Aucune.

Nataly Fish

Life and Other Problems

Life and Other Problems

The meaning of life, death and everything else? The possible answers are plenty in Max Kestner's adventurous film, which starts when the death of a giraffe at the Copenhagen Zoo goes viral from Hollywood to Chechnya.

Nataly Fish

We're Millennials Got a Problem?  International

We're Millennials Got a Problem? International

Three men, born in 1987, are from the yutori generation (relaxed generation) and they continue their attempts at finding love, friendship, and success. Masakazu Sakama stopped working for a large company and took over his family business. But, his family business is not doing well. Kazutoyo Yamaji is a sweet and sincere man. He works as an elementa..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

On a marché sur Bangkok

On a marché sur Bangkok

Serge Renart, un journaliste TV devenu has-been et Natacha Bison, une reporter de guerre écartée du métier parce que trop dangereuse pour ses collègues, se retrouvent obligés d’enquêter ensemble sur une affaire qui les mènera en Thailande à la recherche d’un des secrets les mieux gardés de l’histoire contemporaine.... Que s’est-il ..

Nataly Fish

The Three-Body Problem

The Three-Body Problem

Based on the novel of the same name by Cixin Liu, the first in the Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy. Hundreds of physicists died mysteriously. A Chinese nanomaterials expert, Wang Miao, sees a mysterious countdown in his eyes. Soon he finds out that the "disastrous planet" under three suns in a game really exists. The three-body civilization t..

Nataly Fish

Parle à mon psy, ma tête est malade

Parle à mon psy, ma tête est malade

Un fugitif se fait passer pour le remplaçant du Docteur Maitlin prétendant être le psychiatre Lawrence Baird. Celui-ci devient très populaire. Mais tout va sa compliquer lorsque le Docteur Maitlin rencontre le véritable Docteur Lawrence Baird à une conférence scientifique à Londres.

Nataly Fish

You Are My Problem

You Are My Problem

Sebastian, a sharp and clever teenager is once again expelled from school, just when his mother Luisa, a reputed psychologist, is about to take a very important step in her career. As a ticking time bomb that just explode, Sebastián runs away from home thinking that his father, whom he hasn't seen in years, will grant him the solutions to all his ..

Nataly Fish

The March of Time 13th Year No. 6

The March of Time 13th Year No. 6

The March of Time was an American newsreel series sponsored by Time Inc. and shown in movie theaters from 1935 to 1951. This episode covered the Dutch Empire.

Nataly Fish

Death Is a Problem for the Living

Death Is a Problem for the Living

The cheapest drivers in the hearse business, gambling addict Risto Kivi and his friend Arto Niska, an 85% brainless man, have found themselves in a situation where everything has gone wrong and a fresh start is needed.

Nataly Fish

Hôtel fantôme

Hôtel fantôme

Les clients de l'hôtel Edelweiss sont confinés dans l'établissement depuis plusieurs jours à cause d'une tempête de neige. Alors que le réseau téléphonique vient d'être coupé, le cadavre de l'un des hôtes est retrouvé dans sa chambre par une employée. La nouvelle s'ébruite rapidement et crée un vent de panique chez les clients.

Nataly Fish

Problem Child

Problem Child

A drama about a high school conflict based on the novel by Liya Geraskina.

Nataly Fish

Two Solutions for One Problem

Two Solutions for One Problem

During breaktime, Dara and Nader have a fierce argument about a torn exercise book that the former has given back to the latter. There are two possible outcomes, which the film shows one after the other. One is that Dara wants to get his own back, and the two boys start a violent fight; the other is that they work together to mend the exercise book..

Nataly Fish

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