
The Mischievous Hedgehog

The Mischievous Hedgehog

Nataly Fish

The Mischievous Boy

The Mischievous Boy

The Mischievous Boy — "Shum bola", a film on the eponymous story of Gafur Gulyam about the adventures of a little boy, whose restless character makes him different people and life situations.

Nataly Fish

Ikkyuu-san: It's Spring, Mischievous Princess!

Ikkyuu-san: It's Spring, Mischievous Princess!

Ikkyuu must help the princess once again as she doesn't have any table manners. Without them she won't be able to attend the plum blossom viewing party.

Nataly Fish

Falling Love At First Kiss

Falling Love At First Kiss

Quand une fille stupide tombe amoureuse de quelqu'un qui est hors d'atteinte, existe-t-il un espoir de fin heureuse ? Xiang Qin est une fille ordinaire qui a le béguin persistant pour Jiang Zhi Shu. Après qu'elle lui ait transmis ses sentiments et qu'elle se voit cruellement rejetée, Xiang Qin envisage d'abandonner pour de bon. Cependant, il se ..

Nataly Fish

Itazura lolita: Ushirokara baajin

Itazura lolita: Ushirokara baajin

A drunk office worker spots a discarded doll in the trash and decides to bring it home. When the doll mysteriously comes to life as a normal sized but naked young woman his life gets very complicated.

Nataly Fish

Blinky Bill, le koala malicieux

Blinky Bill, le koala malicieux

Blinky Bill, jeune koala, échappe de justesse aux tronçonneuses de bucherons australiens venus détruire une forêt d'eucalyptus. Blinky part à la recherche de sa famille et rencontre lors de sa quête de nombreux amis qui vont l'aider à retrouver sa mère perdue.

Nataly Fish

Naughty Curves

Naughty Curves

If Vaike, a student and athlete from Tartu, arrives to Pirita-Kose-Kloostrimetsa speedway, the bikes are already racing with dizzying speeds. The same dizzying adventures will be ahead, when Vaike meets multiple-times champion Raivo, who has been dizzied with sports progress and young ladies, and with champion candidate Heino, who helps Vaike to pr..

Nataly Fish

Dangerous Curves

Dangerous Curves

A romantic comedy about two rival motorcyclists who are in love with two twin sisters. It is a remake of the 1959 film Naughty Curves and was the first film shot in the Soviet-designed Kinopanorama format.

Nataly Fish

Bridge of Mischiveous Children

Bridge of Mischiveous Children

Jhony passes the summer with his older brother, who wastes his time along his friends, obsessed with alcohol, pornography and the different women he takes into his mother's bedroom. One day, a girl named Misha arrives at the neighborhood, fracturing their monotony. Nobody knows anything about her, except that they call her Misha because of her gree..

Nataly Fish



“Kalikangiaroi” (also called Skalapountari) are Cypriot fantasy creatures. Mischievous, funny-looking, thin, hunchbacked creatures, sometimes wearing a long pointy hat or even having big bat-like wings, Cypriots were terrified of Kalikangiaroi. Kalikangiaroi hide in the depths of the earth all year long and rarely come above the ground. Howeve..

Nataly Fish

Itazura Kitsune

Itazura Kitsune

Earliest japanese horror film.

Nataly Fish

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