
Bai Yutang and Mystery of Maneater Wolf

Bai Yutang and Mystery of Maneater Wolf

Bai Yutang, nicknamed "Sleek Rat", is a Song dynasty knight-errant from the 19th-century Chinese novel The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. During the peace talks between the Imperial Court and the Western Regions the four princes from the first batallion publicly paid tribute to the fallen soldiers, but they were suddenly attacked by a group of "s..

Nataly Fish

Man-Eater Mountain

Man-Eater Mountain

Naoyuki Niiya throws in every influence ranging from pre-war kamishibai to Edogawa Rampo and creates a hilariously horrible and exciting tale of an inspector, who gets lost on a mountain.

Nataly Fish

Man-Eating Shark

Man-Eating Shark

A group of poachers hunted sharks indiscriminately on the high seas, angering the great white shark, and the poachers died in the shark's mouth. In turn, the great white shark focuses on the five friends on the yacht celebrating graduation, so the five of them fought fiercely with the great white shark. Between life and death, only the idea of ​�..

Nataly Fish



Des touristes arrivent sur une petite île grecque, qu'ils trouvent complètement abandonnée. En explorant les lieux ils découvrent une chambre secrète. Ils sont par la suite poursuivis par un psychopathe cannibale bien décidé à les tuer un par un.

Nataly Fish

Bad Meat

Bad Meat

Six troubled teens at secluded camp for juvenile delinquents must fight for their lives after a mysterious virus transforms the guards into cannibalistic mutants.

Nataly Fish

The Terrifying Man-eating Shark Woman

The Terrifying Man-eating Shark Woman

Toshio, who works at an architectural firm, visits a fishing port to reminisce about his love with his girlfriend Kyoko, who died suddenly one year ago. On a small island, he meets a woman who looks just like Kyoko. Toshio becomes obsessed with the woman. Soon, a rumor spreads among the fishermen that the woman is the incarnation of a shark.

Nataly Fish



Le changement climatique mondial donne l'idée à une société scientifique à modifier génétiquement les ours polaires de l'Alaska avec des résultats horribles et mortels.

Nataly Fish



Caine est un trafiquant d'armes en fuite après une transaction ratée au Soudan. Il trouve refuge à Port Soudan proche de la mer Rouge. En cherchant un moyen de quitter l'île, il rencontre un couple de scientifiques américains, le professeur Mallare et sa partenaire Anna, qui lui proposent de les rejoindre pour une expédition maritime. Séduit..

Nataly Fish

Anthropophagus II

Anthropophagus II

A group of female students and their lecturer, Nora, camp inside a bomb bunker to do research on the theses they are writing. After being escorted by a sinister-looking janitor, the girls prepare to spend twenty-four hours locked in the bunker. In the middle of the night, two of them disappear without a trace. Nora coordinates the search, but soon ..

Nataly Fish



Hoping to find proof of the paranormal, five film students set out to document the legendary Copper Queen Hospital. But as the sun goes down, they experience something far worse than they ever could have imagined and they find themselves pursued by a blood thirsty maniac

Nataly Fish

A Smell of Honey, a Swallow of Brine

A Smell of Honey, a Swallow of Brine

Sharon is a young office worker who sexually teases, seduces and then cries 'rape' on various men just to see them emotionally suffer for her own man-hating, twisted amusement leading to one lovestruck boyfriend being sent to prison, the financial ruin of another, and the meltdown and death of a third victim.

Nataly Fish

Le baron vampire

Le baron vampire

Le Baron Weser (Cameron Mitchell) accueille sur son île au large de l'Italie un groupe de touristes. L'homme entretient une passion dévorante pour les plantes, en particulier les espèces carnivores. Bien vite, au cours du séjour, les hôtes du Baron commencent à disparaitre mystérieusement...

Nataly Fish

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