
Les Contrebandiers de Santa Lucia

Les Contrebandiers de Santa Lucia

Un policier se rapproche des contrebandiers Napolitains de cigarettes pour mettre à jour un trafic d'héroïne.

Nataly Fish

Two Sons of Francisco

Two Sons of Francisco

The story of Francisco, a very simple and poor man whose dream was to see his children become country music stars, and who made all the efforts to make it happen.

Nataly Fish

Lucia et les Gouapes

Lucia et les Gouapes

Le jeune Nicola Bellizzi s'installe dans un quartier misérable de la fin du XIXème siècle, de Naples, qui est sous le contrôle de la Camorra. Nicola est issu du même milieu que Don Gaetano, le chef du quartier. Nicola sort d'un long séjour en prison où il a nourri l'ambition de devenir avocat. Sans argent, il est obligé de jouer aux dés po..

Nataly Fish

Lucía en el limbo

Lucía en el limbo

Une adolescente se débat avec des poux et un harceleur dans un bus.

Nataly Fish

Luciano Serra, Pilot

Luciano Serra, Pilot

Successful WWI pilot Luciano Serra has problems adjusting to an ordinary life in peace, so he leaves his family and becomes a pilot in America. In the 30s, his son in Italy wants also to become a pilot, and Luciano accepts an offer of a double dealing agent for a flight from Rio to Rome, but his plane crashes in the Atlantic. For the world Luciano ..

Nataly Fish

Paco de Lucía, légende du flamenco

Paco de Lucía, légende du flamenco

Dernier hommage rendu au génie andalou disparu en 2014, ce documentaire réalisé par son fils retrace l'incroyable destin d'un guitariste et compositeur hors-norme, qui a fait du flamenco une musique universelle. Paco de Lucía a croisé sur son chemin les plus grands, de Sabicas à Carlos Santana en passant par le 'cantaor' Camarón de la Isla. ..

Nataly Fish

Thea and Lucia

Thea and Lucia

When two young women grappling with identity issues face demons from the past, they must rely on each other in order to survive the consequences of their actions.

Nataly Fish

Troppa Grazia

Troppa Grazia

Lucy, mère célibataire, bataille pour trouver un juste équilibre entre sa fille adolescente, une histoire d’amour compliquée et sa carrière et géomètre. Son avenir professionnel se voit compromis lorsqu’elle réalise que la future construction d’un bâtiment ambitieux s’avère en fait être dangereux pour l’environnement en raison ..

Nataly Fish



An assistant prosecutor zealously pursues a conviction in the case of a pediatric nurse accused of murdering her patients, but doubt arises when her evidence shows that the infants may have died of natural causes.

Nataly Fish

Le Voyage de Lucia

Le Voyage de Lucia

A Buenos Aires, Lucia et Lea, deux femmes que tout sépare, vivent une amitié qui les emmènera jusqu'en Patagonie, loin des hommes et de leurs certitudes...

Nataly Fish

Villa Lucia

Villa Lucia

Three men are trying to get over their teenage obsession with their school classmate. One suicidal, one secretly engaged to her, one dreaming to re-live the good old days. ...and all of them hostages to a homicidal burglary in progress.

Nataly Fish

24 Hours with Lucia

24 Hours with Lucia

Lucía has been possessed by the devil. Nacho, her husband, will have to learn to live with it.

Nataly Fish

Lucianeka goes to the voice kids

Lucianeka goes to the voice kids

Lucianeka follows her dream.

Nataly Fish

Santa Lucia District

Santa Lucia District

After the matriarch dies, an Italian immigrant family in America disintegrates. The son tries to steal their money, and the father yearns to return to a less stressful existence back in Naples.

Nataly Fish

Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor

Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor

Every morning at dawn, in the Lammermuir hills in Southern Scotland, the beautiful Lucia meets Edgardo of Ravenswood, a mysterious young man with whom she is in love. However, just as in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the lovers are the progeny of two feuding families and do not have the right to love each other. Lucia, a magnificent flower shat..

Nataly Fish

Santa Lucia

Santa Lucia

This film has no story - one could be born at any moment. His characters are the composition of the composition that, in the time they live in, is the composition of the time in which they live. The situations are exemplary, they come from the reality of dreams, a movement takes on several dimensions, gives the impression of simultaneity, the passa..

Nataly Fish

Lucia's secret

Lucia's secret

Nataly Fish

The Silhouettes of Pompeii (or Letter to Lucia)

The Silhouettes of Pompeii (or Letter to Lucia)

Could you feel the extremes go by back then? The beginning? The end? This pause is for you to lie ...

Nataly Fish

In Lucia's Skin

In Lucia's Skin

Lucia, a young mother, is consumed in her dark past. Her daughter, Camila, is the constant reminder of it. One afternoon in the circus, Lucia stops resisting the pain and decides to break the silence.

Nataly Fish

Flight of the Guitar: Dreaming of Paco De Lucia

Flight of the Guitar: Dreaming of Paco De Lucia

This is the story of a trip between Spain and Latin America with a unique protagonist: the last guitar designed by the genius from Algeciras, which he never had the chance to unveil to the world. From Mallorca, Jerez de la Frontera and Lisbon to the United States and Latin America, this musical instrument has been travelling, keeping alive the mag..

Nataly Fish

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