
La vie, l'amour, la mort

La vie, l'amour, la mort

François Toledo, un ouvrier dans une usine d'automobiles, marié et père de famille, tombe sous le charme de Janine, sa collègue de travail. A trois reprises, François a étranglé des prostituées, mais il est dénoncé par sa belle-mère...

Nataly Fish

Les amours de la pieuvre

Les amours de la pieuvre

An octopus slithers into a narrow crack near the shore; we see its eye up close. It feeds on a crab. In spring it's time to mate. A male grabs a female; he inserts his third arm in her respiratory cavity. We watch another pair: a larger female is the aggressor here. Mating is repeated over hours and days. The female releases strings of fertilized e..

Nataly Fish

Dirty Love

Dirty Love

Valentine Demy and Susan Little star in this erotic tale of a young girl who sets off from the suburbs of New York City to seek fame as a dancer on Broadway. She finds that her exuberant body brings her into contact with many different facets of the Broadway nightlife, with sex as the dominant factor.

Nataly Fish

O Lovely Life

O Lovely Life

Batta, Sakina, and Nawal .. Three friendly girls, neighbors from one lane, with similar difficult social conditions and also the dream of marriage before spinsterhood.

Nataly Fish

Love for Life

Love for Life

An exhausted stranger arrives at a farm and starts to help the owner with the legal status of her land.

Nataly Fish

The Love Life of Budimir Trajković

The Love Life of Budimir Trajković

Trajković family are bridge builders. Being forced to move every once in a while, the bridges are everything but pleasant thing for 17 year old Budimir, who is unable to make any permanent love relationship. In their last attempt to settle down in capital, a boy will experience love in its full meaning.

Nataly Fish

Indebted for Life and Love

Indebted for Life and Love

It narrates the sad experiences of the people around Huang Mingzhu who cannot enjoy freedom and live a peaceful life even though they live in the 1960s.

Nataly Fish

La Vie après l'amour

La Vie après l'amour

Après vingt ans de mariage, Sophie décide de quitter son mari Gilles pour aller rejoindre son amant. Gilles entre dans une dépression profonde qui lui fait commettre des actes de plus en plus désespérés.

Nataly Fish

L'amour, oui! Mais...

L'amour, oui! Mais...

The story of a hotel boss that, from time to time, observes the couples in the rooms and even films them.

Nataly Fish

The Love for Life

The Love for Life

At the end of the Republic of China, Dr Chen Haoze, a doctor who had studied abroad, returned to China with new technology to set up a large pharmacy. The Yang family western pharmacy and the Fang family Chinese medicine shop in Fengtian City, with whom he was working, complemented each other's resources. Soon after his arrival, Chen Haoze negotiat..

Nataly Fish

Love and Life

Love and Life

Contemporary musical drama film by Yasuzo Masumura.

Nataly Fish

To Love Life

To Love Life

To Love Life is a treatise on the structure of the world and its perception. Extremely intense and genuine experience combined with a profound analysis lead to conclusions that allow the development of a universal model of reality.

Nataly Fish

Yaakunah, Love For Life

Yaakunah, Love For Life

Chiich, an elderly Mayan lady, is the depository of great wisdom. Her granddaughter Yaakunah has inherited this knowledge. After healing a young girl in the village who suffered from cancer, she attracts the attention of international pharmaceutical companies.

Nataly Fish

Life, Love & HIV

Life, Love & HIV

HIV has been a chronic disease since the 1990s; it is no longer lethal. Still, the social stigma and the taboo the affliction is under persist. This is also experienced by two women in Amsterdam and Groningen. They are now brave enough to say they are HIV positive, despite all unshakable prejudices against women with HIV. This moving documentary sh..

Nataly Fish

Love..For Life

Love..For Life

A poor girl, an employee in a company and living in a conservative, popular neighborhood, her character is strong, she loved a teacher, but the story of this love does not continue because of the surrounding circumstances that surround them

Nataly Fish

Life, Love and Death

Life, Love and Death

Divided into three grotesque stories of absurd humor that, as the title suggests, are based on life, love and death.

Nataly Fish

And Life, and Tears and Love

And Life, and Tears and Love

The life of the inhabitants of the veterans' house was boring and monotonous. Everything changed with the arrival of the new head physician, Varvara Dmitriyevna. Her kindness and sensitivity began to work miracles. After all, Varvara Dmitriyevna tries not only to treat the ailments of the elderly, but also to return to them their lost interest in l..

Nataly Fish

La vie et l'amour en jeu (L'Édition du réalisateur)

La vie et l'amour en jeu (L'Édition du réalisateur)

Le lycéen Ito est un élève sérieux et travailleur âgé de 17 ans. Mais il s'ennuie également et se sent insatisfait. Sur le chemin du retour de l'école, Ito joue souvent à une sorte de jeu, se mettant au défi de marcher le long d'une longue ligne blanche sur la route. Un jour, alors qu'il joue à son jeu solitaire, il rencontre un autre ly..

Nataly Fish

A Life Full of Love

A Life Full of Love

Li Dong Hai is rushed off his feet every day at his job with the Disabled Federation. He helps everyone and never asks for anything in return. His son thinks Li Dong Hai's selflessness is extreme, en example of which arises when Huang Kun, a poor paraplegic, proposes marriage to Wang Jing. The girl's mother objects but Li Dong Hai comes to the resc..

Nataly Fish

The Love of My Life

The Love of My Life

Mamdouh travels to Cairo to realize his dreams as a singer. There, he falls in love with a dancer who leaves him in search of a better future.

Nataly Fish

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