
Sur les traces de Big Bull

Sur les traces de Big Bull

En 2012, le docteur en biologie marine Neil Hammerschlag et son équipe d'étudiants-chercheurs ont croisé le chemin du plus imposant des requins-bouledogues jamais observés : une femelle qu'ils ont baptisée Big Bull. Quelques années plus tard, Neil fait appel à l'ex-commando des Royal Marines, James Glancy, et au biologiste de l'évolution, D..

Nataly Fish

The Ocean’s Greatest Feast

The Ocean’s Greatest Feast

The story of South Africa’s sardine run is brought vividly to life on camera.

Nataly Fish

The Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth

The Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth

Follow the path of the sun on its annual cycle, from the Equator, across the northern hemisphere and into the South. Witness a world bursting with life, as spring and summer follow the passage of the sun. Revealed in all their glory are the natural rhythms of life - the urge to breed, to feed and to raise young - all driven by the sun, the moon and..

Nataly Fish

National Geographic: The World's Biggest Bomb Revealed

National Geographic: The World's Biggest Bomb Revealed

National Geographic 2011 Documentary on the World's Biggest Bomb (UK).

Nataly Fish

UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied II: Moon Rising

UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied II: Moon Rising

Never seen before pictures of the Moon in it's true color and uncovers some of NASA's long kept secrets about the huge structures on the Moon blurred out by NASA in all the pictures released to the public.

Nataly Fish

Gold Diggers: The World's Biggest Bank Robbery

Gold Diggers: The World's Biggest Bank Robbery

The well-organised gang built a tunnel that was an extraordinary feat of precision civil engineering. The team broke through a reinforced steel and concrete floor and then negotiated a route through the bank that meticulously avoided all security cameras. It was a crime that united all of Brazil, and the robbers became overnight heroes. But the rob..

Nataly Fish

World's Biggest Hammerhead?

World's Biggest Hammerhead?

De nombreux rapports faisant état de grands requins-marteaux géants, mesurant jusqu'à 20 pieds de long, ont remis en question la taille réelle potentielle de cette espèce. Une équipe de scientifiques de l'université internationale de Floride a entrepris une expédition au large de la Floride pour tenter de trouver le plus grand requin-martea..

Nataly Fish

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