
Hyena's Blood

Hyena's Blood

We are in 1973. A corrupt cop helps the new born DEA to burn down the poppy fields in Mexico.

Nataly Fish

Hyena: Bone Crushing Queens

Hyena: Bone Crushing Queens

The crushing jaws of hyenas may act as a kind of nutrient blender, grinding out calcium and phosphorous from bones and dumping them back into the relatively poor soil of the Kalahari Desert.

Nataly Fish

Hyena: Queen of the Masai Mara

Hyena: Queen of the Masai Mara

This is the unusual portrait of two hunters - the cheetah and the hyena. It is a dramatic story built around the competition for prey and territory and the fight for survival.

Nataly Fish

Battle Royale: Lions and Hyenas

Battle Royale: Lions and Hyenas

Hyenas are known as the "scavengers of the Savannah". This documentary gives a front-row seat, as hyenas use their physical strength to compete for the top spot in the African Savannah.

Nataly Fish

Ben Roy - Hyena

Ben Roy - Hyena

Ben wields a knife on stage, grabs an audience member’s head by his ears, stares down into his soul, and screams “I was on extended basic cable television!” Ben howls out to the audience with an eccentric enthusiasm – and they howl back and echo the same feral and carnivorous energy that earned this special the apt name, "Hyena". With audi..

Nataly Fish

Hyena Asphyxia

Hyena Asphyxia

Nataly Fish

Leopard & Hyena: Strange Alliance

Leopard & Hyena: Strange Alliance

After an explosive and fortuitous encounter, a male hyena and a leopard join forces and create a peculiar hunting alliance.

Nataly Fish

Hyena Coast

Hyena Coast

Brown hyena expert Ingrid Wiesel wants to find her favourite study animal, named Tosca, who has disappeared from her home range on Namibia’s wild west coast. Ingrid's spent the last 17 years studying brown hyenas - now she must journey deep into Tosca's world to discover what exactly has forced her to leave her traditional hunting grounds.

Nataly Fish

Shri Swapankumarer Badami Hyenar Kobole

Shri Swapankumarer Badami Hyenar Kobole

Kolkata is at risk from Badami Hyena. Dipak Chatterjee, a forgotten detective created by Shri Swapankumar, faces a complex mission. Can he save the city and himself?

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Hyena

The Hyena

Crime film.

Nataly Fish

The City Hyena

The City Hyena

Having grown up in poverty, the ambitious Nana is determined to break out of it. She becomes part of the Paris theatre scene and gets involved with several of the men who court her. However, Nana’s impoverished past catches up with her, and the story comes to a tragic end. Stumfilm.dk

Nataly Fish

Lions versus Hyenas

Lions versus Hyenas

For carnivores a few bites of nutrient-rich meat can last you for days, so it's worth putting in a lot of effort and taking a certain amount of risk. All predators are therefore inherently in competition. With this in mind, it's no surprise that lions and spotted hyenas aren't exactly "best friends"! Lions and hyenas have a fundamental problem with..

Nataly Fish

Killer IQ: Lion vs. Hyena

Killer IQ: Lion vs. Hyena

In this documentary, world-famous lion whisperer Kevin Richardson maps the behavior of both lions and hyenas. Assisted by the world's leading behavioral scientists, Richardson conducts various tests that target specific skills and aspects of the animals' behavior. Cognitive awareness and social intelligence are put to the test: how well do the anim..

Nataly Fish

A Hyena in the Safe

A Hyena in the Safe

Une bande de malfrats ayant cambriolé une joaillerie à Amsterdam se retrouve dans un château afin de pouvoir partager le butin. Chacun d'entre eux possèdent une clé permettant d'ouvrir un coffre-fort pour récupérer les diamants. Mais ils commencent tous à mourir les uns après les autres.

Nataly Fish

Les hyènes - Au-delà des préjugés

Les hyènes - Au-delà des préjugés

Contrairement à d’autres prédateurs de la savane, la hyène n’a pas bonne presse. Souvent dépeinte comme une charognarde lâche et sournoise au rire sinistre, elle possède des techniques uniques qui font d’elle une redoutable chasseuse. Capable de poursuivre ses proies sur des kilomètres, jusqu’à les épuiser, cet animal social chasse..

Nataly Fish

Hyena of London

Hyena of London

A serial killer called "Hyena" is finally captured and eventually hanged. But his body disappears before it can be buried, and soon thereafter dead bodies begin to turn up in a small village.

Nataly Fish

Une hyène pas comme les autres

Une hyène pas comme les autres

Chassées par les fermiers et les éleveurs qui se sont installés sur leurs territoires, les hyènes brunes ont trouvé refuge dans les régions les plus isolées et inhospitalières, loin des hommes. Aux confins de la Namibie, sur la côte des Squelettes, une seule devise : s'adapter ou périr. Comme d'autres hyènes avant lui, un jeune mâle à ..

Nataly Fish

The Hiding Hyena

The Hiding Hyena

Hyeena, infected with HIV, wants company. The girls Zebra and Impala are looking for a new home. Impala gets into trouble and Zebra defends the girls' right to say NO.

Nataly Fish

Discord of the Hyenas

Discord of the Hyenas

Jo, Harri, Nik and Beppo meet on a field to dig up their hidden loot. Their buddy Lenz is missing - they end up digging without his help. At the bottom of the ditch, they discover Lenz's body instead of the loot they were after. Nobody knew of the hiding place except for them - hence, one of them is a murderer. But who?

Nataly Fish

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