


Set in February of 1960, 'Horizon' is a film dealing with the struggle of losing a loved one. Charlotte, a widowed woman, raises her two children while being haunted by her past. The reality and fantasy of Charlotte's emotions clash, forcing herself to reevaluate the importance of being a mother.

Nataly Fish



Everyone is worried about 16-year Lieke who has just lost her mother. But despite her grief Lieke continues her life in the swimming pool where she enjoys workouts with her coach. But then her trainer decides to train another girl.

Nataly Fish



A landscape is divided into very thin horizontal layers, which are reassembled into a different order. Lines from different moments in time are displaced and repositioned.

Nataly Fish



Tightly controlled phasing between a TV camera and its monitor.

Nataly Fish



To realize her dream of launching into uncharted space, a determined astronaut must choose to leave her humanity behind. The film hopes to grapple with what it means to be human in a rapidly changing medical and digital landscape, the cost of progress, and the desire to push beyond personal limits.

Nataly Fish

Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 2

Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 2

Explore the lure of the Old West and how it was won—and lost—through the blood, sweat and tears of many. Spanning the four years of the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865, embark on an emotional journey across a country at war with itself, experienced through the lens of families, friends and foes all attempting to discover what it truly means to be ..

Nataly Fish

Star Trek : Horizon

Star Trek : Horizon

In a time prior to the United Federation of Planets, a young coalition of worlds led by Earth battle the Romulan Star Empire for their very survival.

Nataly Fish

Event Horizon

Event Horizon

Été 1997, dans un petit village d’Écosse, où chaque jour se ressemble et où jamais rien ne se passe, un étrange événement cosmique vient perturber le quotidien monotone de Julianne.

Nataly Fish



After receiving a devastating call, a young adult takes a walk.

Nataly Fish



Matt Pyke's short film for 42 One Dream Rush

Nataly Fish



From the turtles of the Farasan Islands to the Ibex that dot the Asir mountains, this documentary captures Saudi Arabia's diverse wildlife and scenery.

Nataly Fish

À l'horizon

À l'horizon

Un homme et une femme restaurent un bateau pour pouvoir faire une croisière ensemble. Ce projet commun les rapproche...

Nataly Fish

Alien Nation: Dark Horizon

Alien Nation: Dark Horizon

George Francisco est un «nouveau venu», une race extraterrestre esclave qui a survécu au terrible accident de leur vaisseau. Après avoir échappé à leurs tortionnaires, les fuyards trouvent refuge sur la Terre. Mais leur vie est en danger. Un groupe d’extrémistes met au point un virus mortel afin d'exterminer les esclaves.

Nataly Fish

Bring Me The Horizon : Live at Wembley

Bring Me The Horizon : Live at Wembley

Bring Me The Horizon nous livre un de ses plus gr show dans une Wembley Arena à guichets fermés en décembre 2014. Ce concert nocturne présente les plus grands titres des 10 ans de carrière du groupe, dont le dernier single à succès «Drown».

Nataly Fish



Itinéraire d'un juif russe fuyant les pogroms avant la révolution et revenant dans son pays natal en tant que soldat des armées d'intervention. Film longtemps occulté par les autorités soviétiques.

Nataly Fish

The Asphalt Horizon

The Asphalt Horizon

Split frames without reason, completing together to make one physical reaction.

Nataly Fish

Hell's Horizon

Hell's Horizon

The pilot, co-pilot, and crew of a bomber try to hit a Korean bridge in bad weather.

Nataly Fish

Horizon Beautiful

Horizon Beautiful

A soccer magnate on a promotion tour in Addis Ababa gets mixed up in a fake kidnapping. His supposed liberator is a 12-year old street kid with a plan - to have the Godfather of soccer take him to ballplayer's heaven.

Nataly Fish



En 1917, Antonin, jeune soldat blessé, retourne chez lui. Il retrouve Elisa, jeune veuve dont il tombe amoureux. Elisa tente de le convaincre de ne pas retourner au front après sa convalescence...

Nataly Fish



Au cœur de sa banlieue lointaine où s'enlacent bitume et champs, Adja, 18 ans, brûle du désir de vivre intensément. Elle cherche sa voie entre sa meilleure amie influenceuse qui brille sur les réseaux sociaux et son footballeur de grand-frère qui sature tout l'espace de réussite familiale. L'inattendu que lui propose la ZAD (Zone À Défend..

Nataly Fish

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