
Vivien Hasn't Been Herself Lately

Vivien Hasn't Been Herself Lately

A young married couple struggles to survive against a supernatural entity.

Nataly Fish

By Herself

By Herself

Inspired by a poem by Lars Norén, By Herself is an oneiric film about a woman who lives alone and who comes home late one evening. Beautifully filmed, By Herself is a film that dwells on the mysteries of time, loneliness, and desire.

Nataly Fish

Your Highness is enjoying herself

Your Highness is enjoying herself

Princess Melanie wants to examine her future husband and pretends to be his maid. His Highness plays the secretary. While a goofy servant mimics the baron, he himself takes time to flirt with the alleged maid.

Nataly Fish

RahXephon Interlude: Her and Herself/Thatness and Thereness

RahXephon Interlude: Her and Herself/Thatness and Thereness

Quon Kisaragi was surprised when she saw an illusion of herself floating in midair. This other "self" of her claimed that she is a fragment of Quon. Thus an existentialistic dialogue began between the two.

Nataly Fish

The Cat Who Walked by Herself

The Cat Who Walked by Herself

Two parents put their child in his crib for the night and leave the room. The child starts crying, and the Cat comes into the room to keep him company. The child grabs her tail, and the Cat angrily reminds him that they agreed a thousand years ago that he would not do that. Upon seeing that the child doesn't remember, the Cat sighs and decides to t..

Nataly Fish

Here by Herself

Here by Herself

A five-year-old girl along with her mother and their cat walk around the winter city. Jokingly, the girl puts some of her clothes on the cat. The mother goes away and leaves the child in the city, believing that the cat is her daughter…

Nataly Fish

How Nikita Got Herself a Horse

How Nikita Got Herself a Horse

In the opening minutes of this surprising portrait of Nikita, a disarming, horse-loving 13-year-old girl, it’s hard to imagine that a few years ago her life wasn’t going nearly as well as it is today. Now she chatters away in her strong Amsterdam accent, talks about her pets and family, and even feels comfortable enough to sing a little—which..

Nataly Fish

Augusta Makes Herself Beautiful

Augusta Makes Herself Beautiful

Augusta tries everything in order to make herself look beautiful.

Nataly Fish

Les yeux ne veulent pas en tout temps se fermer, ou Peut-être qu'un jour Rome se permettra de choisir à son tour

Les yeux ne veulent pas en tout temps se fermer, ou Peut-être qu'un jour Rome se permettra de choisir à son tour

Encerclés par la Rome moderne, des acteurs tentent de faire revivre dans les ruines de la Rome Antique la pièce de Corneille, « Othon ».

Nataly Fish

Les malices de Léontine

Les malices de Léontine

Yet again, Léontine ignores the well-meaning advice of her mother. She attempts to hang her downstairs neighbor (played by a man in drag) with a rope, which she then uses to attach a bookseller’s kiosk to a moving vehicle. A vengeful mob and the police gather, as they do, but she entraps them on a scaffolding by removing the rope ladder.

Nataly Fish

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