
Brock Enright: Good Times Will Never Be the Same

Brock Enright: Good Times Will Never Be the Same

Brock Enright, and his girlfriend Kirsten Deirup drive from Brooklyn, NY to her family's cabin in Mendocino, CA to prepare his solo show at a prominent New York gallery. As Enright struggles to produce what could be his most significant work, his relationship with Kirsten, her family, and the gallery is strained by his violent, sexually-explicit, a..

Nataly Fish

Good Morning All the Same

Good Morning All the Same

Mia and Eric have a chance morning conversation.

Nataly Fish

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan

A stop motion film based on the biblical parable about the good Samaritan.

Nataly Fish

Des hommes d'honneur

Des hommes d'honneur

Deux jeunes marines, Louden et Dawson, abattent, au cours d'une action disciplinaire désignée "Code Rouge", un de leur leurs camarades, Santiago. C'est le lieutenant Daniel Kaffee qui est désigné pour assurer leur défense lors de leur procès. Mais si Kaffee entame une défense de pure routine, sa jeune et pugnace adjointe, le lieutenant JoAnn..

Nataly Fish

Bad Samaritan

Bad Samaritan

Sean Falco est voiturier dans un restaurant et tire le diable par la queue. Il profite des voitures confiées par la clientèle pour cambrioler les maisons des clients. Une nuit, en pénétrant dans une maison, il tombre sur une femme nommée Katie qui y est emprisonnée. Effrayé d'aller en prison, il l'abandonne, appelle la police mais se retrouv..

Nataly Fish

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

When a young woman overcoming her traumatic past is among several witnesses who see a man fatally assaulted and don't intervene, they find themselves targeted by someone, or something, out for revenge.

Nataly Fish

Game of Fear

Game of Fear

L'excellent avocat Mitch Brockden commet un délit de fuite mortel, mais c'est Clinton Davis qui est accusé du meurtre, après que le corps ait été retrouvé en sa possession. Sachant que Davis est innocent, Brockden fait annuler le procès. Peu de temps après, la vie parfaite de Brockden commence à s'effondrer lorsqu'il se rend compte que l'h..

Nataly Fish

Life According to Sam

Life According to Sam

Progeria is a rare, fatal genetic condition that causes accelerated aging in children; its young victims rarely live past 13. This moving documentary explores the remarkable world of Sam Berns and the relentless pursuit of a treatment and cure by his parents (both doctors) to save their son from the disease.

Nataly Fish

Good Times, Bad Times

Good Times, Bad Times

Sitting in a restaurant representing the waiting room to the other world, a tired old man watches the patrons who represent him and his immediate family during the important moments of his life. Moments that have impacted him and the family, and have turned him into a man he was at the end of his life. The old man is forced to look these events in ..

Nataly Fish

Only Good Things

Only Good Things

C'est l'histoire de Benedetta, 16 ans, et d'une étrange famille d'accueil. Benedetta est la fille du maire et son rôle social est mis à l'épreuve.

Nataly Fish

That Sounds Good

That Sounds Good

A journey with two girls, one guy, and their complicated love triangle through the magnificent landscapes of three countries: Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

Nataly Fish

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