
The Damned

The Damned

Un américain veuf, dont la femme était originaire de Colombie, retourne dans ce pays avec sa nouvelle fiancée afin de rejoindre Bagota et récupérer sa fille. Après un accident de voiture, ils se retrouvent coincés dans une auberge isolée. Là, ils découvrent que le vieil aubergiste...suite à l'écran !

Nataly Fish

Camino de la horca

Camino de la horca

Gloomy, fatalistic grown-up western.

Nataly Fish



A story of two brothers, both writers of crime novels, one a fine, upstanding gentleman and the other a moody, neurotic, psychopath. The other is determined to create a 'faked' version of a perfect crime he intends to commit when an ex-convict visits them. They are both in love with their shared-stenographer-secretary.

Nataly Fish

Under galgen

Under galgen

Colonel Bjelke is disturbed by the fact that his beautiful wife Yelva spends a lot of time with Lt. Sparre. Yelva is planning a visit to the fortune teller to find about her future.

Nataly Fish

The Hangman

The Hangman

We follow the last days of an old officer and his housemaid as fear of death, hell and superstition cloud over the mind of the man as he has to sell a sinister ancient wooden figure or his soul will not be saved.

Nataly Fish

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