
Frontera: el mundo con otros ojos
Une maison sans frontières

Une maison sans frontières

Daniel est un membre de l'Organisation. Il est envoyé en mission à Bilbao pour déterminer ce qu'est devenu un garçon de son âge, un ancien membre. Il prend la chambre du garçon dans une drôle de pension de famille. Lorsqu'on lui remet la photo de la petite amie du garçon, il en est tellement impressionné qu'il remet sa mission à plus tard..

Nataly Fish

La frontera del miedo

La frontera del miedo

Nataly Fish

Santo and the Border of Terror

Santo and the Border of Terror

Santo goes up against a mad scientist and a ranch owner who are turning immigrants into mind controlled zombies.

Nataly Fish

The Border

The Border

Eager to reunite with their young daughter after being deported, a married couple enlist the help of a coyote to get them across the border.

Nataly Fish

Bordando la frontera

Bordando la frontera

Women working in factories (Maquilas) at the border, a look into their working conditions and worries (fiction film) and their use of video to document their situation.

Nataly Fish

Sombras en la frontera

Sombras en la frontera

Episodes of the action of the gendarmerie against smuggling.

Nataly Fish

The Frontier Law

The Frontier Law

Barbara, a journalist in the beginning of the 20th century, searches in the border between Portugal and Galicia a bandit called El Argentino. In her travel she meets two men that say that they belong to his gang.

Nataly Fish

Pistoleros de la frontera

Pistoleros de la frontera

"The fastest gun of all" visits his home-town for a few days. All he really wants is to see his wife and som, talk with them about starting over someplace far away... but life interferes with his plans. Remake of The Gunfighter (1950).

Nataly Fish

The Border

The Border

Amid a political crisis, on the border between Colombia and Venezuela, an Andean woman, her husband, and brother live on looting travelers. However fate pushes her to the brink of illusion and getting lost in mysterious dreams.

Nataly Fish

La última frontera

La última frontera

Nataly Fish

Blue Frontier

Blue Frontier

Aga, an Inuit woman who is holding on to life in her deathbed undertakes a mysterious journey, travelling through different people who have close ties to the sea.

Nataly Fish

La frontera olvidada

La frontera olvidada

A young officer recently arrived from Buenos Aires takes charge of a military base on the edge of the desert.

Nataly Fish

La frontera sin ley

La frontera sin ley

Series western -- cowboy hero "Martin Romero, el Rapido."

Nataly Fish

The Frontier

The Frontier

De Armas' last production, La frontera (1967), is a cartoon with an implausible plasticity recreated from geometric figures. This anime evokes the geopolitical conflicts of “the border and ends up turning the disputed land into the space of both opponents. However, even though it is less introspective than other of his materials, La frontera is a..

Nataly Fish

El Fortín, más allá de la frontera
El hijo de Santo en frontera sin ley

El hijo de Santo en frontera sin ley

Bad Italian guy is buying all the land in a Mexican border town, for some reason, and his henchmen are killing anybody who interferes with him. Most of the town's men have moved to USA to escape him, so four comic-relief guys and a truckload of children take down the real estate gangsters, with a little help from two wrestlers.

Nataly Fish

El terror de la frontera

El terror de la frontera

After being gunned down in a bar-fight, a guy reappears in town looking for revenge on his murderer.

Nataly Fish

Code... Death: Frontera Sur

Code... Death: Frontera Sur

Two American soldiers travel through the woods to stop the sinister colonel.

Nataly Fish

Another Frontier

Another Frontier

Hannah and her son Leon flee from a war that has isolated their country. Trying to cross the border, they enter No Man’s Land, a refugee camp that provides them with a bed and food, but will subject them to a severely oppressive system forcing them to compete to be able to stay at the camp. Claus, an old acquaintance, claims to know a secret abou..

Nataly Fish

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