
Qu'est-il arrivé à Cari Farver ?

Qu'est-il arrivé à Cari Farver ?

Dave est garagiste et père de deux enfants qu’il élève avec son ex-compagne, Sara. Séducteur invétéré, il fréquente Liz, également mère de deux enfants. Alors que cette dernière souhaiterait voir leur relation évoluer, Dave, lui, refuse de s’engager. Un jour, Dave fait la connaissance de Cari. Mère célibataire, elle est très proc..

Nataly Fish

Détective Conan - La disparition de Conan

Détective Conan - La disparition de Conan

Parti aux bains publics avec son groupe d'amis, Conan se change dans les vestiaires auprès d'un homme ayant un comportement louche. Se rendant dans les bains, Conan fait une chute qui lui fait perdre connaissance. Le malfaiteur, pensant que Conan a des doutes sur ce qu'il était en train de manigancer, décide de l'enlever, prétextant l'emmener �..

Nataly Fish

Seven Images of Disappearance

Seven Images of Disappearance

Seven images, each staging their own disappearance.

Nataly Fish

Swipe, Match, Murder: The Disappearance of Grace Millane

Swipe, Match, Murder: The Disappearance of Grace Millane

The story of the murder of British backpacker Grace Millane and how her killer was caught.

Nataly Fish

Heartless Disappearance Into Labrador Seas

Heartless Disappearance Into Labrador Seas

When a marriage is threatened by a long excursion for work, domestic trouble is buffeted by family and friends.

Nataly Fish

La disparue de Yellowstone

La disparue de Yellowstone

Après être tombée en panne avec sa voiture dans un parc national, une femme découvre que sa fille adolescente a disparu. Accusée d'enlèvement, la mère de famille désespérée fait équipe avec un mécanicien local pour tenter de la retrouver...

Nataly Fish

Blue Hour: The Disappearance of Nick Brandreth

Blue Hour: The Disappearance of Nick Brandreth

True crime documentarian Olivia Brandreth was nine years old when her father disappeared. The official police statement was suicide though no body was ever recovered. Twenty five years later, Olivia has returned to her childhood home to finally get closure in an unrelenting attempt to set the record straight. Blue Hour chronicles the journey of a d..

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of Vonnie

The Disappearance of Vonnie

Corrine Kaczmarek is seeking desperately for the truth in the case of the mysterious disappearance of her sister Vonnie.

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of Kevin Johnson

The Disappearance of Kevin Johnson

The Disappearance of Kevin Johnson is a mockumentary on the disappearance of a fictitious wealthy British film producer, Kevin Johnson, who is dealing in sex, lies and blackmail in Hollywood.

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of Aimee

The Disappearance of Aimee

In 1926, celebrated evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson mysteriously disappeared. She turned up several weeks later and recounted the details of her kidnapping and escape to authorities. Not everyone believed her, however, and she was accused of having gone away to have an affair with a married man. A court hearing took place to reveal the truth.

Nataly Fish

La disparition de Giulia

La disparition de Giulia

Le jour de ses 50 ans, Julia prend conscience que l'âge rend invisible. Frustrée, elle part faire les magasins et rencontre un inconnu avec qui elle décide de passer la soirée plutôt qu'avec ses amis.

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance Of Lenka Wood

The Disappearance Of Lenka Wood

A woman is kidnapped on her honeymoon and her ex-soldier husband endeavors to free her. A kidnap thriller set in New York and Turkey.

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of the Millbrook Twins

The Disappearance of the Millbrook Twins

Nearly thirty years ago, 15-year-old African American twins, Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook, vanished off the street. Their case gained little media attention and many question whether it was properly investigated.

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of Mrs. Wu

The Disappearance of Mrs. Wu

Aware that her time is running short, irascible Wu family matriarch Lily is eager to repair the strained relationship with her adult daughter Mary and help her shy 18-year-old granddaughter Emma find her voice. As her final wish, she persuades longtime friend Charlotte, Emma and Emma’s best friend Karen to spring her from her L.A. nursing home an..

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of Toby Blackwood

The Disappearance of Toby Blackwood

Mid-quarantine, Wes Crowley learns that a childhood friend and popular YouTube conspiracy theorist, Toby Blackwood, is missing. He and his friend Luke try to track Toby down and attempt to make sense of what little clues are left behind.

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of Willie Bingham

The Disappearance of Willie Bingham

Progressive Amputation is introduced as a new form of punishment for particularly heinous crimes, in this pitch-black social satire by Matt Richards.

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca

The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca

A journalist starts an investigation into the disappearance of famed poet and political agitator, Garcia Lorca, who disappeared after his arrest by the Nationalists in the early days of the Spanish Civil War in the the 1930's.

Nataly Fish

The Disappearance of Nora

The Disappearance of Nora

A beautiful woman is found stranded in the desert with no recollection of who she is or how she got there, so a casino boss makes it his mission to help her.

Nataly Fish

Le Vieux qui ne voulait pas payer l'addition

Le Vieux qui ne voulait pas payer l'addition

Un ancien espion centenaire, excentrique et sans le sou, entraîne un jeune octogénaire au bout du monde pour retrouver la formule d'un soda datant de l'ère soviétique.

Nataly Fish

Le Vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire

Le Vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire

Le jour de son 100ème anniversaire, un homme s'échappe de sa maison de retraite pour une cavale rocambolesque, certain qu'il n'est pas trop tard pour tout recommencer à zéro. Débute alors une aventure inattendue et hilarante aux côtés d'un escroc, d'un vendeur de hot-dogs, d'une rousse et d'un éléphant…

Nataly Fish

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