
47 Meters Down

47 Meters Down

Une expédition d'observation des requins tourne au cauchemar. Deux sœurs se retrouvent bloquées au fond de l'océan dans une cage d'observation. Lorsque le cable de la cage se brise, le manque d'oxygène les guette, de même que des grands requins blancs, attirés par le sang.

Nataly Fish

Cave In

Cave In

When a cave in threatens the lives of four miners, including a father and son, it becomes a fight for survival. The superintendent (Mimi Rogers) struggles against the ticking clock to save her crew and family from impending doom.

Nataly Fish

The Mermaid

The Mermaid

After listening to an old man tell a story of his marriage to a real life mermaid, some sailors decide to see if they can find mermaid brides of their own.

Nataly Fish

Le pêcheur de perles

Le pêcheur de perles

Captivated by a vision of beckoning women, a man dives into the ocean, and soon finds himself walking on the ocean floor. After encountering numerous sea creatures, he comes to a giant oyster. When the oyster is opened, a strange adventure begins for the diver.

Nataly Fish

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