
The Golden Lotus: Love and Desire

The Golden Lotus: Love and Desire

A corrupt local official, Xi Men Qing, who lusts after women and money, pursues his brother's young wife, Lee Ping Er. Ping finds Men attractive, and under her drunken husband's nose, she and Men work their way through the illustrations of a pillow book, the "Golden Lotus." Men pursues the same feat with his fourth concubine, Pan Jing Lien, who liv..

Nataly Fish

People's Republic of Desire

People's Republic of Desire

Aujourd'hui, 422 millions de Chinois regardent du streaming en direct, un marché qui atteindrait 15,9 milliards de dollars. Retour sur l'histoire de deux stars en ligne qui sont passées de l'anonymat à la gloire et à la richesse dans l'Empire du Milieu. Leurs salles de discussion en ligne sont devenues des lieux de rassemblement virtuels pour l..

Nataly Fish

One Desire

One Desire

Clint Saunders tient la banque dans une luxueuse salle de jeux de la petite ville d'Oil Hill. Sa petite amie Tracy Cromwell est hôtesse au même endroit. Quand Clint perd son travail, ils se séparent. Ce dernier trouve un poste à Randsberg dans le Colorado, dans un important établissement financier. Tracy rejoint son ami alors que ce dernier se..

Nataly Fish



One man. One job. But in the desert, nothing is simple. Presenting Desire, created in collaboration with Ridley Scott Associates

Nataly Fish



The movie tells a tale of a young Filipino woman who believes that her American father has died, but gets romantically involved with a man who might possibly be her father.Bessie is a young woman who was raised by her widowed mother, who tells her that her American air force father died in a car accident shortly before her birth. As Bessie nears gr..

Nataly Fish



Stockholm resident Hampus is selling himself to other men, but not primarily to make money. Seeking something deeper, it dawns on him that the relationships with the men are neither mutual nor equal.

Nataly Fish



A small robot is created and sets out into the world, happily performing his simple tasks. Suddenly, in a small but profound way, the world, as he knows it, changes. What follows is a downward spiral of jealousy, resentment and unrestrained desire. This animated musical short features Rob Fetters" pop-rock gem, "Desire."

Nataly Fish



Relation between man, nature and dreams

Nataly Fish



Sexuality in Germany from 1910 to 1945: beginning with back-to-nature mountain camps and schools that fused athleticism, same-sex intimacy, and nudity; the openly-gay bars during the Weimer Republic; and, Nazi suppression of male and female homosexuality. Historians discuss pedagogical Eros, Hirschfeld's theories and his institute of sexual science..

Nataly Fish



Independent videomaker, Julie Gustafson, invites a diverse group of teenage girls from New Orleans to make autobiographical videos exploring their developing sexuality and identity. An unprecedented long-term collaboration, DESIRE weaves together the girls’ video work, the stories of their changing lives, as well as the family, social and economi..

Nataly Fish



A somewhat unhappy man and wife are touring New York's Prospect Park, when they encounter a pair of sailors on shore leave. The wife and one sailor give in to their desire and tarry a bit. Later, after they all get back together, the wife realizes she is not the only one with unsatisfied desires.

Nataly Fish



A small robot is born and sets out into the world, happily performing his simple tasks.

Nataly Fish



MS-DOS demoscene short film that showcases computer animation, art and music.

Nataly Fish



A darkly vibed homage to lust and love, an interactive visual journey for the viewers to choose their own adventure by pushing “pleasure” and “pain” buttons.

Nataly Fish



An uncensored conversations between a couple about their future relationship. They talk about romantic comedy, unrealistic character, phone sex and sacrifice.

Nataly Fish

Jacques Désiré Laval – Un homme parmi les autres

Jacques Désiré Laval – Un homme parmi les autres

Un siècle et demi après sa mort des dizaines de milliers de Mauriciens de toutes religions traversent l’île à pied pour aller à sa rencontre. Et si c’était cela le vrai miracle du Père Laval ? Ce film raconte son histoire.

Nataly Fish

Desire To Kill

Desire To Kill

Un patient souffrant de stress post-traumatique et attaché à son lit se retrouve à partager sa chambre avec un gangster à la recherche d'un patient amnésique. Il va devoir le tuer avant d'être reconnu.

Nataly Fish

Un tramway nommé Désir

Un tramway nommé Désir

Heureuse en ménage avec un ouvrier d’origine polonaise, Stanley Kowalski, Stella, d’extraction plus noble, voit arriver dans son minable appartement à La Nouvelle-Orléans sa sœur, Blanche DuBois. Ce qui ne devait être qu’une halte de quelques jours se transforme en un long séjour qui n’en finit plus. L’intrusion de cette femme dans ..

Nataly Fish



Through a collage of intimate stories, ‘Desire?’ opens up a dialogue about relationships which do not stand on the edifice of Sex and Sexuality, existing as a minority community within an already persecuted LGBTQIA minority community. The parallel narratives take you through each characters’ world as they navigate through life creating small ..

Nataly Fish

Island of Desire

Island of Desire

A nurse is assigned to work at an island called Isla Bato, where men treat women with lust. As she experiences the people's madness, she plans a way to get out of the island.

Nataly Fish

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