
Passez muscade

Passez muscade

Les escrocs Harold et Snub tentent de déjouer la fausse voyante Miss Goulash et son père "professeur".

Nataly Fish

Cooks and Crooks

Cooks and Crooks

A client offers mail-order private detective Edgar $5,000 for finding $50,000 in a kitchen wall of a residence he claims to own.

Nataly Fish

Felix Crosses the Crooks

Felix Crosses the Crooks

Felix helps the police catch a bank robber by hiding inside a money sack and leading the robber on a chase. He next helps nab a thief stealing sponges from a store by the imaginative use of a friendly elephant.

Nataly Fish

Too Many Crooks

Too Many Crooks

Too Many Crooks is a lost 1927 American comedy silent film directed by Fred C. Newmeyer, written by E.J. Rath and Rex Taylor, and starring Mildred Davis, Lloyd Hughes, George Bancroft, El Brendel, William V. Mong, John St. Polis, and Otto Matieson. It was released on April 2, 1927, by Paramount Pictures.

Nataly Fish

Too Many Crooks

Too Many Crooks

A man tries to burgle his own safe on the same night that a professional criminal attempts it.

Nataly Fish



A love circle between a dishonest government employee, a freelance actress, a passionate dancer, and godmother of a local mafia cartel. It could be serious if it wouldn’t be so funny.

Nataly Fish

Les Lignes courbes de Dieu

Les Lignes courbes de Dieu

Alice Gould, une détective privée, se fait passer pour une malade mentale afin d'entrer dans un hôpital psychiatrique et de rassembler des preuves pour l'affaire sur laquelle elle travaille : la mort d'un patient dans des circonstances peu claires.

Nataly Fish

Crazy Crooks

Crazy Crooks

Slapstick movie about 2 swindlers, Kong Kun Chat (Karl Maka) and Moo Pi Chide (Dean Shek) who gambled with fake money with someone else to get back real money. At least Kong and Moo thought it was real money. Turned out the money was also fake, and a death warrent is issued for them. Luckily, a little kid Mak Tau saves their lives. - Yellow Hammer

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ABE Mafia... National academy of crooks
Crooked Business

Crooked Business

A politician's romantic getaway with his secret lover goes awry when his wife unknowingly joins their flight, and he takes drastic measures to avoid her.

Nataly Fish

Le Voyou

Le Voyou

Simon le Suisse, un gangster condamné pour l'enlèvement d'un enfant (ce que l'on apprend qu'à la fin du film), parvient à s'évader de prison. Il trouve une planque et reprend contact avec ses anciens complices. Il cherche un moyen de se venger du père de l'enfant, Gallois, celui-ci ayant participé au coup avant de le dénoncer à la police. ..

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Peponi: The Paradise of Crooks

Peponi: The Paradise of Crooks

A story about a young African man living with his beautiful childhood love interest in a bedroom shack, struggling to find work. He then gets a once in a lifetime opportunity to earn money and have a lifestyle beyond his wildest dreams working for a corrupt organization. This dream lifestyle turns to a nightmare when authorities close in on him to ..

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Crook's Honor

Crook's Honor

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Crooks in Tails

Crooks in Tails

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The Crooks

The Crooks

Ah Shou (Ye Feng), who appears dimwitted, cleverly outwits a street hawker, Ah Mou (Liu Lu Hua), who befriends him and forms an alliance. Together, they orchestrate various schemes: dining without paying, blackmailing the clients of a brothel, and renting a room to unsuspecting girls but tricking them into thinking the place is haunted, causing the..

Nataly Fish

Family of Crooks

Family of Crooks

A family feigns insanity to fraudulently claim an enormous amount of health insurance money. Have they gone off the deep end and can no longer distinguish reality from make-believe?

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Un Beau voyou

Un Beau voyou

Le commissaire Beffrois attend la retraite avec un enthousiasme mitigé quand un vol de tableau retient son attention. Est-ce l’élégance du procédé ? L’audace du délit ? La beauté de l’œuvre volée ? Beffrois se lance à la recherche d’un voleur atypique, véritable courant d’air, acrobate à ses heures.

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Two police detectives must protect a beautiful call girl from mob hitmen and a crooked cop.

Nataly Fish



Corrupt police and racially motivated attacks against Indian students complicate a re-located crook's life in Australia.

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Au royaume des miroirs déformants

Au royaume des miroirs déformants

La petite écolière soviétique Olia n'écoute jamais sa grand-mère, jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre son propre reflet dans un miroir magique. Olia et son image, une petite fille nommée Yalo, se retrouvent dans le royaume des miroirs déformants, où ces objets si nécessaires dans la vie quotidienne n’existent que sous cette forme caricatura..

Nataly Fish

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