
Courier from 'Paradise'

Courier from 'Paradise'

A funny story about the Moscow policemen travel to a small town.

Nataly Fish

The Courier

The Courier

The courier Aziz needs money to save his wife. She is in a hospital clinging to life. Aziz has to make a deal with the devil getting money for her

Nataly Fish

Le Courir Sauter & permanent Photo de film

Le Courir Sauter & permanent Photo de film

Un court-métrage sans aucune action directe conçue plus comme une expérience, avec des scènes comiques disjointes sans fil commun.

Nataly Fish

Courier Boy Kalyan

Courier Boy Kalyan

A courier boy's life turn into unexpected consequences because of a courier received from a social service activist.

Nataly Fish

Courrier de Chine

Courrier de Chine

La lenteur des transports maritimes et l'exploit de Lindbergh donne l'idée à un ancien pilote de guerre de se lancer dans le transport aérien. Avec l'aide de pilotes confirmés et d'un ingénieur, il ouvre de nouvelles lignes et construit des aéroplanes.

Nataly Fish

Rien ne sert de courir

Rien ne sert de courir

Wile E. Coyote tries to catch the Road Runner by enclosing himself inside an indestructible steel ball.

Nataly Fish

The Night Courier

The Night Courier

A woman who feeds people to monsters chases a victim who manages to escape, which turns into a chase from hell.

Nataly Fish

Vous devez courir vite

Vous devez courir vite

Le Dr Frank Harlow est en train d'essayer de sauver un homme mal battu par deux gangsters qu'il identifie à la police. Lorsque la victime meurt la charge devient assassiner et Harlow il hightails dans les bois loin où il trouve un emploi comme commis Roger Condon dans un magasin d'articles de sport. Le plan de Harlow est de mettre bas jusqu'à ce..

Nataly Fish

Rien ne sert de courir après un lapin

Rien ne sert de courir après un lapin

Wile E. Coyote, génie, tente de saisir Bugs Bunny avec l'aide d'un cerveau électronique Univac.

Nataly Fish

Career Courier: The Labor of Love

Career Courier: The Labor of Love

Documentary by Kenton Hoppas featuring James Adamson, Kevin Bolger, Kurt Boone

Nataly Fish

The Courier

The Courier

When a courier at the D-Day Courier Service mistakenly finds a pile of money in his regular delivery, he does some digging only to discover that the messenger company is a front for a drug ring. A reformed drug user himself, he sets out to crack the lethal ring.

Nataly Fish

Courier Of Death

Courier Of Death

Joey Johnson reluctantly finds himself the Courier of Death. Assigned to deliver a locked briefcase, Johnson is besieged by all sorts of shady-looking types.

Nataly Fish

Bike Couriers in Toronto

Bike Couriers in Toronto

A look into bike couriers' community, their work, and philosophy of life.

Nataly Fish

Kampala Cycling Couriers

Kampala Cycling Couriers

Un documentaire qui suit les fondateurs d'un des premiers services de livraison à vélo en Ouganda et leurs efforts pour construire un business model durable.

Nataly Fish

By Courier

By Courier

By Courier is a 2000 English language short film adapted from a story by O. Henry and directed by Peter Riegert, starring Garret Dillahunt, Claire Lautier and Joey Temperini. It follows two lovers who are no longer speaking. As articulate and intelligent as they are, they can’t breach this gap without the “poetic” assistance of a 13-year-old..

Nataly Fish



After his mother loses her job, Marcus Redmond searches for a way to get money to go to university, even if it does mean going into dangerous business

Nataly Fish

Courier’s rig

Courier’s rig

The authors of the short, animated film chose an unconventional use of 3D computer modelling. It serves them to explore the shapes and textures of various objects in a virtual reality environment where the eye of the observer can view the object from any angle. The art of postmodern sculpture thus presents its creations in various constellations, w..

Nataly Fish

Deposit for the Courier

Deposit for the Courier

The story line, set with in the year 2050, revolves around an intriguing chase from one city to another. With lead character, a young woman cyclist employed as a courier, in inadvertently found a strange navigation device in the desert. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered the device contained a suitcase with money. The plot thickens, however,..

Nataly Fish

The Courier

The Courier

Three Air Force men, a courier, a driver and a plain clothesman are assigned to pick up some important documents in Kingsbury Hall, UNH.

Nataly Fish

Murder of Couriers

Murder of Couriers

Documents the lives of a group of bike messengers over a nearly three-year span. This film was made by couriers, about couriers, for a wide general audience.

Nataly Fish

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