
Cinematic Correspondences: Jaime Rosales - Wang Bing

Cinematic Correspondences: Jaime Rosales - Wang Bing

This correspondence between Spanish auteur Jaime Rosales and critical chronicler of contemporary China Wang Bing is divided into three short films each consisting of documentary observations.

Nataly Fish

Our Correspondent

Our Correspondent

The journalist of the village newspaper Tatyana Nikitina was published in a large metropolitan newspaper, but no one from the villagers believes her, because the article itself was published under her creative pseudonym. Tatyana, offended at everyone, packed her things and left for Moscow, where she was willingly hired for a job in a central newspa..

Nataly Fish

The Teacher's Correspondence

The Teacher's Correspondence

Nataly Fish



In the form of a filmed epistolary conversation, two young, experienced filmmakers discuss film, present and past family, heritage and maternity. The personal and profound reflections—which are embodied in the graceful images taken day-to-day—are suddenly echoed by the political emergency of a country.

Nataly Fish

Cinematic Correspondences: Isaki Lacuesta - Naomi Kawase

Cinematic Correspondences: Isaki Lacuesta - Naomi Kawase

The exhibition 'The Complete Letters' features epistolary works defined by cinematographic creation. This is an experimental communication format used between pairs of film directors. Although each director is situated in a location geographically distant from that of their partner, they are united by their willingness to share ideas and reflection..

Nataly Fish

Village Correspondent

Village Correspondent

The poor and illiterate village worker Dimo is in love with his landlord's daughter and events take their course...

Nataly Fish

Correspondent in Tokyo

Correspondent in Tokyo

Nataly Fish

Víctor Erice – Abbas Kiarostami: Correspondences

Víctor Erice – Abbas Kiarostami: Correspondences

Relationships and multiple influences between two great directors of modern cinema.

Nataly Fish

This World (A Correspondence Between Naomi Kawase and Hirokazu Koreeda)

This World (A Correspondence Between Naomi Kawase and Hirokazu Koreeda)

The film takes shape through the form of a video exchange between Hirokazu Kore-eda and Naomi Kawase. Each films the world around them and intimately reflects on their individual struggles with making films. Kore-eda self-consciously reflects on his process, “What does a camera shoot? What does a film capture? The emptiness in my life reflects in..

Nataly Fish

Notes of a War Correspondent

Notes of a War Correspondent

During a diving drill, the North Korean army finds an UN patrol ship that was sunk in the Korean War and manages to salvage a document from a waterproof iron box that tells the story of several North Korean soldiers and the female army war correspondent who accompanied them on their fatal mission.

Nataly Fish

Is there a correspondence between sound, rhythm and color variation?

Is there a correspondence between sound, rhythm and color variation?

Is there any agreement between colour variation and sound rhythm? Flashes of colour, synchronously shot to a fragment from the ‘Bolero’ by Ravel’.

Nataly Fish



Jorge de Sena was forced to leave his country. First he moved to Brazil, and later to the USA. He never returned to Portugal. During his 20-year-long exile, he kept an epistolary correspondence with Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. These letters are a testimony of the profound friendship between the two poets, letters of longing and of desire to �..

Nataly Fish

Cinematic Correspondences: Albert Serra – Lisandro Alonso

Cinematic Correspondences: Albert Serra – Lisandro Alonso

The exhibition 'The Complete Letters' features epistolary works defined by cinematographic creation. This is an experimental communication format used between pairs of film directors. Although each director is situated in a location geographically distant from that of their partner, they are united by their willingness to share ideas and reflection..

Nataly Fish

Film Correspondence From the Theater of the Italo-Turkish War

Film Correspondence From the Theater of the Italo-Turkish War

Series of nine split-reel documentaries chronicling the Italian-Turkish War.

Nataly Fish

Birds of Arabia, Fragments of Correspondence

Birds of Arabia, Fragments of Correspondence

Simone Weil and Antonio Atarès, an anarchist spanish peasant exiled in France, then deported to Algeria, start a correspondence. Both the past in these letters and the present of their hope in today’s images are what connect them.

Nataly Fish

Correspondence: From My Past Self to My Future Self, Gwangmyeong
From Our Copenhagen's Correspondent

From Our Copenhagen's Correspondent

Two American soldiers fresh from the Vietnam War are haunted by the atrocities that they witnessed and committed while on a vacation in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Nataly Fish

Reason for Seeing: Correspondence I

Reason for Seeing: Correspondence I

When she realizes that her grandmother, the woman who raised her, is losing her sight, the director decides to explore the bond that unites them through the episodes of non-vision that these three generations share, the memories of the past, the misunderstandings and the new memories they seek to have in common.

Nataly Fish



Two commissioned love letters, written by professional writers, are read and interpreted by a hired pair: a gigolo and an actress. Video is based on the motif of a love relationship reduced to purely formal aspects.

Nataly Fish



A film correspondence between Yuri Obitani and Ming-Yu Lee, between Tokyo and Taipei, starting from 2019 to 2021. In the era of the pandemic, they communicate and understand each other through letter films.

Nataly Fish

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