
The Burden

The Burden

When culture vultures apply for citizenship on a new planet colonized by Black people, three judges must decide how to deal with folks who want everything but the burden.

Nataly Fish

Dead Man's Burden

Dead Man's Burden

Quelques années après la Guerre de Sécession à la frontière entre les Etats-Unis et le Mexique. Un western centré sur une famille luttant pour préserver ses terres alors qu'une compagnie minière souhaite les lui acheter...

Nataly Fish

The Burden

The Burden

Based on the short film of the same name; while visiting her boyfriend's family home, a young woman learns about a sinister history with his unsettling neighbor and soon all kinds of skeletons come out of the closet.

Nataly Fish

Scolariser le monde

Scolariser le monde

Si vous vouliez détruire une culture en une génération, comment feriez-vous ? Vous changeriez la manière dont les enfants y sont éduqués. Le gouvernement des États-Unis le savait bien, lorsqu’au 19ème siècle il inscrivait de force les enfants d’indiens d’Amérique dans des écoles gouvernementales. Aujourd’hui, des bénévoles con..

Nataly Fish

Dr. Sam Mulaney's Burden

Dr. Sam Mulaney's Burden

Dr. Sam Mulaney is driven into a state of panic and depression when her patients experience a bizarre infection.

Nataly Fish

Burden of Dykes

Burden of Dykes

Hilarious send-up of psychoanalytical propaganda films, illustrating every absurd cliche about the 'lesbian nature' and raising issues of self-representation and media production. Witness the witty appropriation of the 'mannish lesbian' into a sexy drag king and see the lesbian filmmaker as the ultimate action hero(ine).

Nataly Fish

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens

When an infirm husband learns of the dire circumstances his wife must endure, he makes every effort to bring himself back to health.

Nataly Fish

Beast of Burden: San Francisco's Bike Messenger Community

Beast of Burden: San Francisco's Bike Messenger Community

A look at the San Francisco bike messenger scene in the 90s.

Nataly Fish

Lars von Trier: The Burden From Donald Duck

Lars von Trier: The Burden From Donald Duck

Lars von Trier was interviewed by Christian Lund at his home outside Copenhagen in November 2020.

Nataly Fish

The Burden

The Burden

A lone woman. A mysterious box. A painful journey.

Nataly Fish

Dreams and Burdens

Dreams and Burdens

A retrospective interview with director Werner Herzog.

Nataly Fish

Undue Burden

Undue Burden

Documentary about the difficulties encountered in trying to get the motion to allow alcohol sales in Clark County, Arkansas on a local election ballot.

Nataly Fish

Feast of Burden

Feast of Burden

A group of old friends gather for a dinner party full of dark secrets, mysterious forces and deadly consequences.

Nataly Fish

The Burden of Proof

The Burden of Proof

The Burden of Proof follows the struggle of two African asylum seekers as they fight to produce the evidence to overturn their negative decisions in court. But how do they prove what can't be proven.

Nataly Fish

A Sister's Burden

A Sister's Burden

Compelled to keep house for her father and her younger sister and brother, Martha is deprived of all the pleasures of youth. Ned, who loves her, begs her to elope with him. Martha yields, but while on the way to the minister, decides that her duty lies back home with her father. Heart-broken, Ned leaves for the city.

Nataly Fish

The Sultan's Burden

The Sultan's Burden

Sultan ISSA MAIGARI of the Adamaoua Province, Northern Cameroon, is the traditional political and religious leader experiencing a violent transformation of the political structures in his country. He struggles to survive as a leader through the first democratic elections in Cameroon. How is he to keep the confidence of his court, of the local popul..

Nataly Fish

The Burden of My Company

The Burden of My Company

Unable to find personal fulfillment: Ericson, a young-adult on the horizon of his thirties, dives head-first into an existential spiral of artistic indulgence as he attempts to co-opt his friends into making a movie with him.

Nataly Fish

The Burden of Guilt

The Burden of Guilt

Mallory and Tristan's grief over their son's loss drove them to a boiling point of hate for one another. They seek out Dr. Colburn to help resolve these dark feelings toward each other, hoping to save their marriage.

Nataly Fish

Beasts Of Burden

Beasts Of Burden

A documentary on the bike messenger community of San Francisco during the 1990's

Nataly Fish

Exile: The Burden of Memory

Exile: The Burden of Memory

A documentary following Chilean exiles who have settled in Canada following the military coup of the 70s.

Nataly Fish

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