
Angle mort

Angle mort

Un couple québécois en voyage dans l’arrière-pays de la République de Santiago croise la route d’un psychopathe qui signe ses crimes en brûlant les corps de ses victimes. Un policier est aussi sur la piste du meurtrier…

Nataly Fish

Angle mort

Angle mort

Un flic raciste en fin de carrière, soutenant les thèses du parti d’extrême droite, envisage de se lancer en politique à Anvers. Avant cela, sa dernière enquête, qui l’entraîne à Charleroi, l’amène à remettre en questions ses plus profondes certitudes.

Nataly Fish

Jenny Secoma In: The Blind Spot

Jenny Secoma In: The Blind Spot

Jenny Secoma is an exorcist with not enough jobs, too many bills, and a liver that could use a day off. She’s not feeling too well at the moment. Paranoia and terror hound her at every corner. Sleepless nights, restless days, and the incessant pressure of an unceasing gaze. Something… or someone… is watching her. What could it be?

Nataly Fish

Le voyage à Lyon

Le voyage à Lyon

Elisabeth, jeune historienne allemande, se rend à Lyon pour marcher sur les pas de celle qui la fascine : Flora Tristan, écrivaine, socialiste, pionnière du féminisme au XIXe siècle. Elle connaît toute son œuvre, tous les documents d'archives, mais souhaite aller plus loin. Un siècle et demi après le passage à Lyon de son sujet d'études,..

Nataly Fish

Angle mort

Angle mort

Le policier Tom Faber a été retrouvé abattu dans sa voiture derrière le stade. L'inspecteur Hastert (André Jung) de la police judiciaire mène l'enquête et recherche le meurtrier avec Olivier (Jules Werner), le frère de l'homme assassiné, qui est également policier. Après un premier indice qui a conduit au milieu de la drogue, une prostit..

Nataly Fish

Taches aveugles

Taches aveugles

Sur un plateau de cinéma, peu avant le lever du soleil. La coordinatrice d'intimité interrompt le tournage d'une scène de sexe en raison d'un mouvement non prévu de l'acteur, que le réalisateur a secrètement ordonné. Un conflit éclate.

Nataly Fish

Attentat à la fête de la bière

Attentat à la fête de la bière

Munich, le 26 septembre 1980. Ulrich Chaussy, journaliste à la radio publique bavaroise, emménage avec son épouse dans un nouvel appartement lorsqu'il entend une détonation. Le lendemain, l'événement fait les gros titres : l'explosion d'une bombe artisanale à l'entrée de l'Oktoberfest a fait 13 morts et 211 blessés. L'enquête conclut à u..

Nataly Fish

Blind Spot

Blind Spot

The blind spot detective tries to discover the secrets of a mystery place where people suicide themselves one after another.

Nataly Fish

The Blind Spot

The Blind Spot

Nataly Fish

Blind Spot

Blind Spot

In poetic images, "Blindlings" tells a tale of broken trust and the false prejudices that arise when love is lost. Max "kidnaps" his ex-girlfriend Eva, to take her to a romantic mountain cottage, where he hopes to finally talk things out. They never get there. After their car breaks down in a snowbound forest, Max leaves to find the cottage on foot..

Nataly Fish

Scramble: Blind Spot of Conflict

Scramble: Blind Spot of Conflict

The Kansai Tiger Fang Association and Kanto Shoryukai have decided to hold an unprecedented handmade harmony ceremony in response to the upheaval of the Exclusion Ordinance. However, Takasaki of the Togakai and Fujiki of Shoryukai had the feeling that they could not accept the harmony ceremony. At that time, a murder incident targeting Tajima, the ..

Nataly Fish

You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity

You Throw Like a Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity

NFL veteran Don McPherson examines how definitions of masculinity adversely affect women and create "blind spots" that hinder the healthy development of men. Using examples from his own life, and generously illustrated with clips from motion pictures, McPherson leads us beyond the blind spots of traditional masculinity and toward solutions that eng..

Nataly Fish

Blind Spot

Blind Spot

The man has spent 23 days away from his family at sea. Struggling in a world of uncertainty, he gets back to his house in Tehran only to find out all thoughts racing through his mind are realized. He cannot deal with this situation until …

Nataly Fish

Angle mort

Angle mort

Sous la dictature de Ben Ali, un homme est enlevé, torturé, tué, puis disparaît sans jamais avoir été retrouvé. Il revient nous parler trente ans plus tard. En faisant sienne la question de sa propre mère : Où avez-vous déposé le corps de mon fils ?

Nataly Fish

Blind Spot

Blind Spot

Lupa finds the drug addict Gladki who escaped from the hospital. She locks him in a rented room with the intention of helping him get rid of his addiction. But in between the walls of the isolated room the boundaries between the prisoner and the warden start to disappear. Horrible secrets are uncovered and Lupa begins to fight for her own freedom. ..

Nataly Fish

Blind Spot

Blind Spot

The guarded estate becomes an arena for confrontation between blasé rich people and and illegally working immigrant.

Nataly Fish

Ponto cego

Ponto cego

A woman's paranoia makes her day miserable.

Nataly Fish

Blind Spot

Blind Spot

On a trip to Mexico I saw many things that I could not understand. This film is a meditation on those things.

Nataly Fish

Blind Spot

Blind Spot

A group of fathers to children with cancer set out on a journey in Romania. For the first time in their lives, they are forced to admit their vulnerability. Golan Rise, the film's director, is one of those fathers. His son has a tumour that makes it difficult for him to see. Golan hides behind the camera and is not really willing to admit that his ..

Nataly Fish

La poudre aux yeux

La poudre aux yeux

What do you do if you are a reporter with a deadline and you are going blind? This French drama answers that question. Arnold is a crack television reporter assigned to cover an uprising in northern Sri Lanka. Recently he has suffered great headaches and his eyes have been tired. Before leaving he has a doctor check him and is appalled by the diagn..

Nataly Fish

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