
Waiting for Beckett

Waiting for Beckett

Teenage Danny sits in the waiting room of a hospital with his homophobic and desperate father and his older brother Beckett’s outspoken, secret boyfriend after Beckett has been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.

Nataly Fish

The Letters From Leon Maxwell-Beckett

The Letters From Leon Maxwell-Beckett

Letters shared with a long distance camp crush with an unexpected turn of events.

Nataly Fish

Beckett Directs Beckett: Endgame by Samuel Beckett

Beckett Directs Beckett: Endgame by Samuel Beckett

Hamm is blind and unable to stand; Clov, his servant, is unable to sit; Nagg and Nell are his father and mother, who are legless and live in dustbins. Together they live in a room with two windows, but there may be nothing at all outside.

Nataly Fish

Beckett Directs Beckett: Krapp's Last Tape by Samuel Beckett

Beckett Directs Beckett: Krapp's Last Tape by Samuel Beckett

Sitting alone on his 69th birthday, Krapp reflects upon the last 30 years of his life as he listens to an old tape recording of himself he made on his 39th Birthday.

Nataly Fish

The Remaking of Samuel Beckett’s What Where

The Remaking of Samuel Beckett’s What Where

A documentary which offers insights into the adaptation of the original stage play and the making of this new production of Beckett's work.

Nataly Fish

Slow Angle Walk (Beckett Walk)

Slow Angle Walk (Beckett Walk)

A fixed camera turned on its side records Nauman repeating for nearly an hour a laborious sequence of body movements inspired by passages in works by Samuel Beckett that describe similarly repetitive and meaningless activities. Hands clasped behind his back, he kicks one leg up at a right angle to his body, pivots forty-five degrees, falls forward ..

Nataly Fish

Als wär's von Beckett

Als wär's von Beckett

A married couple is having a caustic argument in front of a camera.

Nataly Fish

Sniper 3

Sniper 3

Thomas Beckett est le meilleur sniper de l'armée américaine. Mais lorsqu'il découvre que son ami qu'il croyait mort est en réalité un dangereux agent secret, Beckett a pour mission de le pourchasser jusqu'au Vietnam et de l'éliminer...

Nataly Fish

Sniper - Tireur d'élite

Sniper - Tireur d'élite

Après avoir perdu son caporal au combat, le sergent Thomas Beckett, tireur d'élite d'exception, est décidé à travailler en solo. Mais ce n'est pas du goût de ses supérieurs qui lui imposent un premier de classe, Richard Miller, un champion de tir olympique sans aucune connaissance du terrain. Malgré leurs différences, les deux hommes doive..

Nataly Fish

Sniper 2

Sniper 2

Le sergent Thomas Beckett reprend du service pour une nouvelle mission dans les Balkans : éliminer à tout prix le Général Valstoria, accusé de génocide. Un objectif en apparence simple mais qui se revélera bien plus compliqué qu'il n'y paraît.

Nataly Fish

Dance First

Dance First

De nombreux aspects de la vie du géant littéraire Samuel Beckett : bon vivant parisien, résistant de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, dramaturge lauréat du prix Nobel, mari coureur de jupons et reclus.

Nataly Fish



A man attempts to evade observation by an all-seeing eye.

Nataly Fish

Not I

Not I

A young woman sits down in a chair. Only her mouth is visible as she begins to speak at a rapid clip, describing events that she insists did not really happen to her.

Nataly Fish

Waiting for Godot

Waiting for Godot

Two tramps wait for a man named Godot, but instead meet a pompous man and his stooped-over slave.

Nataly Fish



The land is filled with people in urns chattering at top speed, but only to themselves, not to one another. The focus goes to three people: a man, his mistress and his wife.

Nataly Fish

What Where

What Where

There are five survivors in a futuristic library. Bam is their supreme dictator, and has the others interrogated and tortured, believing them to have said where. What Bam means is unclear, but he distrusts all.

Nataly Fish

Happy Days

Happy Days

An adaptation of Samuel Beckett's absurdist drama. An ordinary woman lives her humdrum life half-buried in a pile of dirt; her husband is partially visible behind her. She goes through her daily routines, ever hopeful that this is going to be a happy day.

Nataly Fish

A Piece of Monologue

A Piece of Monologue

As the rain patters outside, an old man talks to himself about birth, death, funerals, lamps, missing pictures and "loved ones" - a term he perpetually avoids using.

Nataly Fish

Rough for Theatre I

Rough for Theatre I

An old blind beggar and an old cripple in a wheelchair meet on a desolate street corner. The latter proposes that the two form an alliance, but the men are not destined to get along together.

Nataly Fish

Act Without Words I

Act Without Words I

A hot, thirsty man in the desert is tormented when the things he needs drop from the sky only to disappear again or hover out of his reach.

Nataly Fish

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