
Le Grand Alibi

Le Grand Alibi

Pierre Collier est mort... Assassiné chez le sénateur Henri Pages au cours d'un week-end de villégiature.Sa femme, Claire, est la coupable désignée. Elle a été arrêtée un revolver à la main à côté de la victime. Sans doute a-t-elle des raisons d'avoir voulu se venger de son mari volage.Pourtant, les apparences peuvent être trompeuses...

Nataly Fish

Chacun son alibi

Chacun son alibi

Trois couples de Romains empruntent le train pour se rendre à Monte-Carlo : Franzetti (Alberto Sordi), joueur impénitent, et son épouse Eleonora (Dorian Gray) ; des artisans-coiffeurs, les Capretti (Vittorio Gassman et Silvana Mangano) ; deux pauvres citoyens, Quirino et Giovanna Filonzi (Nino Manfredi et Franca Valeri) qui, après avoir retrouv..

Nataly Fish

Dual Alibi

Dual Alibi

Des frères jumeaux trapèziste trouvent un ticket de loterie.

Nataly Fish

Dark Alibi

Dark Alibi

After three men are convicted of bank robberies, Charlie becomes suspicious. After some investigation Charlie finds the men are innocent and that the fingerprint evidence used to convict them had been forged. Charlie then proceeds to find the true bank robbers.

Nataly Fish



Three friends meeting after the absence of one of them for 15 years out of the country. This sudden gathering give them the opportunity to examine their life, to criticize one another on their achievements.

Nataly Fish

An Alibi for Death

An Alibi for Death

Lawyer Maria Rohn takes on the case of Martin Siebeck. The truck driver allegedly ran over a man on the highway. Siebeck denies the crime and states that two people threw the victim in front of his truck at full speed. The more Maria Rohn looks into the case, the more she notices inconsistencies. Her husband Günther is also behaving more and more ..

Nataly Fish



A fin de ne pas être soupçonné d'un assassinat qu'il vient de commettre, Winckler, un télépathe de music-hall, a échaffaudé un plan qu'il croit parfait. En offrant une forte somme d'argent à Hélène, une entraîneuse, il persuade cette dernière de lui fournir un alibi en révélant à la police qu'elle a passé la nuit avec lui. Le commis..

Nataly Fish

Un alibi

Un alibi

Une bande d'amis de longue date se retrouve chez Max et Lucie pour fêter les 45 ans de celle-ci. En arrivant, les trois invités découvrent Max agenouillé devant le corps de sa femme, assassinée. Celui-ci est certain que la police va l'inculper. Tout l'accuse. Ses amis, persuadés de son innocence décident de lui fournir un alibi. Mais la poli..

Nataly Fish

Kein Alibi für eine Leiche

Kein Alibi für eine Leiche

Nataly Fish

A 105 p.c. Alibi

A 105 p.c. Alibi

On an early Sunday evening, people of the small town are reading lottery results that are hung on a board. Young man Karel Antos is annoyed that his lottery-ticket missed the main prize, a car, by only one number. Karel is going to the pub to drink away his bad luck with his friend Jirka Broz. The old accountant auditor Zelinka drops a wallet. Kare..

Nataly Fish

Alibi on the Lake

Alibi on the Lake

Miss Nováková reports to Major Tuma (Karel Höger) from the police about the disappearance of her roommate, the model Zuzana. Shortly afterwards, a film director named Konrád (Otomar Krejca) asks Tuma to cooperate on a new cinéma-vérité film describing the story of Zuzana's disappearance.

Nataly Fish

Where an Alibi Is Not Everything

Where an Alibi Is Not Everything

“A bored housewife, a husband who married her for show, and a stupid boy who is full of himself because he is dating a Swiss woman.” The words of Inspector Tůma sound like they’re from a European melodrama, but in fact they come from a Czechoslovak crime story. A pair of detectives, counterfeit medicine, the high-society setting of a Karlovy..

Nataly Fish

The Alibi of the 5th Cement Park Live Art Festival

The Alibi of the 5th Cement Park Live Art Festival

November 2022, in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic, a mutual friend of ours, B.A.T., a sound and performance artists, and director of experimental art venue FA ZHAN in Chengdu, suddenly disappeared. Lost his track of all contacts. Until December, he still didn’t show up at Shanghai for the 5th Cement Park Live Art Festival. We tracked threads of in..

Nataly Fish

The Third Alibi

The Third Alibi

A composer (Laurence Payne) is stuck in a middle-class marriage and finds that his affair with his wife's half-sister (Jane Griffiths) has resulted in a pregnancy. When his wife refuses to give him a divorce he hatches a murder scheme that is too clever by half.

Nataly Fish

Alibi Mark

Alibi Mark

When an out-of-work Chicagoan travels west as a hobo on a freight train, he finds himself falsely accused of murder.

Nataly Fish

Circle of Fear

Circle of Fear

Michael Woods stars as Tony Giordani, a narcotics agent who learns that his wife has been murdered while he is recuperating from an attack by a mysterious stranger. His boss thinks it's a Mafia vendetta, but Tony follows the clues to an empty house which his wife had been photographing on the day of her murder. There, he finds a burned corpse and s..

Nataly Fish

The Falcon's Alibi

The Falcon's Alibi

A society sleuth sets out on the trail of a society matron's lost jewels.

Nataly Fish

No Alibi

No Alibi

Bob Lessing is a successful businessman who becomes amorously entangled with a dangerous and mysterious woman. What Lessing doesn't realize is that she has been sent by her powerful criminal boyfriend Vic Haddock to collect a large sum of drug money owed to him by Bob's murdered brother.

Nataly Fish

Strange Alibi

Strange Alibi

An undercover cop finds himself on the wrong side of the law when the mob discovers his true identity.

Nataly Fish

Double Alibi

Double Alibi

A man's ex-wife is found murdered, and he finds himself to be the prime suspect.

Nataly Fish

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