


"after + math (((mowing, crop))) a second growth crop" ... this my strongest attack on pop culture, the movies, TV, etc. - what CAN be done with it? / The idealism of moving-visual-thought-process, the very raw meat of brain, trying to absorb and transform "the unthinkable": this, then, that second harvest of healthier gain ... retrieving patriotis..

Nataly Fish



On a normal day to school teenagers Charlie, Maren, and Darrell find themselves in the aftermath of a not so good situation. They must look within themselves and somehow find the way to cope after witnessing something horrible that happens all the time, a school shooting.

Nataly Fish



An amateur killer goes to their hideaway, awaiting their partner in crime, who doesn't show. Soon, the paranoia begins to settle in. This was the first film I made for a competition. The key word was "spring", which I took and made part of the backstory, as they killed their target via bomb triggered by bed spring. Also, Justin Kurzel saw the movie..

Nataly Fish



In the midst of a war, separated from the rest of their army, two soldiers must fight both the enemy and the elements when they become lost in the forest.

Nataly Fish



An adaptation of a war poem by Siegfried Sassoon. "Aftermath" was broadcast on every Armistice Day for many years after the war.

Nataly Fish



A single mother struggles with the day-to-day challenges of raising her daughter, holding down a job, and grieving her husband’s death.

Nataly Fish



Aftermath tells the story of the fallout of 9/11, and those left behind to pick up the pieces. The second of two 48 minute parts explores how a city came together to honour those who died protecting it from those who would wish it harm.

Nataly Fish



To love is to care and to hold strong what you cherish the most, but the moment obsession is noticed between two love birds, it either one party takes a bow or one ends up six feet beneath, Love this day is not blind, be watchful.

Nataly Fish



A financially stable home has never been easy to attain. The wife battles an intruder to keep her husband secured

Nataly Fish

Dead Space : Aftermath

Dead Space : Aftermath

En 2059, la Terre a perdu contact aussi bien avec l'USG Ishimura qu'avec le bâtiment venu à son secours, le O'Bannon.Seuls quatre membres de ce vaisseau sont encore en vie. Qu'est-il arrivé au reste de l'équipage...

Nataly Fish

Aftermath, les chroniques de l'après monde

Aftermath, les chroniques de l'après monde

Que deviendrait la planète Terre lorsque l’Homme disparaitra ? Ce document tente de l’imaginer par l’apport de la science et de la recherche moderne. Pour la première fois, les scientifiques nous narrent un monde sans humanité dès les premières secondes après que l’homme eut disparu. Combien de temps les traces de l’activité humain..

Nataly Fish

Cœurs ennemis

Cœurs ennemis

Hambourg 1946, au sortir de la guerre, Rachel rejoint son mari Lewis, officier anglais en charge de la reconstruction de la ville dévastée. En emménageant dans leur nouvelle demeure, elle découvre qu’ils devront cohabiter avec les anciens propriétaires, un architecte allemand et sa fille. Alors que cette promiscuité forcée avec l’ennemi ..

Nataly Fish



Two brothers are trying to find out the truth from years ago. The whole town is against them.

Nataly Fish

2149: The Aftermath

2149: The Aftermath

In an oppressive future, where everyone's only contact is their computer, one lonely young man is forced to venture forth in search of human contact.

Nataly Fish

In the Aftermath

In the Aftermath

In a radiation-soaked wasteland, two surviving soldiers, Frank and Goose, search for essential supplies amid the rubble. After a violent confrontation, Frank is haunted by visions of an angelic young girl holding a giant egg, herself a refugee from another world altogether. Could the egg be the key to saving both their world?

Nataly Fish

The Aftermath

The Aftermath

Deux astronautes reviennent sur Terre (à quelques kilomètres des côtes de Los Angeles) pour découvrir qu'elle a été détruite par la guerre nucléaire. L.A. a été repris par Cutter et sa bande de motards hors-la-loi. Les viols et les pillages. Bien sûr, il y a aussi des mutants. Les astronautes sont en contact avec les seules personnes nor..

Nataly Fish

Aftermath – The second flood

Aftermath – The second flood

After the destructions that where caused by the tsunami, the insulars of an Indian archipelago are rolled over by another surge of ruination: the flood of international aid organizations, which pluck this premodern civilisation into the 21st century. The film depicts the partially heroic attempts of the Nicobareses, to live in this world without dr..

Nataly Fish

Chris Benoit: The Aftermath

Chris Benoit: The Aftermath

In a business such as pro wrestling, it is hard to be shocked or surprised by anything. But on one weekend in June of 2007 the wrestling world collectively dropped to it’s knees in awe. The bodies of wrestling superstar Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their 7 year old son Daniel were found in their suburban Georgia home. The information that wou..

Nataly Fish

Hiroshima, la véritable histoire

Hiroshima, la véritable histoire

Les noms sont entrés dans la mémoire collective, et ils résonnent encore de manière macabre. Le projet atomique américain s’appelait "Manhattan Project", la bombe, "Little Boy", et l’avion qui a ouvert sa soute, Enola Gay. Le 6 août 1945, sur ordre du président Truman, un bombardier B-29 largue sur Hiroshima la première arme nucléaire ..

Nataly Fish

The Aftermath of Murder

The Aftermath of Murder

It doesn't matter if it takes me a lifetime. - R.A

Nataly Fish

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